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This archived information is dated to the 2010-11 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Introduction to the Humanities Program

Director: Russell A. Berman

Associate Director: Ellen Woods

Affiliated Faculty:

Lanier Anderson (Philosophy), Chris Bobonich (Philosophy), Eavan Boland (English), Scott Bukatman (Art and Art History), Steven Carter (Asian Languages), David Como (History), Adrian Daub (German Studies), Dan Edelstein (French and Italian), Harry Elam (Drama), Michele Elam (English), Zephyr Frank (History), Paul Harrison (Religious Studies), Robert Harrison (French and Italian), Ursula Heise (English), Ian Hodder (Archaeology and Anthropology), Christian Kaesser (Classics), Joshua Landy (French and Italian), Henry Lowood (University Libraries, Science and Technology), Marsh H. McCall, Jr. (Classics), Ian Morris (Classics), Alice Rayner (Drama), Eric Roberts (Computer Science), Orrin Robinson (German Studies), Janice Ross (Drama), Gabriella Safran (Slavic Languages), Nariman Skakov (Slavic Languages), Jennifer Summit (English), Kenneth Taylor (Philosophy), Blakey Vermeule (English), Barbara Voss (Archaeology and Anthropology), Steven Weitzman (Religious Studies), Laura Wittman (French and Italian), Tobias Wolff (English), Allen Wood (Philosophy), Lee Yearley (Religious Studies), Mark Zoback (Geophysics)

Lecturers: Sarah Allison, Lalaie Ameeriar, Nicholas Bauch, Kristin Boyce, Renu Cappelli, Bill Carter, Dan Contreras, John Corbally, Zenon Culverhouse, Jon Daehnke, Matthew Daube, William Elison, Jackie Feke, Catherine Flynn, Corinne Gartner, James Genone, William Goldman, Abby Heald, Andrew Hui, Michael Hunter, Ruth Kaplan, Kimberly Lewis, Tomas Matza, Liz Mullane, Christy Pichichero, Anne Pollok, Toma Roberts, Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels, Matthew Sayre, Jeffrey Schwegman, Janna Segal, Patricia Slatin, Melissa Stevenson, Anise Strong, Natalya Sukhonos, Bulbul Tiwari, Candace West, Gabriel Wolfenstein, Joshua Wright, Zhaohua Yang, Kari Zimmerman

Offices: Sweet Hall, Second Floor

Mail code: 3068

Phone: (650) 723-0944


Web Site:

Courses offered by the Introduction to the Humanities Program have the subject code IHUM

and are listed in the "Introduction to the Humanities Courses" section of this bulletin


Introduction to the Humanities offers courses that satisfy a three-quarter General Education Requirement (GER) for first-year students. The purpose of the Introduction to the Humanities (IHUM) requirement is to build an intellectual foundation in the study of human thought, values, beliefs, creativity, and culture. Introduction to the Humanities courses enhance skills in analysis, reasoning, argumentation, and oral and written expression, thus helping to prepare students for more advanced work in the humanities, and for work in other areas.

The IHUM requirement may be satisfied in two ways:

  1. Introduction to the Humanities courses

    a one quarter, interdisciplinary course followed by a two quarter course sequence.

  2. The Program in Structured Liberal Education

    a three quarter, residence-based learning experience, which satisfies the IHUM requirement, both of the University Writing and Rhetoric requirements, and the General Education Requirement in Disciplinary Breadth: Humanities. For information on the program, see the "Structured Liberal Education" section of this bulletin.

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