Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
University requirements for the M.A. are discussed in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin.
Three programs lead to the M.A. in Philosophy. One is a general program providing a grounding in all branches of the subject. The others provide special training in one branch.
AdmissionsAll prospective master's students, including those currently enrolled in other Stanford programs, must apply for admission to the program. Please see the departmental web site at http://philosophy.stanford.edu for applications deadlines. No fellowships are available. Entering students must meet with the director of the master's program and have their adviser's approval, in writing, of program proposals. The master's program should not be considered a stepping stone to the doctoral program; these two programs are separate and distinct.
Unit RequirementsEach program requires a minimum of 45 units in philosophy. Students in a special program may be allowed or required to replace up to 9 units of philosophy by 9 units in the field of specialization. Although the requirements for the M.A. are designed so that a student with the equivalent of a strong undergraduate philosophy major at Stanford might complete them in one year, most students need longer. Students should also keep in mind that although 45 units is the minimum required by the University, quite often more units are necessary to complete department requirements. Up to 6 units of directed reading in philosophy may be allowed. There is no thesis requirement, but an optional master's thesis or project, upon faculty approval, may count as the equivalent of up to 8 units. A special program may require knowledge of a foreign language. At least 45 units in courses numbered 100 or above must be completed with a grade of 'B-' or better at Stanford. Students are reminded of the University requirements for advanced degrees, and particularly of the fact that for the M.A., students must complete three full quarters as measured by tuition payment.
The General Program requires a minimum of 45 units in Philosophy courses numbered above 99. These courses must be taken for a letter grade, and the student must receive at least a 'B-' in the course. Courses taken to satisfy the undergraduate core or affiliated courses may not be counted in the 45 units. The requirement has three parts:
Each master's candidate must take at least two courses numbered above 200 (these cannot be graduate sections of undergraduate courses). One may be a graduate core seminar (360, 370, 380, 381), but no student is admitted to a core seminar before completing undergraduate requirements in the area of the seminar and securing the approval of the instructor.
Students should have the equivalent of the Stanford undergraduate major in Symbolic Systems. Students who have a strong major in one of the basic SSP disciplines (philosophy, psychology, linguistics, computer science) may be admitted, but are required to do a substantial part of the undergraduate SSP core in each of the other basic SSP fields. This must include the following three philosophy courses or their equivalents: 80; 151 (formerly 160A); and one from 181, 183, 184, 186. This work does not count towards the 45-unit requirement.
At most two of the four courses may be graduate sections of undergraduate courses numbered 100 or higher.
Remaining courses are chosen in consultation with and approved by an adviser.
Admission is limited to students with substantial preparation in philosophy or linguistics. Those whose primary preparation has been in linguistics may be required to satisfy all or part of the undergraduate core requirements as described in the "General Program" subsection above. Those whose preparation is primarily in philosophy may be required to take additional courses in linguistics.
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