Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
Emeriti: (Professors) Barbara Allen Babcock, Wayne G. Barnett, Paul Brest, William Cohen, Lance E. Dickson, Marc A. Franklin, Jack H. Friedenthal, Robert A. Girard, William B. Gould IV, Thomas C. Grey, Thomas C. Heller, Miguel A. Méndez, John Henry Merryman, Margaret Jane Radin, David Rosenhan, Kenneth E. Scott, Byron D. Sher, William H. Simon, Michael S. Wald, Howard R. Williams
Dean: Larry D. Kramer
Vice Dean: Mark G. Kelman
Associate Dean for Curriculum: Jane Schacter
Associate Dean for Executive Education and Special Programs: F. Daniel Siciliano
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies: Deborah R. Hensler (on leave)
Associate Dean for Public Interest and Clinical Education: Lawrence C. Marshall
Senior Associate Dean and Chief Financial Officer: Frank Brucato
Associate Deans: Faye Deal, Catherine Glaze, Sabrina Johnson, Susan Robinson, Scott Showalter
Professors: Janet Cooper Alexander, Joseph Bankman, R. Richard Banks, Gerhard Casper (on leave), Joshua Cohen, G. Marcus Cole, Richard Craswell, Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar (on leave), Robert M. Daines, Michele Landis Dauber, George Fisher (on leave Winter/Spring), Richard T. Ford, Barbara H. Fried (on leave), Lawrence M. Friedman, Ronald J. Gilson (on leave Autumn), Paul Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Joseph A. Grundfest, Deborah R. Hensler (on leave), Pamela S. Karlan, Mark G. Kelman, Amalia D. Kessler (on leave Autumn), Daniel P. Kessler, Michael Klausner, Larry D. Kramer, Mark A. Lemley, Lawrence C. Marshall, Jenny S. Martinez, Michael W. McConnell, Joan Petersilia, A. Mitchell Polinsky, Robert L. Rabin (on leave), Deborah L. Rhode (on leave Autumn), Jane Schacter, Norman W. Spaulding, James F. Strnad II , Kathleen M. Sullivan, Alan O. Sykes, Barton H.Thompson, Jr., Robert Weisberg
Associate Professors: Daniel Ho, Alison D. Morantz
Assistant Professors: David Freeman Engstrom, Nora Freeman Engstrom, Barbara van Schewick, Michael W. Wara
Professors (Teaching): Juliet M. Brodie, William S. Koski, Deborah A. Sivas
Associate Professors (Teaching): Jeffrey L. Fisher, Jayashri Srikantiah (on leave Autumn)
Senior Lecturers: Margaret R. Caldwell (on leave), Janet Martinez, David W. Mills, F. Daniel Siciliano, Helen Stacy, Allen S. Weiner
Professors (by courtesy): Maureen F. McNichols, Paul C. Pfleiderer, Madhav Rajan, Jack Rakove, Rebecca Sandefur
Visiting Professors: Michael Asimow, Daphne Barak-Erez, Jared R. Curhan, Siegfried Fina, James L. Gibson, Robert W. Gordon, Adriaan Lanni, Donald Lewis, Rogelio Perez-Perdomo, Leo M. Romero, William Simon, William Taft IV, George Triantis, Jonathan Zittrain
Legal Research and Writing Instructors: Jeanne Merino, Elizabeth Pollman, Briana Rosenbaum, Andrea Roth, Shirin Sinnar, Deepa Varadarajan
Lecturers: Igor Abramov, Maureen Alger, Simao J. Avila, Marilyn Bautista, Jeanine Becker, Karen Biestman, Viola Canales, John Crawford, Kara Dansky, Susan Diamond, Michael Dickstein, Bonnie Eskanazi, Randee G. Fenner, Bertram Fields, Jeremy Fogel, David Forst, Larry Franklin, Edward Frueh, James Fuller, Mei Gechlik, Thomas C. Goldstein, Jonathan Greenberg, Kristin Grenfell, Timothy H. Hallahan, Brad Handler, Brooke Heymach, Skip Horack, Amy Howe, Erik Jensen, David Johnson, Danielle Jones, Julie Kennedy, Suzanne Klahr, Jeffery Kobrick, Charles Koob, David Lash, Paul Lomio, Beth McLellan, Jeanne Merino, Jay Mitchell, Roberta J. Morris, Linda Netsch, Tom Nolan, Jessica Notini, Ralph Pais, Moira Paz, B. Howard Pearson, Lisa M. Pearson, James Pooley, Stephan Ray, Claudio Rechden, Edward Reines, Michael Romano, Andrew Roper, Matthew Rossiter, Kevin Russell, Ticien Sassoubre, Steve Shulman, Rachelle Silverberg, Brenda Simon, Smita Singh, John Singleton, Stephanie Smith, Sergio Stone, Jamienne Studley, Kimberly Summe, Tara Twomey, Bruce Wagman, Erika Wayne, Dana Weintraub, Kate Wilko, George D. Wilson, Katherine C. Wright
Affiliated Faculty: Kyle Bagwell (Economics/SIEPR), Anne Beyer (GSB), Judith Goldstein (Political Science/SIEPR), Tamar Herzog (History), David Holloway (FSI), Joy Ishii (GSB), Lee Ross (Psychology), Robert Staiger (Economics), Frank Wolak (Economics/PESD)
Courses offered by the School of Law are listed on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site under the subject codes LAW and LAWGEN.
The School of Law, established 1893, provides a legal education for students who are fitted by their maturity and academic training to pursue professional study under University methods of instruction. The curriculum leading to the first professional degree in law, the Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.), constitutes an adequate preparation for the practice of law in any English-speaking jurisdiction. Graduate work leading to the degrees of Master of Laws (L.L.M.), Master of the Science of Law (J.S.M.), and Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.), and a non-professional degree, Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.), is also offered. For the full curriculum, see http://lawreg.stanford.edu/stanford. Stanford Law School offers joint or dual degree options in combination with other Stanford graduate departments and universities across the country; see the "Joint and Dual Degrees in Law" section of this bulletin.
The school is on a three-term academic calendar: Autumn Quarter classes begin for first-year students on August 31, 2009 and on September 21, 2009 for all other students: the quarter ends on December 2, 2009. Winter Quarter classes begin on January 4, 2010, and the quarter ends on March 8, 2010. Spring Quarter classes begin on March 29, 2010 and the quarter ends on May 28, 2010. For a complete list of academic dates see the 2009-2010 Academic Calendar on the Law School web site at http://www.law.stanford.edu/calendar.
For further information about admission, programs, curriculum, and faculty, see http://www.law.stanford.edu.
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