Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
CREEES offers a one-year intensive interdisciplinary master's degree program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies for students with a strong prior language and area studies background. The program structure allows students the flexibility to pursue their particular academic interests, while providing intellectual cohesion through a required core curriculum that addresses historical and contemporary processes of change in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. This core curriculum consists of three core courses and REES 200, Core Seminar Series. The program may be taken separately or coterminally with a B.A. degree program. The interdisciplinary M.A. program typically serves three types of students:
The advising structure is two-tiered: each M.A. candidate works with the CREEES associate director who advises on the program of course work and monitors the student's progress toward completing the degree. Candidates are also assigned a faculty adviser from the Academic Council faculty, who provides intellectual and academic guidance.
Applicants apply electronically; see http://gradadmissions.stanford.edu for a link to the electronic application and general information regarding graduate admission. In addition, prospective applicants may consult with the CREEES associate director regarding the application process.
To qualify for admission to the program, the following apply:
The deadline for submission of applications for admission and for financial aid is January 5, 2010. Admission is normally granted for Autumn Quarter, but requests for exceptions are considered.
The successful applicant generally demonstrates the following strengths: requisite foreign language study, significant course work in Russian, East European and Eurasian studies in multiple disciplines, outstanding grades in previous academic work, strong writing skills, high GRE scores (particularly verbal and analytical writing), study or work experience in the region, strong letters of recommendation, and a persuasive statement of purpose explaining why and how the program fits the applicant's academic and career goals.
Candidates for the M.A. degree must meet University requirements for an M.A. degree as described in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin.
The M.A. program in REEES can ordinarily be completed in one academic year by a well-prepared student; longer periods of study are permitted.
Requirements to complete the interdisciplinary M.A. degree are principally ones of distribution, with the exception of three required core courses and a core seminar, as described below. Each student, with the advice of the CREEES academic coordinator, selects courses according to the student's interests, needs, and goals.
All students in the M.A. REEES program must complete a minimum of 48 academic credit units within the following guidelines.
Core Courses for 2009-10
FILMSTUD 345. Politics and Aesthetics in East European Cinema
HISTORY 125. 20th-Century Eastern Europe
HISTORY 223F. The Nationality Question in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union
HISTORY 321A. Classics of Russian Historiography
POLISCI 210R: International Conflict: Management and Resolution (Same as IPS 250)
REES 320. State and Nation Building in Central Asia
SLAVLIT 225. Readings in Russian Realism
SLAVLIT 310. Civilizing Process: Paradigms of Society and Culture in Modern Russian Literature and Film
Recommended 2009-10 courses which may be counted for the M.A. degree
ANTHRO 147A. Folklore, Mythology, and Islam in Central Asia
ANTHRO 248A. Nomads of Eurasia: Culture in Transition
COMPLIT 248. Afghanistan: Literature and History
HISTORY 120A. Russian Civilization from Beginnings to the Enlightenment
HISTORY 123. Reform and Revolution in Modern Russia, 1856-2009
HISTORY 220G. Demons, Witches, Holy Fools, and Folk Belief: Popular Religion in Russia, 19th and 20th Centuries
HISTORY 221A. Men, Women, and Power in Early Modern Russia, 1500-1800
HISTORY 221B. The Woman Question in Modern Russia
HISTORY 227. East European Women and War in the 20th Century
HISTORY 229. Poles and Jews
HISTORY 236C: Reordering Europe, 1917-1923
HISTORY 236S. European Nationalism, 1600 to Present
HISTORY 238K. European Collaboration, Resistance, and Retribution: 1938-1948
MS&E 293. Technology and National Security
POLISCI 116. History of Nuclear Weapons (Same as History 103E)
POLISCI 140C. The Comparative Political Economy of Post-Communist Transitions
POLISCI 210R. International Conflict: Management and Resolution (Same as IPS 250)
POLISCI 216E. International History and International Relations Theory
POLISCI 314D. Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (Same as IPS 230)
POLISCI 314S. Decision Making in U.S. Foreign Policy (Same as IPS 314S)
SLAVGEN 245. Age of Experiment: From Pushkin to Gogol
SLAVGEN 246. The Great Russian Novel: History and Other Theories of Time and Action
SLAVGEN 248. Dissent and Disenchantment: A Survey of Russian Literature and Culture, 1953 to Present
SLAVGEN 251. Dostoevsky and His Times (Same as COMPLIT 219)
SLAVLIT 167. Introduction to Russian Cultural Studies
SLAVLIT 169. Advanced Russian Seminar: Reading Pushkin's Evgenii Onegin (in Russian)
SLAVLIT 200A. Introduction to Russian Literary Scholarship: Russian Formalism and Structuralism
SLAVLIT 200B. Introduction to Slavic Bibliography and Archival Research
SLAVLIT 226. Bakhtin and His Legacy
SLAVLIT 229. Poetry as System: introduction to Theory and Practice of Russian Verse
SLAVLIT 245. Age of Experiment from Pushkin to Gogol
SLAVLIT 269. Pushkin and the Golden Age
SLAVLIT 284. History of Russian Literary Language
SLAVLIT 288. From Alexander Blok to Joseph Brodsky: Russian Poetry of the 20th Century
Additional 2009-10 courses which may be counted for the M.A. degree
ARTHIST 411. Animation, Performance, Presence in Medieval Art
FILMSTUD 300A. History of World Cinema I, 1895-1929
FILMSTUD 406. Montage
FRENGEN 361. Theories of Resistance
HISTORY 137. The Holocaust
HISTORY 185B. Jews in the Modern World
HISTORY 299X. Design and Methodology for International Field Research
IPS 211. The Transition from War to Peace: Peacebuilding Strategies
INTNLREL 122A. The Political Economy of the European Union
IPS 241. International Security in a Changing World (Same as POLISCI 114S)
LINGUIST 167. Languages of the World
RELIGST 222B. Sufism Seminar
RELIGST 224B. Unveiling the Sacred: Explorations in Islamic Religious Imagination
SLAVGEN 221. Modernism and the Jewish Voice in Europe (Same as COMPLIT 247)
Other courses may be counted towards the M.A. by special arrangement with the instructor and the CREEES associate director.
A description of the M.A. program is also available on the web at http://CREEES.stanford.edu/academic/graduate-masters.html and by request from the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.
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