Standard Control Library : Control, dynamics, physics, and simulation
chai3d | |
jspace | |
scl | |
scl_chai_glut_interface | |
scl_ext | |
scl_registry | |
scl_test | |
scl_util | |
sutil | |
deFrame | Transformation class using quaternionThis class consists of a quaternion for rotation and a vector for translation |
deMassProp | Compute Mass parameters |
deMatrix3 | 3x3 matrix classThis is a C++ wrapper class of deMatrix3f |
deMatrix6 | 6x6 matrix classThis class consists of four 3x3 matrices |
deQuaternion | Quaternion classThis is a C++ wrapper class of deQuaternionf |
deTransform | Transformation class using rotational matrixThis class consists of a matrix for rotation and a vector for translation |
deVector3 | 3x1 vector classThis is a C++ wrapper class of deVector3f |
deVector6 | 6x1 vector classThis class consists of two 3x1 vectors |
Neurons | |
taoABDynamics | Articulated body dynamics classThis class provides inverse and forward dynamics for articulated body |
taoABDynamicsData | |
taoABDynamicsData2 | |
taoABJoint | Articulated body joint classThis class provides joint for articulated body |
taoABJointDOF1 | |
taoABJointFixed | |
taoABJointPrismatic | |
taoABJointRevolute | |
taoABJointSpherical | |
taoArticulatedBodyLink | Articulated body node classThis class provides node for articulated body |
taoArticulatedBodyLinkNJoints1 | |
taoArticulatedBodyLinkNJointsN | |
taoArticulatedBodyLinkNonRoot | |
taoArticulatedBodyLinkRoot | |
taoDJoint | Abstract joint class for articulated bodyThis class should be used as a base class and implemented accordingly |
taoDNode | Abstract node class for articulated bodyA dynamics node = {Articulated Body Link + Set of associated Joints} |
taoDVar | Abstract joint variable class for articulated bodyThis class should be used as a base class and implemented accordingly |
taoDynamics | Articulated body dynamicsThis class provides various dynamics computations for articulated body |
taoJoint | Base joint class for articulated bodyThis provides a joint for articulated body dynamics |
taoJointDOF1 | 1 DOF joint class for articulated bodyThis provides a 1-DOF joint for articulated body dynamics |
taoJointPrismatic | Prismatic joint class for articulated bodyThis provides a prismatic joint for articulated body dynamics |
taoJointRevolute | Revolute joint class for articulated bodyThis provides a revolute joint for articulated body dynamics |
taoJointSpherical | Spherical joint class for articulated bodyThis provides a spherical joint for articulated body dynamics |
taoJointUser | User defined joint class for articulated bodyThis provides a user defined joint for articulated body dynamics |
taoNode | Node class for articulated body dynamicsThis implements taoDNode for articulated body dynamics |
taoNodeRoot | Root node class for articulated body dynamicsThis implements taoDNode for root node of a articulated body tree structure |
taoVarDOF1 | 1-DOF joint variable class for articulated bodyThis provides joint variables necessary for articulated body dynamics |
taoVarSpherical | Spherical joint variable class for articulated bodyThis provides joint variables necessary for articulated body dynamics |
taoWorld | Container class to hold dynamics charactersA group is a container object for dynamics characters, particle systems, rigid bodies, and articulated bodies. Characters in different groups can not interact, e.g., no collision between characters from two different groups. All characters in a group share common parameters such as integration time step, gravity, etc |