Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
Director: Elizabeth Bernhardt
Associate Director: Joan Molitoris
Assistant Director: Patricia de Castries
African and Middle Eastern Languages
Senior Lecturers: Khalil Barhoum (Coordinator, and Minor Adviser: Arabic Language and Literature), Vered Shemtov (Jewish Language and Literature)
Lecturers: Salem Aweiss, Estee Greif, Jon Levitow, Selina Makana (Fulbright Scholar), Khalid Obeid, Gallia Porat, Ramzi Salti, Galen Sibanda
Catalan Language
Lecturers: Joan Molitoris (Coordinator and Associate Director, Language Center), Todd Mack
Chinese Language
Coordinator: Chao Fen Sun (Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures)
Lecturers: Marina Chung, Michelle DiBello, Sik Lee Dennig, Nina Lin, Yu-hwa Liao Rozelle, Huazhi Wang, Jingning Xu, Hong Zeng, Youping Zhang, Qi Zhu
English for Foreign Students
Director and Senior Lecturer: Philip Hubbard
Senior Lecturer: Beverley McChesney (on leave)
Lecturers: Robyn Brinks Lockwood, Carole Mawson, Andrea Kevech, Kenneth Romeo, Constance Rylance, Seth Streichler
French Language
Lecturers: Jane Dozer-Rabedeau, Heather Howard, Tanya Shashko (Coordinator), Maria Cristina Urruela, Thomas Villemonteix
German Language
Lecturer: Paul Nissler (Coordinator)
Senior Lecturers: William E. Petig, Kathryn Strachota
Italian Language
Lecturers: Marta Baldocchi, Anna Cellinese (Coordinator), Alessandra McCarty, Giovanni Tempesta
Japanese Language
Coordinator: Yoshiko Matsumoto (Associate Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures)
Senior Lecturer: Kazuko M. Busbin
Lecturers: Hisayo O. Lipton, Momoyo K. Lowdermilk, Emiko Yasumoto Magnani, Kiyomi Nakamura, Yoshiko Tomiyama
Korean Language
Lecturers: Hee-Sun Kim (Coordinator), Soomi Pak (Fulbright Scholar)
Portuguese Language
Senior Lecturer: Lyris Wiedemann (Coordinator)
Slavic Language
Senior Lecturer: Rima Greenhill
Lecturer: Eugenia Khassina (Coordinator)
Spanish Language
Senior Lecturer: Irene Corso
Lecturers: Vivian Brates, Loreto Catoira, Citlalli del Carpio,Irene Corso, Alice Miano (Coordinator), Joan Molitoris (Associate Director, Language Center), Paul Nissler, Carimer Ortiz Cuevas, Consuelo Perales, Veronika Reinhold, Candy Renfro, Kara Sanchez, Cintia Santana, Ana M. Sierra, María Cristina Urruela, Hae-Joon Won
Special Language Program
Lecturers: Anubha Anushree (Fulbright Scholar), Sneha Desai, Cathy Haas, Eva Prionas (Coordinator, Modern Greek Language and Literature), Janeth Seno (Fulbright Scholar)
Tibetan Language Program
Lecturer and Coordinator: Robert W. Clark
Language Center Offices: Building 30
Mail Code: 94305-2015
Department Phone: (650) 725-9222
Email: patricia@stanford.edu
Web Site: http://language.stanford.edu
Courses offered by the Language Center are listed under the following subject codes on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site: AMELANG (African and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures), CATLANG (Catalan Language), CHINLANG (Chinese Language), EFSLANG (English for Foreign Students), FRENLANG (French Language), GERLANG (German Language), ITALLANG (Italian Language), JAPANLNG (Japanese Language), KORLANG (Korean Language), PORTLANG (Portuguese Language), SLAVLANG (Slavic Language), SPANLANG (Spanish Language), SPECLANG (Special Language), and TIBETLNG (Tibetan Language).
The Stanford Language Center oversees all language instruction at Stanford. The center's charge is to guarantee that Stanford language programs are of the highest quality; to develop and administer achievement and proficiency tests needed to implement the language requirement; to provide technical assistance and support to the graduate students, lecturers, and faculty who deliver Stanford's language instruction; and to take leadership in research and development efforts in language learning. The Language Center is a unit within the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages.
The African and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures Program (AME) offers classes in Arabic, Hebrew, Swahili, and African languages not regularly taught at Stanford. Based on current funding and student requests, the courses planned for 2009-10 are listed below. Additional languages may still be offered upon request, provided funding is available. Requests for the 2010-11 academic year should be made by Spring Quarter of this year at the AME program office by email to khalil@stanford.edu. All beginning-level, three-unit courses are offered on a S/NC basis only. Intermediate-level and four-unit courses are offered with a grading option. Beginning and intermediate each refer to an academic year's sequence of language study. Most three-unit language courses are offered for a two-year, three quarter sequence: 'A' suffix courses are taught Autumn; 'B' suffix courses are taught Winter; 'C' suffix courses are taught Spring. Those who have taken courses in the relevant language at another institution, or have previous knowledge of the language, can request to be tested. Tests are comprised of two parts, written and oral. Students must display first-year proficiency in the requested language to fulfill the requirement. Testing is guaranteed only for languages currently offered. Students planning to take a test must contact the AME program no later than the Spring Quarter of their sophomore year. To submit a request for language testing or to request that a language be taught, and for further information on the program, see http://stanford.edu/dept/lc/MEL. Language courses may not be repeated for credit and must be taken in sequence.
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