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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2010-11 academic year only and may no longer be current.

For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.

Center for Biomedical Ethics

Director: David C. Magnus

Director Emeritus: Thomas A. Raffin

Associate Director: Mildred K. Cho

Participating Faculty and Staff: Clarence H. Braddock, Julie A. Collier, LaVera M. Crawley, Maren Grainger-Monsen, Henry Greely, Katrina A. Karkazis, Sandra S. Lee, Jose R. Maldonado, Kelly E. Ormond, Laura W. Roberts, Christopher T. Scott, Audrey Shafer, Sara L. Tobin, Abraham C. Verghese, Lawrence I. Zaroff

Center Offices: 1215 Welch Road, Modular A

Mail Code: 94305-5417

Phone: (650) 723-5760

Web Site:

The Stanford University Center for Biomedical Ethics (SCBE) is dedicated to interdisciplinary research and education, and provides clinical and research ethics consultation. SCBE serves as a scholarly resource on emerging ethical issues raised by medicine and biomedical research.

SCBE offers a scholarly concentration in Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities (BEMH) to medical students. This program allows medical students to study in depth the moral, social, and humanistic dimensions of medicine and biomedical science. Using cross-disciplinary methods such as those from philosophy, social science, film, literature, art, and law, students examine the meaning and implications of medicine and medical research.

Requirements—Students who pursue Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities in conjunction with an application area, such as Immunology, are required to complete 6 units including:

INDE 212. The Human Condition: Medicine, Arts, and Humanities (2 units)

MED 250A. Medical Ethics I (2 units)

Students may select the other two core BEMH units from a wide variety of University, Medical School, and Law School courses, and students interested in completing all 12 units in the BEMH scholarly area may do the same. Students are encouraged to go through the various offerings and devise a course plan to present to the director, David Magnus, and Audrey Shafer. Additional information on requirements for the scholarly concentration, is available at

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