Filters: Author is Sean Augenstein [Clear All Filters]
"Tumbling Target Reconstruction and Pose Estimation through Fusion of Monocular Vision and Sparse-Pattern Range Data",
IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), Hamburg, Germany, 09/2012.
"Monocular Pose and Shape Estimation of Moving Targets, for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking",
Aeronautics & Astronautics, vol. Ph.D.: Stanford University, pp. 125, 06/2011.
"Improved Frame-to-Frame Pose Tracking during Vision-Only SLAM/SFM with a Tumbling Target",
ICRA 2011, Shanghai, China, 05/2011.
"AUV/ROV Pose and Shape Estimation of Tethered Targets without Fiducials",
Proceedings of UUST 2009, 2009.
"Simultaneous Estimation of Target Pose and 3-D Shape using the FastSLAM Algorithm",
Proceedings of AIAA GNC 2009, 2009.
"Estimating Inertial Position and Current in the Midwater",
Proceedings of the OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE QUEBEC Conference, Quebec City, Canada, September, 2008.