Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
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This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
In this section: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology |
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Emeriti: (Professors) Gordon H. Bower, Lyn K. Carlsmith, John H. Flavell, Albert H. Hastorf, Eleanor E. Maccoby, Roger N. Shepard, Barbara Tversky, Philip G. Zimbardo
Chair: James L. McClelland
Professors: Albert Bandura, Laura L. Carstensen, Herbert H. Clark, Carol Dweck, Ian H. Gotlib, James J. Gross, Leonard M. Horowitz, John D. Krumboltz, Mark R. Lepper, Ellen M. Markman, Hazel R. Markus, James L. McClelland, Dale Miller, Lee D. Ross, Ewart A. C. Thomas, Brian Wandell, Jeffrey J. Wine
Associate Professors: Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Anne Fernald, Kalanit Grill-Spector, Brian Knutson, Benoit Monin, Jeanne L. Tsai, Anthony Wagner
Assistant Professors: Lera Boroditsky, Samuel M. McClure, Michael Ramscar, Gregory M. Walton
Associate Professor (Teaching): Catherine Heaney
Lecturers: Joseph Brown, Amie Haas, Bridgette Martin-Hard, Adrienne Lomangino, Teceta Thomas Tormala
Courtesy Professors: William C. Dement, Gary H. Glover, Jon Krosnick, Tanya Luhrmann, William T. Newsome, Anne C. Petersen, Richard J. Shavelson
Director, Bing Nursery School: Jennifer Winters
Department Offices: Jordan Hall, Building 420
Mail Code: 94305-2130
Department Phone: (650) 725-2400
Web Site: http://psychology.stanford.edu
Courses offered by the Department of Psychology are listed under the subject code PSYCH on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
The department, housed in Jordan Hall, maintains shop facilities and many computer-equipped laboratories. Bing Nursery School, located on campus at 850 Escondido Road, provides a laboratory for child observation, training in nursery school teaching, and research. It was constructed with funding from the National Science Foundation and a special grant from Mrs. Anna Bing Arnold and Dr. Peter Bing.
The department provides
Applications are not accepted for the master's degree except as noted below.
The mission of the undergraduate program in Psychology is to introduce students to the corpus of data on, and explanations of, human nature and behavior. Through the study of abnormal behavior, aging, child development, cognitive processes, decision making, emotion, group behavior, infancy, language, learning and memory, personality, social perception, visual perception, and other related topics, students are introduced to the properties of sensory, cognitive, and affective systems, and of their interrelationships to the reciprocal effects of one person on another and to the effects on behavior of the physical, social, and cultural environment. The major provides student with preparation for professional careers in business, medicine, and counseling as well as for graduate work in psychology.
The department expects undergraduate majors in the program to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are used in evaluating students and the department's undergraduate program. Students are expected to demonstrate:
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