Cubic splines#
Define a set of knots \(\xi_1< \xi_2 < \dots<\xi_K\).
We want the function \(f\) in \(Y= f(X) + \epsilon\) to:
Be a cubic polynomial between every pair of knots \(\xi_i,\xi_{i+1}\).
Be continuous at each knot.
Have continuous first and second derivatives at each knot.
It turns out, we can write \(f\) in terms of \(K+3\) basis functions:
Natural cubic splines#

Spline which is linear instead of cubic for \(X<\xi_1\), \(X>\xi_K\).
The predictions are more stable for extreme values of \(X\).
Choosing the number and locations of knots#

The locations of the knots are typically quantiles of \(X\).
The number of knots, \(K\), is chosen by cross validation.
Natural cubic splines vs. polynomial regression#

Splines can fit complex functions with few parameters.
Polynomials require high degree terms to be flexible.
High-degree polynomials can be unstable at the edges.
Smoothing splines#
Find the function \(f\) which minimizes
The RSS when using \(f\) to predict.
A penalty for the roughness of the function.
The minimizer \(\hat f\) is a natural cubic spline, with knots at each sample point \(x_1,\dots,x_n\).
Obtaining \(\hat f\) is similar to a Ridge regression.
Advanced: deriving a smoothing spline#
Show that if you fix the values \(f(x_1),\dots,f(x_2)\), the roughness
is minimized by a natural cubic spline.
Deduce that the solution to the smoothing spline problem is a natural cubic spline, which can be written in terms of its basis functions.
Letting \(\mathbf N\) be a matrix with \(\mathbf N(i,j) = f_j(x_i)\), we can write the objective function:
where \(\Omega_{\mathbf N}(i,j) = \int N_i''(t) N_j''(t) dt\).
By simple calculus, the coefficients \(\hat \beta\) which minimize
are \(\hat \beta = (\mathbf N^T \mathbf N + \lambda \Omega_{\mathbf N})^{-1} \mathbf N^T y\).
Note that the predicted values are a linear function of the observed values:
Degrees of freedom#
The degrees of freedom for a smoothing spline are:
Natural cubic splines vs. Smoothing splines#
Natural cubic splines |
Smoothing splines |
Fix the locations of \(K\) knots at quantiles of \(X\) and number of knots \(K<n\). |
Put \(n\) knots at \(x_1,\dots,x_n\). |
Find the natural cubic spline \(\hat f\) which minimizes the RSS:\(\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - f(x_i) )^2\) with these knots. |
Find the fitted values \(\hat f(x_1),\dots,\hat f(x_n)\) through an algorithm similar to Ridge regression. |
Choose \(K\) by cross validation. |
Choose smoothing parameter \(\lambda\) by cross validation. |
Choosing the regularization parameter \(\lambda\)#
We typically choose \(\lambda\) through cross validation.
Fortunately, we can solve the problem for any \(\lambda\) with the same complexity of diagonalizing an \(n\times n\) matrix.
There is a shortcut for LOOCV: $\( \begin{aligned} RSS_\text{loocv}(\lambda) &= \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - \hat f_\lambda^{(-i)}(x_i))^2 \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n \left[\frac{y_i-\hat f_\lambda(x_i)}{1-\mathbf S_\lambda(i,i)}\right]^2 \end{aligned} \)$