Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
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The degree of Engineer requires a minimum of 90 units of residency. Units completed at Stanford towards a master's degree in an Engineering discipline may be used towards the 90-unit residency requirement for the Engineer degree. A student who received an M.S. degree elsewhere can transfer in 45 units towards the 90-unit requirement for an Engineer's degree. A student would need to fill out the Application for Graduate Residency Credit form to be filed with the Degree Progress Office in the Registrar's Office.
Work toward the degree of Engineer in Electrical Engineering normally includes the requirements for work toward the master's degree in Electrical Engineering, including qualifications for admission.
An additional year allows time for a broader program, or a more concentrated program, or whatever arrangement may seem suitable to the candidate, the adviser, and the department. Advanced study at other universities, or in other departments at Stanford, may be allowed within the foregoing consideration. The equivalent of approximately one quarter is devoted to independent study and thesis work with faculty guidance. The thesis is often of the nature of a professional report on the solution of a design problem. The degree of Engineer differs from the Ph.D. in that it prepares for professional engineering work rather than theoretical research. The candidate may select courses that are suitable for either the degree of Engineer or the Ph.D. degree and decide later which program to pursue.
The best procedure for the applicant to follow is: (1) if now working toward the Stanford M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, request permission to continue graduate studies beyond the master's degree, using the Graduate Program Authorization Petition form obtained from the Department of Electrical Engineering office, or (2) if not planning to receive the Stanford M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, apply for admission to the Department of Electrical Engineering as a candidate for the degree of Engineer.
During the first quarter of work beyond the M.S. degree, formal application for admission to candidacy for the degree of Engineer is made on a form that can be obtained from the department office. The program of study is prepared by the student with the help of the thesis adviser and submitted to the academic associate for approval. The form should contain a list of all graduate courses completed at Stanford and elsewhere and all courses yet to be completed. For the most recent information, see http://ee.stanford.edu/gradhandbook/engineer.html.
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