CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
Home | General Subject Headings | Keyword Index
General Subject Headings
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
- Agriculture, 1
- Analysis, 2
- Animal Cell, 3
- Animal Processes and Phenomena, 4
- Apparatus, 5
- Atoms and Molecules, 6
- Biological Pigments, 7
- Body, animal, 8
- Body Fluid, 9
- Building Materials, 10
- Catalyst and Catalysis,11
- Ceramic industry,12
- Electricity and Electric property,13
- Electromagnetic wave, 14
- Elements, 15
- Food and Feed, 16
- Functional groups, 17
- Genetics and Evolution, 18
- Graphic arts, 19
- Hormones, 20
- Immunology, 21
- Information science and technology, Solids, 22
- Inorganic compounds, 23
- Kinetics, reaction, 24
- Lipids, 25
- Living systems, processes, and components, 26
- Magnetic property, 27,
- Mechanical property, 28
- Mechanics, 29
- Medicine, 30
- Metabolism, 31
- Metallurgy, 32
- Mineralogy and Geology,33
- Nuclear chemistry, Radiochemistry and Radiation, 34
- Oils and Fats, 35
- Optical radiation and properties, 36
- Organelle, 37
- Organic compounds, 38
- Particles, 39
- Peptides, 40
- Pharmaceuticals, 41
- Physicochemical and physical properties, 42
- Plant, 43
- Polymer additives, 44
- Polymer applications, 45
- Polymeric compositions, 46
- Polymer processing, 47
- Proteins, 48
- Quantum mechanics, 49
- Reaction, 50
- Science, 51
- Separation, 52
- Soils, 53
- Solids 54
- States of matter, 55
- Structure, 56
- Surface, 57
- Technological processes, 58
- Technological product, 59
- Thermodynamics and Energetics,60
- Toxicology, 61
- Transport process and property, 62
- Universe, 63
- Waxes and Waxy substances, 64