Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
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Participating Faculty: Over 200 faculty from more than 60 departments take part in Introductory Seminars programs. See faculty listings in each department's section of this bulletin for pertinent information.
Offices: Sweet Hall, Third Floor
Mail Code: 3069
Phone: (650) 723-2631
Email: introsems@stanford.edu
Web Site: http://introsems.stanford.edu
Introductory Seminars provide opportunities for first- and second-year students to work closely with faculty in an intimate and focused setting. These courses aim to intensify the intellectual experience of the freshman and sophomore years by allowing students to work with faculty members in a small group setting; introducing students to the variety and richness of academic topics, methods, and issues which lie at the core of particular disciplines; and fostering a spirit of mentorship between faculty and students. Over 200 faculty from more than 60 departments take part in the introductory seminars programs. The courses are given department credit and most count towards an eventual major in the field. Most also fulfill General Education Requirements (GERs).
Some faculty who have taught Freshman Seminars volunteer to continue working with their students through a formal advising relationship during the students' sophomore year.
Freshman Seminars and Sophomore Seminars and Dialogues are offered in many disciplines throughout the academic year. Freshman preference seminars are typically given for 3-4 units to a maximum of 16 students, and generally meet twice weekly. Although preference for enrollment is given to freshmen, sophomores and first-year transfer students may participate on a space-available basis and with the consent of the instructor. Sophomore preference seminars and dialogues give preference to sophomores and first-year transfer students, but freshmen may participate on a space-available basis and with the consent of the instructor. Sophomore preference seminars are given for 3-5 units to a maximum of 14 students, while sophomore preference dialogues take the form of a directed reading, and are given for 1-2 units to a maximum of 5 students.
For a list of introductory seminars offered in 2009-10, see the Stanford Introductory Seminar Courses section of this bulletin. For an application or more information, see the SIS annual course catalogue, published each August, or http://vcasis.stanford.edu.
All seminars require a brief application. See the Time Schedule, the Stanford Introductory Seminars Course Catalogue published each August, or http://vcasis.stanford.edu. Due dates for 2009-10 applications for both freshman and sophomore preference courses are: Autumn Quarter, noon, Friday, September 4; Winter Quarter, noon, Monday, November 30; Spring Quarter, noon, Friday, March 5.
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