Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
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This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
The program leading to a B.S. in Symbolic Systems provides students with a core of concepts and techniques, drawing on faculty and courses from various departments. The curriculum prepares students for advanced training in the interdisciplinary study of language and information, or for postgraduate study in any of the main contributing disciplines. It is also excellent preparation for employment immediately after graduation.
Symbolic Systems majors must complete a core of required courses plus a field of study consisting of six additional courses. All major courses are to be taken for letter grades unless an approved course is offered satisfactory/no credit only. All core courses must be passed with a grade of 'C-' or better. Students who receive a grade lower than this in a core course must alert the program of this fact so that a decision can be made about whether the student should continue in the major.
In order to graduate with a B.S. in Symbolic Systems, a student must complete the following requirements. Some of these courses have other courses as prerequisites; students are responsible for completing each course's prerequisites before they take it.
CS 109. Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
CME 106/ENGR 155C. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers
EE 178. Probabilistic Systems Analysis
MATH 151. Introduction to Probability Theory
MS&E 120. Probabilistic Analysis
STATS 110. Statistical Methods in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
STATS 116. Theory of Probability
PHIL 10. God, Self, and World: An Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 20. Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL 30. Introduction to Political Philosophy
PHIL 60. Introduction to Philosophy of Science
PHIL 102. Modern Philosophy, Descartes to Kant
IHUM 23A,B. The Fate of Reason
LINGUIST 1. Introduction to Linguistics
LINGUIST 140. Language Acquisition I
PHIL 181. Philosophy of Language
PSYCH 131. Language and Thought
PSYCH 137. Birds to Words: Cognition, Communication, and Language
LINGUIST 120. Introduction to Syntax
LINGUIST 130A. Introduction to Linguistic Meaning
LINGUIST 180. From Languages to Information
LINGUIST 230A. Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
* A course taken to fulfill one of these requirements can also be counted toward another requirement, as part of either the core or a student's concentration (see below), but not both.
In addition to the core requirements listed above, the Symbolic Systems major requires each student to complete a field of study consisting of six courses that are thematically related to each other. Students select concentrations from the list below or design others in consultation with their advisers. The field of study is declared on Axess; it appears on the transcript but not on the diploma.
Applied Logic
Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive Science
Computer Music
Decision Making and Rationality
Human-Computer Interaction
Natural Language
Philosophical Foundations
The program strongly encourages all SSP majors to gain experience in directed research by participating in faculty research projects or by pursuing independent study. In addition to the Symbolic Systems Honors Program (see below), the following avenues are offered.
Contact SSP for more information on any of these possibilities, or see http://symsys.stanford.edu. In addition, the Undergraduate Advising and Research office offers grants and scholarships supporting student research projects at all levels; see http://ual.stanford.edu/OO/research_opps/Grants.
Seniors in SSP may apply for admission to the Symbolic Systems honors program prior to the beginning of their final year of study. Students who are accepted into the honors program can graduate with honors by completing an honors thesis under the supervision of a faculty member. Course credit for the honors project may be obtained by registering for SYMSYS 190, Honors Tutorial, for any quarters while a student is working on an honors project. Juniors who are interested in doing an honors project during their senior year are advised to take SYMSYS 200, Symbolic Systems in Practice. SYMSYS 191, Senior Honors Seminar, is recommended for honors students during the senior year. Contact SSP or visit the program's web site for more information on the honors program, including deadlines and policies.
The following is a list of cognate courses that may be applied to the B.S. in Symbolic Systems. See respective department listings for course descriptions and General Education Requirements (GER) information.
BIO 20. Introduction to Brain and Behavior (Same as HUMBIO 21)
BIO 150/250. Human Behavioral Biology (Same as HUMBIO 160)
BIO 153. Cellular Neuroscience: Cell Signaling and Behavior
CME 106. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers (Same as ENGR 155C)
COMM 106/206. Communication Research Methods
COMM 169/269. Computers and Interfaces
COMM 172/272. Media Psychology
CS 21N. Can Machines Know? Can Machines Feel?
CS 26N. Motion Planning for Robots, Digital Actors, and Other Moving Objects
CS 47N. Computers and the Open Society
CS 51N. Visionaries in Computer Science
CS 74N. Digital Dilemmas
CS 103. Mathematical Foundations of Computing
CS 103A. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
CS 103B. Discrete Structures
CS 103X. Discrete Structures (Accelerated)
CS 106A. Programming Methodology (Same as ENGR 70A)
CS 106B. Programming Abstractions (Same as ENGR 70B)
CS 106X. Programming Abstractions (Accelerated) (Same as ENGR 70X)
CS 107. Computer Organization and Systems
CS 108. Object-Oriented Systems Design
CS 109. Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
CS 110. Principles of Computer Systems
CS 121. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS 124. From Languages to Information (Same as LINGUIST 180/280)
CS 142. Web Applications
CS 147. Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design
CS 148. Introductory Computer Graphics and Imaging
CS 154. Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory
CS 157. Logic and Automated Reasoning
CS 161. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS 170. Composition, Coding, and Performance with SLOrc (Same as MUSIC 128)
CS 181. Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy
CS 193D. Professional Software Development with C++
CS 193S. Scalable Web 2.0 Programming
CS 204. Computational Law
CS 205A. Mathematical Methods for Robotics, Vision, and Graphics
CS 207. The Economics of Software
CS 208. The Canon of Computer Science
CS 221. Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
CS 222. Rational Agency and Intelligent Interaction (Same as PHIL 358)
CS 223A. Introduction to Robotics
CS 223B. Introduction to Computer Vision
CS 224M. Multi-Agent Systems
CS 224N. Natural Language Processing (Same as LINGUIST 284)
CS 224S. Speech Recognition and Synthesis (Same as LINGUIST 285)
CS 224U. Natural Language Understanding (Same as LINGUIST 188/288)
CS 227. Reasoning Methods in Artificial Intelligence
CS 228. Structured Probabilistic Models: Principles and Techniques
CS 228T. Structured Probabilistic Models: Theoretical Foundations
CS 229. Machine Learning
CS 247. Human-Computer Interaction Design Studio
CS 249A. Object-Oriented Programming from a Modeling and Simulation Perspective
CS 276. Information Retrieval and Web Search (Same as LINGUIST 286)
CS 303. Designing Computer Science Experiments
CS 376. Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction
CS 377. Topic in Human-Computer Interaction
CS 377L. Learning in a Networked World (Same as EDUC 298)
CS 378. Phenomenological Foundations of Cognition, Language, and Computation
CS 547. Human-Computer Interaction Seminar
ECON 51. Economic Analysis II
ECON 137. Information and Incentives
ECON 160. Game Theory and Economic Applications
EDUC 218. Topics in Cognition and Learning: Play
EDUC 298. Learning in a Networked World (Same as CS 377L)
EE 178. Probabilistic Systems Analysis
EE 376A. Information Theory
ENGR 62. Introduction to Optimization (Same as MS&E 111)
ENGR 155C. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers (Same as CME 106)
ETHICSOC 20. Introduction to Moral Philosophy (Same as PHIL 20)
ETHICSOC 30. Introduction to Political Philosophy (Same as PHIL 30, PUBLPOL 103A)
HPS 60. Introduction to Philosophy of Science (Same as PHIL 60)
HUMBIO 21. Introduction to Brain and Behavior (Same as BIO 20)
HUMBIO 145. Birds to Words: Cognition, Communication, and Language (Same as PSYCH 137/239A)
HUMBIO 160. Human Behavioral Biology (Same as BIO 15/250)
LINGUIST 1. Introduction to Linguistics
LINGUIST 83N. Translation
LINGUIST 105/205A. Phonetics
LINGUIST 110. Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
LINGUIST 120. Introduction to Syntax
LINGUIST 124A/224A. Introduction to Formal Universal Grammar
LINGUIST 130A. Introduction to Linguistic Meaning
LINGUIST 130B. Introduction to Lexical Semantics
LINGUIST 140/240. Language Acquisition I
LINGUIST 180/280. From Languages to Information (Same as CS 124)
LINGUIST 181/281. Grammar Engineering
LINGUIST 182/282. Computational Theories of Syntax
LINGUIST 188/288. Natural Language Understanding (Same as CS 224U)
LINGUIST 210A. Phonology
LINGUIST 210B. Advanced Phonology
LINGUIST 221A. Foundations of English Grammar
LINGUIST 221B. Studies in Universal Grammar
LINGUIST 222A. Foundations of Syntactic Theory I
LINGUIST 230A. Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LINGUIST 230B. Semantics and Pragmatics
LINGUIST 232A. Lexical Semantics
LINGUIST 235. Semantic Fieldwork
LINGUIST 241. Language Acquisition II
LINGUIST 247. Seminar in Psycholinguistics (Same as PSYCH 227)
LINGUIST 278. Programming for Linguists
LINGUIST 284. Natural Language Processing (Same as CS 224N)
LINGUIST 285. Speech Recognition and Synthesis (Same as CS 224S)
LINGUIST 286. Information Retrieval and Web Search (Same as CS 276)
LINGUIST 289. Quantitative, Probabilistic, and Optimization-Based Explanation in Linguistics
MATH 113. Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
MATH 151. Introduction to Probability Theory
MATH 162. Philosophy of Mathematics (Same as PHIL 162)
ME 115B. Product Design Methods
MS&E 120. Probabilistic Analysis
MS&E 121. Introduction to Stochastic Modeling
MS&E 201. Dynamic Systems
MS&E 430. Tools for Experience Design
MUSIC 151. Psychophysics and Cognitive Psychology for Musicians
MUSIC 128. Composition, Coding, and Performance with SLOrc (Same as CS 170)
MUSIC 220A. Fundamentals of Computer-Generated Sound
MUSIC 220B. Compositional Algorithms, Psychoacoustics, and Spatial Processing
MUSIC 250A. HCI Theory and Practice
MUSIC 251. Music, the Brain, and Human Behavior
MUSIC 253. Musical Information: An Introduction
MUSIC 254. Applications of Musical Information: Query, Analysis, and Style Simulation
NBIO 206. The Nervous System
NBIO 218. Neural Basis of Behavior
PHIL 9N. Philosophical Classics of the 20th Century
PHIL 10. God, Self, and World: An Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 14N. Belief
PHIL 80. Mind, Matter, and Meaning
PHIL 102. Modern Philosophy, Descartes to Kant
PHIL 143/243. Quine
PHIL 150. Basic Concepts in Mathematical Logic
PHIL 151. First-Order Logic
PHIL 152. Computability and Logic
PHIL 154. Modal Logic
PHIL 155. General Interest Topics in Mathematical Logic
PHIL 157. Topics in Philosophy of Logic
PHIL 164. Central Topics in the Philosophy of Science: Theory and Evidence
PHIL 166. Probability: Ten Great Ideas About Chance
PHIL 167B. Philosophy, Biology, and Behavior
PHIL 180A/280A. Realism, Anti-Realism, Irrealism, Quasi-Realism
PHIL 181. Philosophy of Language
PHIL 184. Theory of Knowledge
PHIL 184B. Philosophy of the Body
PHIL 184P. Probability and Epistemology
PHIL 186. Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 187. Philosophy of Action
PHIL 188. Personal Identity
PHIL 189/289. Examples of Free Will
PHIL 194C. Time and Free Will
PHIL 194P. Naming and Necessity
PHIL 194R. Epistemic Paradoxes
PHIL 279. Collectivities
PHIL 350A. Model Theory
PHIL 351A. Recursion Theory
PHIL 354. Topics in Logic
PHIL 366. Evolution and Communication
PHIL 382A. Pragmatics and Reference
PHIL 387. Practical Rationality
PHIL 387C. Consistency and Coherence
PSYCH 1. Introduction to Psychology
PSYCH 7Q. Language Understanding by Children and Adults
PSYCH 23N. Aping: Imitation, Control, and the Development of the Human Mind
PSYCH 30. Introduction to Perception
PSYCH 45. Introduction to Learning and Memory
PSYCH 50. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYCH 55. Introduction to Cognition and the Brain
PSYCH 70. Introduction to Social Psychology
PSYCH 75. Introduction to Cultural Psychology
PSYCH 104. Uniquely Human
PSYCH 122S. Introduction to Cognitive and Comparative Neuroscience
PSYCH 131/262. Language and Thought
PSYCH 133. Human Cognitive Abilities
PSYCH 134. Seminar on Language and Deception
PSYCH 141. Cognitive Development
PSYCH 143. Developmental Anomalies
PSYCH 154. Judgement and Decision-Making
PSYCH 159. Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence
PSYCH 202. Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYCH 204A. Human Neuroimaging Methods
PSYCH 209/209A. The Neural Basis of Cognition: A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach
PSYCH 209B. Applications of Parallel Distributed Processing Models to Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYCH 226. Models and Mechanisms of Memory
PSYCH 227. Seminar in Psycholinguistics (Same as LINGUIST 247)
PSYCH 232. Brain and Decision Making
PSYCH 246. Cognitive and Neuroscience Friday Seminar
PSYCH 250. High-level Vision
PSYCH 251. Affective Neuroscience
PSYCH 252. Statistical Methods for Behavioral and Social Sciences
PSYCH 253. Statistical Theory, Models, and Methodology
PSYCH 272. Special Topics in Psycholinguistics
SOC 126/226. Introduction to Social Networks
STATS 110. Statistical Methods in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
STATS 116. Theory of Probability
STATS 191. Introduction to Applied Statistics
STATS 200. Introduction to Statistical Inference
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