Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
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This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
Director: Jeanne Tsai
Associate Director: Tania Mitchell
Curriculum Committee: Cheryl Brown, Gordon Chang, Michele Elam, Charlotte Fonrobert, Teresa LaFromboise, Tania Mitchell, Gary Segura, Vered Shemtov
Affiliated Faculty and Teaching Staff: David Abernethy (Political Science, emeritus), Anthony Antonio (Education), Rick Banks (Law), Lucius Barker (Political Science, emeritus), Donald Barr (Sociology), Karen Biestman (Native American Studies), Albert Camarillo (History), James T. Campbell (History), Martin Carnoy (Education), Clayborne Carson (History), Prudence Carter (Education), Gordon Chang (History), Karen Cook (Sociology), Michele Dauber (Law), Linda Darling-Hammond (Education), Carolyn Duffey (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Jennifer Eberhardt (Psychology), Paulla Ebron (Anthropology), Penny Eckert (Linguistics), Harry Elam (Drama), Michele Elam (English), James Ferguson (Anthropology), Shelley Fisher-Fishkin (English), James Fishkin (Communication), Charlotte Fonrobert (Religious Studies), Estelle Freedman (History), Gabriel Garcia (Medicine), Leah Gordon (Education), David Grusky (Sociology), Sean Hanretta (History), Georgina Hernandez (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Allyson Hobbs (History), Miyako Inoue (Anthropology), Shanto Iyengar (Communication), Tomás Jiménez (Sociology), Gavin Jones (English), Terry Karl (Political Science), Pamela Karlan (Law), Matthew Kohrman (Anthropology), Jan Krawitz (Art and Art History), Jon Krosnick (Communication), Teresa LaFromboise (Education), David Laitin (Political Science), Liisa Malkki (Anthropology), Sandra Lee (Asian American Studies), Luis Leon (Chicana/o Studies), Hazel Markus (Psychology), Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz (Art and Art History), Douglas McAdam (Sociology), Monica McDermott (Sociology), Tania Mitchell (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Education), James Montoya (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Cherríe Moraga (Drama), Paula Moya (English), Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi (French and Italian), Thomas S. Mullaney (History), Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu (Asian American Studies), Sharon Nelson-Barber (Native American Studies), Hilton Obenzinger (Undergraduate Advising and Research), Susan Olzak (Sociology), Amado Padilla (Education), David Palumbo-Liu (Comparative Literature), Arnold Rampersad (English), Robert Reich (Political Science), John Rickford (Linguistics), Cecilia Ridgeway (Sociology), Richard Roberts (History), Aron Rodrigue (History), Michael Rosenfeld (Sociology), Ramón Saldívar (English), Joel Samoff (Center for African Studies), Stephen Sano (Music), Debra Satz (Philosophy), Gary Segura (Political Science), Vered Shemtov (Division of Literatures, Cultures and Languages), JoEllen Shively (Native American Studies), C. Matthew Snipp (Sociology), Paul Sniderman (Political Science), Stephen Sohn (English), Jayashiri Srikantiah (Law), James Steyer (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Ewart Thomas (Psychology), Jeanne Tsai (Psychology), Linda Uyechi (Music), Guadalupe Valdés (Education), Gregory Walton (Psychology), Richard White (History), Jeremy Weinstein (Political Science), Michael Wilcox (Anthropology), Bryan Wolf (Art and Art History), Sylvia Yanagisako (Anthropology), Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano (Iberian and Latin American Cultures), Steven Zipperstein (History)
Teaching Fellows: Brenda Frink, Ju Yon Kim, Rand Quinn
Program Office: Building 360, Room 361F
Mail Code: 2152
Phone: (650) 723-8449
Email: mibarra@stanford.edu
Web Site: http://csre.stanford.edu
The Undergraduate Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity is an interdisciplinary program offering students the opportunity to investigate the significance of race and ethnicity in all areas of human life.
The interdisciplinary and integrated nature of our academic programs means that students take courses from across the university including: anthropology, art, communications, drama, economics, education, history, languages, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, and religion, among others.
The undergraduate program is home to four areas of study: Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Comparative Studies, and Native American Studies. Students can pursue a major or minor in any of these four areas, and are encouraged to build their interdisciplinary study around a focus or theme. Students then select from more than 150 course options from across departments and schools to customize a curriculum. The major requires 60 units of study and a culminating research project (either a senior paper or thesis).
Courses offered by the Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity are listed under the subject code CSRE on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
Courses offered by Asian American Studies are listed under the subject code ASNAMST on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
Courses offered by Chicana/o Studies are listed under the subject code CHICANST on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
Courses offered by Native American Studies are listed under the subject code NATIVEAM on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
The Interdepartmental Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE) provides students the opportunity to structure a major or minor in comparative ethnic studies or to focus their course work in a single ethnic studies area. Four majors and minors (Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Comparative Studies, and Native American Studies) are offered as part of CSRE. All courses taken for the major must be taken for a letter grade. The directors of the programs and of each major constitute the CSRE curriculum committee, the policy making body for the interdisciplinary program.
Students who declare any of the four majors participate in a common curriculum of the CSRE consisting of at least two introductory core courses and a senior seminar. Individually designed majors in Jewish Studies may also enroll in the CSRE core curriculum. African and African American Studies majors take one CSRE core course and the senior seminar.
There are two types of introductory courses taught by senior CSRE-affiliated faculty: core courses that are interdisciplinary and compare across racial and ethnic groups; and foundational courses that focus on a specific racial or ethnic group. The core requirements illustrate how different disciplines approach the study and interpretation of race and ethnicity and provide a foundation for the student's program of study.
Students who wish to minor in the study areas must complete six courses (a minimum of 30 units) from the approved course list, two of which must be core courses. Proposals for the minor must be approved by the director of each study area.
Directed reading and research allows students to focus on a special topic of interest. In organizing a reading research plan, the student consults with the director of the major and one or more faculty members specializing in the area or discipline.
Courses that fulfill directed reading and research requirements.
ASNAMST 200R. Directed Research (1-5 units)
ASNAMST 200W. Directed Reading (1-5 units)
CHICANST 200R. Directed Research (1-5 units)
CHICANST 200W. Directed Reading (1-5 units)
CSRE 200R. Directed Research (1-5 units)
CSRE 200W. Directed Reading (1-5 units)
NATIVEAM 200R. Directed Research (1-5 units)
NATIVEAM 200W. Directed Reading (1-5 units)
Research and writing of the senior honors thesis or senior paper is under the supervision of a faculty project adviser. All CSRE-related students, even those who opt to write honors theses in other departments and programs, must enroll in CSRE 200X, Senior Seminar, offered in Autumn Quarter. The course takes students through the process of research including conceptualization, development of prospectus, development of theses, research, analysis, and writing. This course meets the Writing in the Major requirement (WIM). Those who opt to write senior papers are organized into tutorial groups in Autumn Quarter.
CSRE-related majors have several unique opportunities available to them. The program supports full-time paid summer research internships for those who apply to complete a self-designed research project in collaboration with a community agency. The CSRE Public Policy Institute is a two week, pre-Autumn Quarter seminar that provides exposure to critical public policy issues. The residence-based institute provides room and board and all seminar materials for participants, including a visit to Sacramento to meet with policy makers. The CSRE program also sponsors quarterly luncheons and community programs for all majors and minors.
Murray House, 566 Governor's Avenue, is an undergraduate Residence for the CSRE Academic Theme House devoted to developing an intellectual community amongst students interested in the study of race and ethnicity. Programs, including an in-house seminar, are developed with the guidance of CSRE faculty to increase the understanding of issues of race and ethnicity amongst its residents through social events and discussions. Students may apply for pre-assignment to Murray House to participate in the CSRE Theme House. Contact Residential Education for more information.
Majors in each of the study areas who meet academic qualifications (a grade point average of at least 3.5 in CSRE-related courses) may apply for honors. Majors are expected to participate in an Autumn Quarter junior workshop in preparation for honors thesis research. Prizes for best undergraduate honors theses are awarded annually by the CSRE curriculum committee.
Courses that fulfill honors requirements.
CSRE 199. Pre-Honors Seminar (1-2 units)
CSRE 200X. CSRE Senior Seminar (WIM; 5 units)
CSRE 200Y. CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units)
CSRE 200Z. CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units)
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