Download my CV. |
"Market Institutions and Sub-Saharan Africa: Theory and Evidence",
MIT Press, 464 pp., January 2004, ISBN I 0-262-06236-4
"Rural Poverty, Risk, and Development",
Elgar Publishing, 288pp., December 2003, ISBN I 84376-436-9
Articles and book chapters
"To Defer or to Differ: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Cash Transfers in Nigerian Couples’ Decision–making",
in collaboration with Mehrab Bakhtiar, Markus Goldstein, Kenneth Leonard, and S. Papieni;
Economic Journal, forthcoming; with
Online Appendix.
“Exclusion Bias and the Estimation of Peer Effects”,
in collaboration with Bet Caeyers;
Journal of Human Ressources,forthcoming
"Matching Frictions and Distorted Beliefs: Evidence from a Job Fair Experiment",
in collaboration with Girum Abebe, Stefano Caria, Paolo Falco, Simon Franklin, Simon Quinn and Forhad Shilpi;
Economic Journal, forthcoming
"Demand for Commitment in Credit and Saving Contracts: A Field Experiment",
in collaboration with Uzma Afzal, Giovanna d’Adda, Simon Quinn, and Farah Said;
Economic Journal, forthcoming;
with "Online Appendix"
"Panel Data Evidence on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Livelihoods in Urban Côte d’Ivoire",
in collaboration with Pascaline Dupas and Eva Lestant;
PlosOne, February 2023, 18(2): e0277559,
"Keep It Simple: A Field Experiment on Information Sharing in Social Networks",
in collaboration with Catia Batista and Pedro Vicente;
World Bank Economic Review, November 2022, 36(4): 857-88
“Labor Conflict within Foreign, Domestic, and Chinese-Owned Manufacturing Firms in Ethiopia”,
in collaboration with James Chu;
World Development, November 2022, 159: 106037
“Intrahousehold Consumption Allocation and Demand for Agency: A Triple Experimental Investigation”,
in collaboration with Uzma Afzal, Giovanna d’Adda, and Farah Said;
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2022, 14(3): 400-44; with
Online Appendix.
"Adoption with Social Learning and Network Externalities",
in collaboration with Mans Soderbom and Monique vanden Boogaart;
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, December 2022, 84(6): 1259-82; with
Online Appendix
"When No Bad Deed Goes Punished: Relational Contracting in Ghana versus the UK" ,
in collaboration with Elwyn Davies,
Journal of Business and Economic Organization, November 2021, 191: 714-37
“The Evolution of Built-up Areas in Ghana since 1975”,
in collaboration with Forhad Shilpi,
PLOS ONE, 16(5): e0250847
"Mobilizing P2P Diffusion for New Agricultural Practices: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh" ,
in collaboration Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, and Debayan Pakrashi,
World Bank Economic Review, Nobember 2021, 34(4): 1076-101
"Anonymity or Distance? Removing Obstacles to Youth Employment in Urban Ethiopia",
in collaboration with Girum Abebe, Stefano Caria, Paolo Falco, Simon Franklin, and Simon Quinn,
Review of Economic Studies, 88(3): 1279-1310, 2021
"Banker My Neighbor: Matching and Financial Intermediation in Savings Groups",
in collaboration with Rachel Cassidy,
Journal of Development Economics, 145, 102460, 2020
"Can People Form Links to Efficiently Access Information?",
in collaboration with A. Stefano Caria,
Economic Journal, October 2020, 631: 1966-94 https://doi.org/10.1093/ej/ueaa064
"Can Referral Improve Targeting? Evidence from a Vocational Training Experiment" ,
in collaboration Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, and Debayan Pakrashi
Journal of Development Economics, 144.102436, 2020
"Formal and Informal Market Institutions: Embeddedness Revisited",
Handbook of Economic Development and Institutions,
J.M. Baland, Francois Bourguignon, J.P. Platteau and Thierry Verdier (eds.), Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 2020 (forthcoming)
"Family Networks and Distributive Politics",
in collaboration with Julien Labonne,
Journal of the European Economic Association,
August 2020, 18(4): 1697-725 https://doi.org/10.1093/jeea/jvz023
"Voting and Peer Effects: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial",
in collaboration with Ana Vaz and Pedro Vicente,
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
2020, 68(2): 567-606
"Redistribution and Group Participation: Comparative Experimental Evidence from Africa and the UK",
in collaboration with Ruth Vargas Hill,
World Bank Economic Review,
2019, 33(3): 717-35
Online version here
"Engines of Growth and Africa's Economic Performance Revisited",
African Economic Development (2nd Edition),
Emmanuel Nnadozie and Afeikhena Jerome (ed.), Emerald Publishing, pp. 77-92, 2003
There is also a long version that could not fit in the book.
"The Role of Social Ties in Factor Allocation",
in collaboration with Ulrik Beck and Benedikte Bjerge,
World Bank Economic Review,
2019, 33(3): 598-621
"Expectations, Network Centrality, and Public Good Contributions: Experimental Evidence from India",
in collaboration with A. Stefano Caria,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
November 2019, 167: 391-408
“Testing Efficient Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences: Comment”,
in collaboration with Aditya Shrinivas,
American Economic Review,
2018, 108(10: 3104-13
"Are People Equally Other-Regarding When Picking a Partner vs Choosing an Allocation?",
in collaboration with Michele Belot (previous title: "Experimental Evidence on Other-Regarding Preferences in Partnership Formation"),
Southern Journal of Economics,
2018, 84(4): 1088-108
"An Experimental Study of Decentralized Networked Markets",
in collaboration with Margherita Comola,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
2018, 145(C): 567-91
"Peer Effect Heterogeneity in Computer Assited Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment",
in collaboration with Di Mo,
Experimental Economics,
2018, 21(2): 355-82, June
" Two Sides of the Same Rupee? Comparing Demand for Microcredit and Microsaving in a Framed Field Experiment in Rural Pakistan",
in collaboration with Uzma Afzal, Giovanna d’Adda, Simon Quinn and Farah Said,
Economic Journal
2018, 128(614): 2161-90, with
"Online Appendix"
"Networks and Manufacturing Firms in Africa: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment",
in collaboration with Simon Quinn,
World Bank Economic Review
2018, 32(3): 656-75, October, with
Online Appendix
"Manufacturing Growth and Agglomeration Effects",
L’Actualité Economique,
2018, 94(1), March
"Using Split Samples to Improve Inference on Causal Effects",
in collaboration with Julien Labonne,
Political Analysis,
2017, 25(4): 465-82, with
"Online Appendix"
"Do Politicians' Relatives Get Better Jobs? Evidence from Municipal Elections",
in collaboration with Julien Labonne,
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
2017, 33(2): 268-300, with
"Online Appendix"
in collaboration with Simon Quinn,
Journal of Development Studies
2017, 53(10): 1615-33, October
"Gold Mining and Proto-Urbanization: Recent Evidence from Ghana",
in collaboration with Michael Koelle and Forhad Shilpi,
Journal of Economic Geography
2017, 17(5): 975-1008, September
"Who Gains from Competition? The Ultimatum Game in an Labour Market Setting in Ghana",
in collaboration with Elwyn Davies,
Social Economics
Joan Costa-Font and Mario Macis (eds.), MIT Press, CESifo Seminar Series, January 2017
"Identifying Gazelles: Expert Panels vs. Surveys as a Means to Identify Firms with Rapid Growth Potential",
in collaboration with Chris Woodruff,
World Bank Economic Review
2017, 31(3): 670-86
"Firm Productivity, Wages, and Agglomeration Externalities",
in collaboration with Said El Hamine,
Research in Economics,
71: 291-305, 2017
"The Missing Transfers: Estimating Mis-Reporting in Dyadic Data",
in collaboration with Margherita Comola,
Economic Development and Cultural Change ,
2017, 65(3): 549-82
"Airtime Transfers and Mobile Communications: Evidence in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster",
in collaboration with Joshua Blumenstock and Nathan Eagle,
Journal of Development Economics
120(C): 157-81, 2016
"The Heterogeneous Effect of Software Patents on Expected Returns: Evidence from India",
in collaboration with Markus Eberhardt, Christian Helmers, and Manasa Patnam,
Economic Letters
145(C): 73-8, 2016
"Keep Up With the Winners: Experimental Evidence on Risk Taking, Asset Integration, and Peer Effects",
in collaboration with Bereket Kebede and Daniel Zizzo,
European Economic Review
79: 59-79, October 2015
"Causal Effects in Social Networks" (conference keynote address),
Revue Economique
66(4): 657-86, 2015
"Referral and Job Performance: Evidence from the Ghana Colonial Army",
in collaboration with Alex Moradi
Economic Development and Cultural Change ,
63(4): 715-52, 2015
"Mobile Phone Coverage and Producer Markets: Evidence from West Africa",
in collaboration with Jenny C. Aker
World Bank Economic Review,
29(2): 262-92, 2015
"The formation of community based organizations in sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis of a quasi-experiment",
in collaboration with Abigail Barr and Marleen Dekker
World Development
66(C): 131-153, 2014
"Education and Household Welfare",
in collaboration with Forhad Shilpi
Economic Development and Cultural Change ,
63(1): 73-115, 2014
" Microenterprise Growth and the Fly-paper Effect: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Ghana",
in collaboration with David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Chris Woodruff
Journal of Development Economics,
106(C): 211-26, 2014
"Social networks and research output",
in collaboratio with Lorenzo Ductor, Sanjeev Goyal and Marco van der Leij
Review of Economics and Statistics,
96(5): 936–948, December 2014
"Testing Unilateral and Bilateral Link Formation",
in collaboration with Margherita Comola
Economic Journal,
124(579):954-76, 2014
"Network Proximity and Business Practices in African Manufacturing",
in collaboration with Mans Soderbom
World Bank Economic Review,
28(1): 99-129, January 2014
"Local Financial Development and Firm Performance: Evidence from Morocco",
in collaboration with Matthias Schundeln
Journal of Development Economics,
103: 15-28, July 2013
"Credit Constraints, Collateral, and Lending to the Poor"
Revue d’Economie du Développement,
21(2): 79-100, October 2013
"Determinants of the Choice of Migration Destination",
in collaboration with Forhad Shilpi
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,
75(3): 388-409, 2013
"Political Violence and Social Networks: Experimental Evidence from a Nigerian Election",
in collaboration with Pedro Vicente
Journal of Development Economics,
101: 27-48, March 2013
"Impact of SMS-Based Agricultural Information on Indian Farmers",
in collaboration with Bart Minten
World Bank Economic Review,
26(3): 383-414, 2012
"Bridging the gender divide: An experimental analysis of group
formation in African villages",
in collaboration with Abigail Barr and Marleen Dekker
World Development,
40(10): 2063-77, October 2012
"Matching in Community-Based Organizations",
in collaboration with Jean-Louis Arcand
Journal of Development Economics,
98(2): 203-19, July 2012
"Development, Agglomeration, and the Organization of Work"
Regional Science and Urban Economics,
42: 459-472, 2012
"Self-Help Groups and Mutual Assistance: Evidence from Kenyan Slums",
in collaboration with Eliana La Ferrara
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
60(4): 707-34, July 2012
"Who Shares Risk with Whom under Different Enforcement Mechanisms?",
in collaboration with Abigail Barr and Marleen Dekker
Economic Development and Cultural Change
60(4): 677-706, July 2012
"Using PDA consistency checks to increase the precision of profits and sales measurement in panels?",
in collaboration with David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff
Journal of Development Economics,
98(1): 51-7, May 2012
"Subjective well-being, disability and adaptation: A case study from rural Ethiopia",
in collaboration with Bereket Kebede, in
Adaptation, Poverty and Development: The Dynamics of Subjective Well-Being,
Clark, D. A. (ed.), pp.161-80,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
"Taboos, Agriculture and Poverty",
in collaboration with David Stifel and Bart Minten
Journal of Development Studies,
47(10): 1455-81, 2011
"Development, Social Norms, and Assignment to Task",
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
108(Suppl.4):21308-15, December 27 2011
"Social Identity and the Formation of Health Insurance Networks",
in collaboration with Joachim De Weerdt
Journal of Development Studies,
47(8): 1152-1177, 2011
"Matching and Network Effects",
in collaboration with Sanjeev Goyal and Marco van der Leij
Journal of the European Economic Association,
8(1): 203-31, January 2010
"Vulnerability, Risk Management, and Agricultural Development",
African Journal of Agricultural Economics,
Volume 5(1), September 2010
"Intrahousehold Welfare in Rural Ethiopia",
in collaboration with Bereket Kebede and Agnes Quisumbing,
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,
Volume 71(4): 567-99, August 2009
"Risk Sharing Between Households",
Handbook of Social Economics, Volume 1A,
Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin, and Matthew O. Jackson (eds.),
North-Holland, San Diego and Amsterdam, 2011
"Wage Gaps and Job Sorting in African Manufacturing",
in collaboration with Mans Soderbom and Najy Benhassine,
Journal of African Economies,
Vol. 18(5): 824-68. November 2009
"The Determinants of Funding to Ugandan NOGs",
in collaboration with Trudy Owens
World Bank Economic Review,
Vol. 23(2): 295-321. 2009
"Isolation and Subjective Welfare: Evidence from South Asia",
in collaboration with Forhad Shilpi
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Volume 57(4): 641-83, July 2009
"Insecurity and Welfare",
in collaboration with Bart Minten
Journal of Development Studies,
Volume 45(6): 831-63, July 2009
"Human Capital, Exports and Wages",
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Vol. 58(1): 111-41. October 2009
"Household Separation and Child Well-Being",
presented at the Young Lives Global Challenges Symposium, Oxford,
12-13 December 2008
"Subjective Welfare, Isolation, and Relative Consumption",
in collaboration with Forhad Shilpi
Journal of Development Economics,
Volume 86, Issue 1, April 2008, Pages 43-60
"Quality Control in Non-Staple Food Markets: Evidence from India",
in collaboration with Ruth Vargas Hill and Bart Minten
Agricultural Economics,
Volume 38, Issue 3, Date: May 2008, Pages: 251-266
"Price Transmission and Trader Entry in Domestic Commodity Markets",
in collaboration with Ruth Hill
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 729-766, Jul 2008
"Learning to Export: Evidence from Moroccan Manufacturing",
in collaboration with Albert Zeufack and Said El Hamine,
Journal of African Economies,
17(2):305-55, 2008
"Contingent Loan Repayment in the Philippines",
in collaboration with Flore Gubert,
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
55(4): 633-67, July 2007
"Spontaneous Markets, Networks and Social Capital: Lessons from Africa"
Institutional Microeconomics of Development,
Timothy Besley and Rajshri Jayaraman (eds.),
CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., 2010
"Risk Sharing and Network Formation"
in collaboration with Flore Gubert,
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings,
97(2): 75-79, May 2007
"Agricultural markets in Benin and Malawi",
in collaboration with Eleni Gabre-Madhin,
African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,
1(1): 67-85, December 2006
"Quality Control and the Marketing of Non-Staple Crops in India",
in collaboration with Ruth Vargas-Hill and Bart Minten, in
Global Supply Chains, Standards, and the Poor,
Johan Swinnen (ed.), Cabi Publications, 2007
"Public Service Provision, User Fees, and Political Turmoil",
in collaboration with Bart Minten,
Journal of African Economies,
16(3): 485-518, June 2007
"Extended Family and Kinship Networks: Economic Insights and Evolutionary Directions (DRAFT)",
in collaboration with Donald Cox,
Handbook of Development Economics,
Volume 4,
T. Paul Schultz and John Strauss (eds.), Elsevier, 2008
"The Formation of Risk-Sharing Networks",
in collaboration with Flore Gubert,
Journal of Development Economics,
83(2): 326-50, July 2007
"Household Formation and Marriage Markets in Rural Areas",
in collaboration with Agnes Quisumbing,
Handbook of Development Economics,
Volume 4,
T. Paul Schultz and John Strauss (eds.), Elsevier, 2008
"Wages and Labor Management in African Manufacturing",
in collaboration with Mans Soderbom,
Journal of Human Resources,
41(2): 346-79, Spring 2006
"Child Labor, Urban Proximity, and Household Composition",
in collaboration with Jackline Wahba,
Journal of Development Economics,
79(2): 374-97, April 2006
"Employment Concentration across US Counties",
in collaboration with Klaus Desmet,
Regional Science and Urban Economics,
36(4): 482-509, July 2006
"A Client-Community Assessment of the NGO Sector in Uganda",
in collaboration with Abigail Barr,
Journal of Development Studies,
42(4): 611-39, May 2006
"Les Institutions de Marche en Afrique Sub-Saharienne",
L'Actualite Economique,
81(4): 595-616, December 2005
"Land Lease Markets and Agricultural Efficiency in Ethiopia",
in collaboration with John Pender,
Journal of African Economies,
15(2): 251-84, June 2006
"Intrahousehold Welfare",
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2007 (forthcoming)
"Crime, Transitory Poverty, and Isolation: Evidence from Madagascar",
in collaboration with Bart Minten,
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
54(3): 579-604, April 2006
"Development and Social Capital",
Journal of Development Studies,
42(7): 1180-98, October 2006
"Adjustment Costs and
Irreversibility as Determinants of Investment: Evidence
from African Manufacturing",
in collaboration with Arne Bigsten, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon,
Bernard Gauthier, Jan Willem Gunning,
Anders Isaksson, Abena Oduro, Remco Oostendorp, Cathy Patillo,
Mans Soderbom, Francis Teal, and Albert Zeufack,
Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy,
4(1): article 12, 2005mic Analysis & Policy,
"Increasing Returns and Market Efficiency in Agricultural Trade",
in collaboration with Eleni Gabre-Madhin and Bart Minten,
Journal of Development Economics,
78(2): 406-42, December 2005
"Selling at the Farm-Gate or Travelling to Market",
in collaboration with Ruth Hill,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
87(3): 717-34, August 2005
"Assets at Marriage in Rural Ethiopia",
in collaboration with Agnes Quisumbing,
Journal of Development Economics,
77(1): 1-25, June 2005
"Changes in the Spatial Concentration of Employment Across US Counties: A Sectoral Analysis 1972-2000",
in collaboration with Klaus Desmet,
Journal of Economic Geography,
5: 261-84, June 2005
"Cities and Specialization: Evidence from South Asia",
in collaboration with Forhad Shilpi,
Economic Journal,
115(503): 477-504, April 2005
"The Governance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Uganda",
in collaboration with Abigail Barr and Trudy Owens,
World Development,
33(4): 657-79, April 2005
"Marriage, Bequests, and Assortative Matching in Ethiopia",
in collaboration with Agnes Quisumbing,
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
53(2): 347-80, January 2005
"Social Capital",
in collaboration with Steven Durlauf,
Handbook of Economic Growth,
Volume 1B,
Philippe Aghion and Stephen Durlauf (eds.), pp. 1637-99,
North Holland, 2005
"Ethnicity and Networks in African Trade",
Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy,
Berkeley Electronic Press at www.bepress.com,
2(1): article 14, 2003
"Risk Sharing in Labor Markets",
in collaboration with Arne Bigsten, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon,
Bernard Gauthier, Jan Willem Gunning,
Anders Isaksson, Abena Oduro, Remco Oostendorp, Cathy Patillo,
Mans Soderbom, Francis Teal, and Albert Zeufack,
World Bank Economic Review,
17(3): 349-66, 2003
"Crime, Isolation, and Law Enforcement",
in collaboration with Christine Moser,
Journal of African Economies,
12(4): 625-71, 2003
"Risk Sharing Networks in Rural Philippines",
in collaboration with Susan Lund,
Journal of Development Economics,
71: 261-87, 2003
"The Spatial Division of Labor in Nepal",
in collaboration with Forhad Shilpi,
Journal of Development Studies,
39(6): 23-66, 2003
"Social Roles, Human Capital, and the Intrahousehold Division of Labor: Evidence From Pakistan",
in collaboration with Agnes Quisumbing,
Oxford Economic Papers,
55(1): 36-80, 2003
"Spontaneous Market Emergence",
Topics in Theoretical Economics, 2(1): article 2, 2002
(This supersedes an earlier paper entitled
"Market Emergence, Trust, and Reputation")
"Inequality and Risk",
in Insurance against Poverty,
Stefan Dercon (ed.), Oxford University Press, 2004.
"Insurance Market Efficiency and Crop Choices in Pakistan",
in collaboration with Takashi Kurosaki,
Journal of Development Economics,
67(2): 419-53, April 2002
"Control and Ownership of Assets Within Ethiopian Rural Households",
in collaboration with Agnes Quisumbing,
Journal of Development Studies,
38(6): 47-82, August 2002
"Returns to Social Network Capital Among Traders",
in collaboration with Bart Minten,
Oxford Economic Papers,
54: 173-206, April 2002
"Inventories and Risk in African Manufacturing",
in collaboration with Jan Willem Gunning and Remco Oostendorp,
Economic Journal, 110(466): 861-893, October 2000
"Social Capital and Agricultural Trade",
in collaboration with Bart Minten,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
83(3): 680-685, August 2001
"Engines of Growth and Africa's Economic Performance",
African Economic Development,
Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), Academic Press, New York, pp. 65-98, 2003
"Property Rights in a Flea Market Economy",
in collaboration with Bart Minten,
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
49(2): 229-268, January 2001.
"Ethnicity and Credit in African Manufacturing",
Journal of Development Economics, 61:205-235, 2000
"Rates of Return on Physical and Human
Capital in Africa's Manufacturing Sector",
with the ISA group,
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
68(4): 801-828
"Contract Flexibility and Dispute Resolution
in African Manufacturing",
with the ISA group,
Journal of Development Studies,
36(4): 1-17, April 2000
"Networks, Communities, and Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications
for Firm Growth and Investment",
Journal of African Economies,
10(Supplement 2): 109-142, September 2001
"Social Capital and the Firm: Evidence from Agricultural Trade",
in collaboration with Bart Minten, in
The Role of Social Capital in Development: An Empirical Assessment,
Christian Grootaert and Thierry van Bastelear (eds.),
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
"Rural Poverty, Risk, and Development",
FAO, Economic and Social Development Paper No. 144
"Relationships and Traders in Madagascar",
in collaboration with Bart Minten,
Journal of Development Studies, August 1999
"The Role of Business Networks in Market Development in Sub-Saharan Africa",
in Community and Markets in Economic Development,
Masahiko Aoki and Yujiro Hayami (eds.),
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.
"Intrahousehold Access to Land and Sources of Inefficiency", in
Access to Land, Rural Poverty, and Public Action,
Alain de Janvry, Gustavo Gordillo, Elisabeth Sadoulet,
and Jean-Philippe Platteau (eds.),
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001
"The Tragedy of the Commons, Cycles, and Sustainability",
Journal of African Economies, 7(3): 384-423, 1998
"Risk Sharing and Quasi-Credit",
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development,
8(3): 257-278, 1999
"Human Capital, Producticity, and Labor Allocation in Rural Pakistan",
in collaboration with Agnes Quisumbing,
Journal of Human Resources, 34(2), Spring 1999
"Mobile Capital, Location Externalities and Industrialization",
Journal of Comparative Economics, 25: 345-365, December 1997
"The Determinants of Livestock Prices in Niger",
in collaboration with Sarah Gavian,
Journal of African Economies, Vo. 6(2), April 1997
"Drought and Saving in West Africa: Are Livestock a Buffer Stock?",
in collaboration with Katherine Czukas and Chris Udry,
Journal of Development Economics, April 1998
"Trade Credit in Zimbabwean Manufacturing",
World Development, May 1997.
"Social Heterogeneity and Wasteful Lobbying"
in collaboration with
Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet,
Public Choice, 98: 5-27, 1999
"Precautionary Savings, Credit Constraints, and Irreversible Investment:
Evidence from Semi-Arid India",
in collaboration with John Pender,
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, April 1997,
Vo.15, No.2: 180-194.
"Sovereign Debt, Structural Adjustment, and Conditionality",
Journal of Development Economics, 50:313-335, November 1996.
"The Spatial Integration of Livestock Markets in Niger",
in collaboration with Sarah Gavian,
Journal of African Economies, 5(3):366-405, October 1996.
"Land Tenure and Allocative Efficiency in Niger",
in collaboration with Sarah Gavian,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78: 460-471, May 1996
"Local Demand, Investment Multipliers, and Industrialization",
in collaboration with Brigit Helms,
Journal of Development Economics, 49:61-92, April 1996
"Enterprise Finance in Kenya", (179p.)
in collaboration with
Pradeep Srivastava, Tyler Biggs, and Jonathan Conning,
The World Bank, June 1994
"Enterprise Finance in Zimbabwe", (103p.)
in collaboration with John Pender and Elizabeth Robinson,
The World Bank, April 1995
"Trade Credit in Zimbabwe", in
African Entrepreneurship, edited by Anita Spring
and Barbara McDade, Indiana University Press, 1998
"The Enforcement of Commercial Contracts in Ghana",
World Development, 24(3):427-448, March 1996
In collaboration with Alain de Janvry and Elizabeth Sadoulet,
"Transaction Costs, Public Choice, and Induced Technological
Innovations", in
Induced Innovation and International Agricultural Development:
A Reassessment,
Edited by Bruce Koppel, Baltimore, John Hopkins UP, 1995
"Industrial Structure and Micro-Enterprises in Africa",
Journal of Developing Areas, 29(1):1-30, October 1994
"L'execution des contrats commerciaux au Ghana", in
Croissance, Repartition, Environnement: Quelles Regulations
pour un Developpement Durable?,
Centre Interuniversitaire de Formation Permanente, Charleroi, 1994.
11eme Congres des Economistes Belges de Langue Francaise,
Commission 2: Rapport Preparatoire.
"The Rural Community, Mutual Assistance, and Structural Adjustment", in
State, Markets, and Civil Institutions: New Theories, New Practices,
and Their Implications for Rural Development,
Alain de Janvry, Samir Radwan and Erik Thorbecke (eds.),
McMillan Press, (forthcoming)
In collaboration with Pan A. Yotopoulos, "Structural Change
in Taiwan: Emphasis on the Role of Agriculture", in
Modeling Economy-Wide Reforms,
Edited by I. Goldin, O. Knudsen, and A.S. Brandao,
OECD Publications, Paris, 1994
In collaboration with Alain de Janvry and Elizabeth Sadoulet,
"Tariff Seeking in a General Equilibrium Framework",
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development,
Vol. 2(2): 167-189, November 1993
"Sequential Labor Decisions Under Uncertainty: an Estimable
Household Model of West African Farmers",
61(5): 1173-1197, September 1993
In collaboration with Alain de Janvry, Mohamed Raki and Elizabeth
Sadoulet, "Structural Adjustment and the Peasantry in Morocco:
A Computable Household Model",
European Review of Agricultural Economics,
19(4): 427-453, October-December 1992
"Solidarity Networks in Preindustrial Societies:
Rational Peasants With a Moral Economy",
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
41(1): 147-176, October 1992
"Cash Crop Production, Food Price Volatility and Rural Market
Integration in the Third World",
American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
74(1): 90-99, February 1992
In collaboration with Alain de Janvry and Elizabeth Sadoulet, "Peasant
Household Behavior with Missing Markets: Some Paradoxes Explained",
Economic Journal,
101: 1400-1417, November 1991
In collaboration with Radha Ranganathan and Tom Walker, "Evaluating
Biological Productivity in Intercropping with Production Possibility
Agricultural Systems,
36(2): 137-57, 1991
In collaboration with Alain de Janvry and Elizabeth Sadoulet,
"Agrarian Structure, Technological Innovations and the State", in
The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions,
Edited by Pranab Bardhan,
Oxford University Press, 1989
In collaboration with Peter Matlon, "Crop Budgets in Three
Agro-Climatic Zones of Burkina Faso",
ICRISAT Progress Report,
Nber 85, August 1988 |
Contact Information:
Marcel Fafchamps
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Encina Hall Room E113
616 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford, CA
fafchamp at stanford dot edu |