Filters: Author is Stephen M. Rock [Clear All Filters]
"Development of a Programmable Rotational Motion Laboratory Demonstrator",
Proceedings of AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference: AIAA, August, 2010.
"Closed-Loop Terrain Relative Navigation for AUVs with Non-Inertial Grade Navigation Sensors",
IEEE-OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Conference (AUV), Monterey, CA, 09/2010.
"Estimation of Iceberg Motion for Mapping by AUVs",
IEEE-OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Conference (AUV), Monterey, CA, 08/2010.
"Optimal Despin of a Tumbling Satellite with an Arbitrary Thruster Configuration, Inertia Matrix, and Cost Functional",
Proceedings of the 20th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, San Diego, AAS/AIAA, 2010.
"Spline-based Trajectory Planning Techniques for Benthic AUV Operations",
Proceedings of IEEE Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Conference, 2010.
"Particle Filtering Range Data for Pose Estimation under Torque-Free Motion",
IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, Boston, MA, November, 2009.
"Rigid Body Inertia Estimation with Applications to the Capture of a Tumbling Satellite",
Proceedings of 19th AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting, Savannah, GA, February, 2009.
"AUV Terrain Relative Navigation Using Coarse Maps",
Proceedings of the 2009 Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology Conference, Durham, NH, August, 2009.
"Sonar-Based Iceberg-Relative AUV Localization",
UUST: Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology, Durham, NH, Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute, August, 2009.
"AUV/ROV Pose and Shape Estimation of Tethered Targets without Fiducials",
Proceedings of UUST 2009, 2009.
"Navigation for Performing Visual Surveys of Non-Planar Surfaces",
Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2009.
"Performing Visual Surveys of Non-Planar Benthic Terrain",
Proceedings of Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology Conference, 2009.
"Simultaneous Estimation of Target Pose and 3-D Shape using the FastSLAM Algorithm",
Proceedings of AIAA GNC 2009, 2009.
"Estimating Inertial Position and Current in the Midwater",
Proceedings of the OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE QUEBEC Conference, Quebec City, Canada, September, 2008.
"Low-Cost Terrain Relative Navigation for Long-Range AUVs",
Proceedings of the OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE QUEBEC Conference, Quebec City, Canada, September, 2008.
"Sonar-Based Iceberg-Relative AUV Navigation",
Proceedings Of AUV2008, Woods Hole, MA, IEEE, October, 2008.
"An Operational Real-Time, Large-Scale Visual Mosaicking And Navigation System",
Sea Technology, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 10–13, Mar, 2007.
"Real-Time Visual Mosaicking and Navigation of the USS Macon",
Proceedings of the Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology Conference (UUST), Durham, NH, AUSI, Aug, 2007.
"An Operational Real-Time Large-Scale Visual Mosaicking and Navigation System",
Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, Boston, MA, IEEE, September, 2006.
"Control of a Climbing Robot using Real-Time Convex Optimization",
Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, September, 2006.
"Visual Servoing of an ROV for Servicing of Tethered Ocean Moorings",
Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, Boston, MA, IEEE, September, 2006.
"Stochastic Feedback Controller Design Considering the Dual Effect",
Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Keystone, CO, August, 2006.
"Improved Estimation of Target Velocity Using Multiple Model Estimation and a Dynamic Bayesian Network for a Robotic Tracker of Ocean Animals",
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium of Robotics Research, San Francisco, CA, October, 2005.
"A Multi-Sensor Approach to Automatic Tracking of Midwater Targets by an ROV",
Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, August, 2005.
"A Real-Time Visual Mosaicking and Navigation System",
Proceedings of the Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology Conference (UUST), Durham, NH, AUSI, August, 2005.