Participating Artists Artist Category Title Bev Abbott Organismal Biology, Atmospheric and Oceanographic The World Under General and Interdisciplinary Swimming with the Fish Chris Augusta New Humanities and Science Convergences Descent with Modification Evolution Lake Victoria- Natura Saltans Carel P. Brest van Kempen Organismal Biology RIPARIAN RASHOMON Ecology REANIMATION Martha Brouwer Anthropological Approaches to Environmental Change, In Balance Pery Burge Materials Science and Nanotechnology Disturbulences Kelly Dodge Progress in Vaccines and Therapeutics On Solid Rock We Stand Ecology Mischief Maker Computer and Information Sciences Link, Education The Lovely and the Wild Christophe Drochon WildlifeForensics A Perfect World (Un Monde Parfait) New Humanities and Science Convergences The Messenger (La messagère) Lori Dunn Agriculture and Horticulture The Night Shift Ulco Glimmerveen Computer and Information Sciences Vlaardingen Creek, an Archeological Reconstruction Franke James, Bill James, and Michael McGee Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Use the CO2 Toaster Widget To Track CO2 David N. Kitler New Humanities and Science Convergences Harpy Eagle - Talons Organismal Biology Madagascar - Creatures of the Night I Organismal Biology Madagascan Hang-out Martin Lasack Forensic Science Lion Skull Liz Lee Psychology A New Leaf Series: Obsession Terry Miller Industrial Science and Technology A Delicate Balance Anthropology and Archaeology Los Visitantes (Casa Grande Ruins National Monument) Environmental Sciences Winter Solace Robert Mullen Science and Art Consilience “Passage of Matashu” Grizzly tracks- George River, Nunavik Rick Pas Social, Economic and Political Sciences Stalk Patricia Pepin Paleobiology Takhi Teri Power Earth Sciences Shift 3 Jennifer Rodriguez Ecotoxicology and Environmental Protection Jelly Fly-By Edward Rooks Evolution Chestnut-backed Chickadee and Monarchs Judith Gebhard Smith Citizen Science: Ashland En Garde Ecotoxicology and Environmental Protection Hammerhead Jim Turanchik Organismal Biology STUCK! Darryl Wheye Progress in Vaccines and Therapeutics Discovering Digitalis History and Philosophy of Science Darwin Ria Winters Anthropology and Archaeology Mauritius Broad-billed Parrot Floy Zittin Science and Art Consilience Nuttall's Woodpecker