Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
The following History Bachelor of Arts degree requirements apply to students declaring the History major on or after September 1, 2008. Students who declared on or before August 31, 2008 should consult the 2007-08 edition of the Stanford Bulletin for the History B.A. degree requirements.
Before declaring the History major, students must take two lecture courses. Fulfilling this requirement are courses numbered HISTORY 101-199. (Winter/Spring IHUM History offerings are also allowed.) The choices for 2009-10 are:
IHUM 11A,B. Origins of the World: Europe and Latin America
HISTORY 102. The History of the International System
HISTORY 103E. History of Nuclear Weapons
HISTORY 106A. Global Human Geography: Asia and Africa
HISTORY 106B. Global Human Geography: Europe and Americas
HISTORY 106C. Global Historical Geography
HISTORY 110A. Europe from Late Antiquity to 1500
HISTORY 110B. Early Modern Europe
HISTORY 110C. Introduction to Modern Europe
HISTORY 120A. Russian Civilization from Beginnings to the Enlightenment
HISTORY 123. Reform and Revolution in Modern Russia, 1856-2009
HISTORY 125. Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe
HISTORY 132A. Enlightenment and the Arts
HISTORY 133A. Blood and Roses: The Age of the Tudors
HISTORY 134A. European Witch Hunts
HISTORY 135. History of European Law, Medieval to Contemporary
HISTORY 137. The Holocaust
HISTORY 138A. Germany and the World Wars, 1870-1990
HISTORY 139. Modern Britain and the Empire
HISTORY 140. World History of Science, Technology and Medicine: From Prehistory to the Scientific Revolution
HISTORY 141A. The Emergence of Modern Medicine: The Middle Ages and Renaissance
HISTORY 142. Darwin in the History of Life
HISTORY 144. Gender in Science, Medicine and Engineering
HISTORY 145B. Africa in the Twentieth Century
HISTORY 145C. Africa in the Age of Empire
HISTORY 147. History of South Africa
HISTORY 150A. Colonial and Revolutionary America
HISTORY 150B. Nineteenth-Century America
HISTORY 150C. The United States in the Twentieth Century
HISTORY 151. Slavery and Freedom in American History
HISTORY 154. 19th Century U.S. Cultural and Intellectual History, 1790-1860
HISTORY 154A. Religion and American Society
HISTORY 158. The United States Since 1945
HISTORY 164C. From Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-1965
HISTORY 165. Mexican American History through Film
HISTORY 166. Introduction to African American History: The Modern African American Freedom Struggle
HISTORY 168. U.S. History in Film: Since World War II
HISTORY 170. Colonial Latin America
HISTORY 181B. The Middle East in the Twentieth Century
HISTORY 181C. Social and Cultural History of Modern Shi'ism
HISTORY 182B. The Three Empires of Islam: The Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals
HISTORY 182C. From Prophet to Empire: The Making of the Muslim Middle East, 600-1500
HISTORY 185B. Jews in the Modern World
HISTORY 191D. China: The Northern and Southern Dynasties
HISTORY 193. Late Imperial China
HISTORY 194B. Japan in the Age of the Samurai
HISTORY 195. Modern Korean History
HISTORY 195C. Modern Japanese History
HISTORY 196. Modern South Asia
HISTORY 198. The History of Modern China
History majors are required to complete the following:
Note: Students must complete the Sources and Methods Seminar requirement prior to enrolling in the Research Seminar for Majors.
Completion of the major requires planning. History majors should plan to meet with their faculty advisers twice yearly, once in the Autumn and once in the Winter or Spring quarters. These meetings should take place within the first three weeks of the quarter, before the add/drop deadline.
The department also encourages students to acquire proficiency in foreign languages and study at one of Stanford's overseas programs. Such studies are not only valuable in themselves; they can provide an opportunity for independent research and a foundation for honors essays and graduate study.
Advanced Placement credits do not fulfill any major requirements.
For further information on History courses' satisfaction of major requirements, see http://history.stanford.edu/courses.
History's Writing in the Major requirement is satisfied by completing HISTORY 209S, Research Seminar for Majors.
This course may be taken in either the junior or senior year, but not before completing the sources and methods seminar requirement. Students write a 20-25 page research essay. Original research and revision are important parts of the research essay. Students must conduct substantial research in the libraries and must submit at least two drafts (a rough draft and a final draft) of the essay. Any student wishing to write an honors thesis must take HISTORY 209S, Research Seminar for Majors, in the junior year and use it to begin work on the thesis; this work can take the place of a research essay.
HISTORY 209S fulfills the WIM requirement only. It does not fulfill geographical requirements or small group course requirements.
Students select their research topics based on the general topic of each quarter's offering.
HISTORY 209S. Research Seminar for Majors
For a limited number of majors, the department offers a special program leading to Departmental Honors in History. Students accepted for this program, in additional to fulfilling the general requirements stated above, begin work on an essay in Spring Quarter of the junior year and complete the essay by mid-May of the senior year. In addition to HISTORY 299H, The Junior Honors Colloquium, students must enroll in 11-15 units of Senior Research in the senior year, to be distributed as best fits their specific project. For students in the Honors program, Senior Research units (299A, B, C) are taken in addition to the thirteen required courses in History.
To enter this program, the student must be accepted by a member of the department who agrees to advise the research and writing of the essay, and must complete the Junior Honors Colloquium (299H) offered in Winter Quarter. An exception to the latter requirement may be made for those studying overseas Winter Quarter of the junior year, but such students should consult with the director of the honors program, if possible, prior to going overseas. Students who study abroad for the entire junior year and want to write an honors thesis should plan to take the Research Seminar for Majors in the first quarter following completion of the study abroad program. Under exceptional circumstances, students are admitted to the program in Autumn Quarter of the senior year. Such students must not enroll in any HISTORY 299A,B,C, Senior Research I,II,III units until HISTORY 209S, Research Seminar for Majors, has been completed.
In considering an applicant for such a project, the adviser and director of the honors program take into account general preparation in the field of the project and expect a GPA of at least 3.3 (B+) in the student's previous work in History and in the University. Students completing the thesis with a grade of 'B+' or higher are eligible for Departmental Honors in History. To enter the Honors program, apply at the Department of History office.
Outstanding Honors essays may be considered for the University's Robert M. Golden Medals, as well as for departmental James Birdsall Weter prizes.
Honors Program RequirementsTo graduate with Departmental Honors in History, students must: (1) complete HISTORY 299H in the junior year; (2) maintain a 3.3 GPA in History courses and throughout the University during the final 5 quarters of enrollment/thesis preparation: (3) select both a primary thesis adviser (who is a member of the Stanford History faculty) and a secondary adviser (who is a Stanford University faculty member) no later than Autumn quarter of the senior year ; (4) submit by May 14, 2010 a 65-120 page honors thesis including bibliography that receives a grade of 'B+' or better; (5) enroll in the 11-15 units of Senior Research as specified below; and (6) participate in mandatory Honors Program activities throughout senior year (including, but not limited to, writing workshops and the annual Honors Day oral presentations) as specified in the Honors Program Handbook.
HISTORY 299A,B,C do not fulfill any history major requirements other than Honors, but the units do count towards the 180 required for B.A. degree conferral.
Required Courses
To be taken in the junior year:
HISTORY 299H. Junior Honors Colloquium
HISTORY 209S. Research Seminar for Majors
An exception (for HISTORY 299H) may be made for those studying overseas Winter Quarter of the junior year, but such students should consult with the Director of the Honors Program prior to going overseas.
To be taken in the senior year:
HISTORY 299A. Senior Research I (5 units)
HISTORY 299B. Senior Research II (5 units)
HISTORY 299C. Senior Research III (1-5 units)
Courses offered by Stanford's Bing Overseas Studies Program and appearing on the History department's cognate course list automatically receive credit towards the major or minor in History. Course work completed in non-Stanford Study Abroad programs is evaluated for major/minor credit by designated History department faculty on a case-by-case basis. Students in non-Stanford Study Abroad programs are advised to take classes with reading and writing components comparable to History department course loads.
The Department of History offers five tracks to the B.A. in History. These tracks are not declared on Axess. The tracks are:
The General History track emphasizes breadth of study among historical areas and periods as well as concentration in one selected field. The four tracks with interdisciplinary emphasis (History, Literature and the Arts, History of Science and Medicine, History and the Law, and Public History/Public Service) combine the study of history with the methods and approaches of other disciplines, and involve substantial course work outside of History.
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