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This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
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The minor in Mathematical and Computational Science is intended to provide an experience of the four constituent areas: Computer Science, Mathematics, Management Science and Engineering, and Statistics. Five basic courses are required:
CS 106X. Programming Methodology and Abstractions (Accelerated)
or CS 106A,B. Programming Methodology
MATH 51. Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus of Several Variables
or MATH 104. Applied Matrix Theory
ENGR 62/MS&E 111. Introduction to Optimization
or MS&E 121. Introduction to Stochastic Modeling
STATS 116. Theory of Probability, and either
STATS 191. Introduction to Applied Statistics
or STATS 200. Introduction to Statistical Inference
In addition to the above, the minor requires three courses from the following, two of which must be in different departments:
CME 108. Introduction to Scientific Computing
CS 103. Mathematical Foundations of Computing
CS 107. Programming Paradigms
CS 154. Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory
CS 161. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
EE 261. The Fourier Transform and its Applications
ECON 102C. Advanced Topics in Econometrics
ECON 160. Game Theory and Economic Applications (prerequisite ECON 51)
ECON 181. Optimization and Economic Analysis
MS&E 121. Introduction to Stochastic Modeling
MS&E 211. Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MS&E 212. Mathematical Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
MS&E 221. Stochastic Modeling
MS&E 251. Stochastic Decision Models
MATH 104. Applied Matrix Theory
MATH 106. Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH 108. Introduction to Combinatorics and its Applications
MATH 109. Applied Group Theory
MATH 110. Applied Number Theory and Field Theory
MATH 115. Functions of a Real Variable
MATH 131. Partial Differential Equations I
MATH 132. Partial Differential Equations II
MATH 171. Fundamental Concepts of Analysis
PHIL 151. First-Order Logic
STATS 191. Introduction to Applied Statistics
STATS 200. Introduction to Statistical Inference
STATS 202. Data Analysis
STATS 203. Introduction to Regression Models and Analysis of Variance
STATS 217. Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Other upper-division courses appropriate to the program major may be substituted with consent of the program director. Undergraduate majors in the constituent programs may not count courses in their own departments.
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