This bibliography began life as the bibliography of (my) Chapter 4 of
The Handbook of Experimental Economics, John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth, editors, Princeton University Press, 1995.
I have since updated it somewhat, and would be glad to hear of further updates I should make.
Bibliography of Bargaining Experiments (and related papers)
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Babcock, Linda, George Loewenstein, Samuel Issacharoff, and Colin Camerer [1995], "Biased Judgments of Fairness in Bargaining," American Economic Review, 85, 5, December, 1337-1343.
Berg, Joyce, John Dickhaut, and Kevin McCabe [1995], "Trust, Reciprocity, and Social Norms," Games-and-Economic-Behavior, July 1995. 10(1): p. 122-42.
Binmore, Ken, Peter Morgan, Avner Shaked, and John Sutton [1991], "Do People Exploit Their Bargaining Power?: An Experimental Study," Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 3, pp295-322.
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Binmore, Ken, Avner Shaked, and John Sutton [1989], "An Outside Option Experiment," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104, 753-770.
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Bolton, Gary [1991], "A Comparative Model of Bargaining: Theory and Evidence," American Economic Review, December, 81, 1096-1136.
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Bolton, Gary E, Elena Katok and Rami Zwick, "Dictator game giving: rules of fairness versus acts of kindness," International Journal of Game Theory, 1998, 27,269-299.
Bolton, Gary E. and Axel Ockenfels [2000], "ERC: A Theory of Equity, Reciprocity and Competition, American Economic Review, 90, 1, March, 166-193.
Bolton, Gary E. and Rami Zwick [1992], "Anonymity versus Punishment in Ultimatum Bargaining," working paper, Pennsylvania State University. Games and Economic Behavior, 10, 1, July 1995, 95-121.
Burrows, Paul and Graham Loomes [1990], "The Impact of Fairness on Bargaining Behavior," mimeo, Centre for Experimental Economics, University of York.
Cameron, Lisa A. [1999], Raising the Stakes in the Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia," Economic Inquiry, 37,1,January, 47-59.
Card, David [1988], "Strikes and Wages: A Test of a Signalling Model," mimeo, Princeton University.
Card, David [1990], "Strikes and Bargaining: A Survey of the Recent Empirical Literature," American Economic Review, 80, May, 410-415.
Carter, John R. and Michael D. Irons [1991], "Are Economists Different, and If So, Why?" Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5, 171-177.
Carter, John R. and Shannon A. McAloon[1996], "A test for comparative income effects in an ultimatum bargaining experiment" J. ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR AND ORGANIZATION Volume 31, issue 3, pages 369-380.
Chatterjee, Kalyan, and William Samuelson [1983], "Bargaining under incomplete information," Operations Research, 31, 835-851.
Contini, Bruno [1968], "The Value of Time in Bargaining Negotiations: Some Experimental Evidence," American Economic Review, 58, pp374-393.
Cooper, David J., Nick Feltovich, Alvin E. Roth, and Rami Zwick, "Relative versus Absolute Speed of Adjustment in Strategic Environments: Responder Behavior in Ultimatum Games," Experimental Economics, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2003, 181-207.
Cooper, Russell, Douglas V. DeJong, Robert Forsythe, and Thomas W. Ross [1989], "Communication in the battle of the sexes game: some experimental results," RAND Journal of Economics, 20, 568-587.
Cooper, Russell, Douglas V. DeJong, Robert Forsythe, and Thomas W. Ross [1990], "Selection Criteria in Coordination Games: Some Experimental Results," American Economic Review, 80, 218-233.
Costa-Gomes, Miguel and Klaus G. Zauner [1997], "A Social Utility Explanation of Results in Experimental Ultimatum Bargaining Games," Working Paper 97-021, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales.
Coursey, Don L. [1982], "Bilateral Bargaining, Pareto Optimality, and the Empirical Frequency of Impasse," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 3, pp243-259.
Cramton, Peter C. and Joseph S. Tracy [1992], "Strikes and Delays in Wage Bargaining: Theory and Data," American Economic Review, March, 82, 100-121.
Crawford, Vincent P. "Explicit Communication and Bargaining Outcomes," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 80, May 1990, 213-219.
Croson, Rachel T.A. [1996], "Information in Ultimatum Games: An Experimental Study," J. ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR AND ORGANIZATION Volume 30, issue 2, pages 197-213. Abstract
Currie, Janet [1989], "Who Uses Interest Arbitration? The Case of British Columbia's Teachers 1947-1981," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 42, 363-379.
Currie, Janet and Sheena McConnell [1989], "Strikes and Arbitration in the Public Sector: Can Legislation Reduce Dispute Costs?," mimeo, UCLA.
Daughety, Andrew F. [1993], "Socially-Influenced Choice: Equity Considerations in Models of Consumer Choice and in Games," Working paper #93-01, Department of Economics, University of Iowa.
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Deutsch, Morton and Paul Kotik [1978], "Altruism and Bargaining," Bargaining Behavior, Contributions to Experimental Economics 7, Heinz Sauermann (editor), J.C.B. Mohr, Tubingen, 20-40.
Eckel, Catherine C. and Philip Grossman [1992a], "Chivalry and Solidarity in Ultimatum Games," working paper, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Eckel, Catherine C. and R. Gilles [1997], "Fairness in Ultimatum Bargaining with Outside Options: Experimental Evidence," working paper VPI
Eckel, Catherine C. and Philip Grossman [1996], "The Price of Fairness: Gender Differences in a punishment game," J. ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR AND ORGANIZATION, Volume 30, issue 2, pages 143-158. Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Eckel, Catherine C. and Philip Grossman [1996], "Altruism in Anonymous Dictator Games," Games and Economic Behavior, 16:181- 191.
Eckel, Catherine C. and Philip Grossman [1997], "Are Women Less Selfish Than Men?: Evidence from Dictator Games," Economic Journal, forthcoming.
Farrell, Joseph [1987], "Cheap Talk, Coordination, and Entry," RAND Journal of Economics, 18, 34-39.
Fehr, Ernst, Georg Kirchsteiger, and Arno Riedl [1993a], "Does Fairness prevent Market Clearing? An Experimental Investigation," Quarterly Journal of Economics, xx, xxx.
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Fershtman, Chaim and Daniel J. Seidmann [1993] "Deadline Effects andd Inefficient Delay in Bargaining with Endogenous Commitment," Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming.
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Foddy, Margaret "Information Control as a Bargaining Tactic in Social Exchange," Advances in Group Processes, 1989, 6, pp139-178.
Forsythe, Robert, John Kennan and Barry Sopher [1990], "Dividing a Shrinking Pie: An Experimental Study of Strikes in Bargaining Games with Complete Information," in R. Mark Isaac (ed.), Research in Experimental Economics, Greenwich CT, JAI Press, forthcoming.
Forsythe, Robert, John Kennan and Barry Sopher [1991], "An Experimental Analysis of Bargaining and Strikes with One Sided Private Information," American Economic Review, 81, 253-278.
Forsythe, Robert, Joel L. Horowitz, N.E. Savin, and Martin Sefton "Fairness in Simple Bargaining Experiments," 1994, Games and Economic Behavior, 6, 347-369.
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Fudenberg, Drew and David K. Levine [1993a], "Self-Confirming Equilibrium," Econometrica, 61, 523-546.
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Gale, John, Kenneth G. Binmore, and Larry Samuelson [1993], "Learning to be Imperfect: The Ultimatum Game," Games and Economic Behavior 8 (1995), 56-90.
Gneezy, Uri, Ernan Haruvy, and Alvin E. Roth, "Bargaining Under a Deadline: Evidence from the Reverse Ultimatum Game," Games and Economic Behavior, Special Issue in Honor of Robert W. Rosenthal, 45, 2, November 2003, 347-368.
Grammer, Karl, Wulf Schiefenhovel, Margret Schleidt, Beatrice Lorenz, and Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt [1988], "Patterns on the Face: The Eyebrow Flash in Crosscultural Comparison," Ethology, 77, 279-299.
Grosskopf, Brit, and Alvin E. Roth, "If you are offered the Right of First Refusal, Should you accept? An Investigation of Contract Design," Games and Economic Behavior, Special Issue in Honor of Martin Shubik, forthcoming.
Guth, Werner [1988] "On the behavioral approach to distributive justice: A theoretical and experimental investigation," in S. Maital, editor, Applied Behavioural Economics, New York University Press, Vol. 2, p703-717.
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Harrison, Glenn W., "Risk Aversion and Preference Distortion in Deterministic Bargaining Experiments," Economics Letters, 22, 1986, 191-196.
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