Bats are important nocturnal pollinators of flowers worldwide. This artwork features a lesser long nosed bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae), flying in to feed on the nectar of a Saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) bloom. This bat, considered endangered by the USFWS and found only in Arizona,New Mexico and Sonora, is a primary pollinator of giant cacti such as the saguaro. More than 50 percent of American bat species are in severe decline. Loss of bats causes increased demand for chemical pesticides and has a devastating effect on ecosystems and the economy.
Science Art-Nature: This 3 inch bat—amazingly—has a 3 inch tongue (more or less), which gives some insight into the size of the flowers it can pollinate. It’s a local and long distance migrant along nectar trails and corridors, and is at risk from habitat and resources lost to the tequila industry and agriculture.