CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Subject Headings 34–37
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
34. Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry
a Acceleration Atomic nuclei * Exotic nuclei * Hypernuclei * Nuclear model * (Nuclear property) * * Electron internal conversion * * Inertia * * Nuclear binding energy * * Nuclear charge * * Nuclear energy level * * Nuclear force * * Nuclear isobar * * Nuclear moment * * * Multipole moment * * * * Dipole moment * * * * Quadrupole moment * * * Nuclear magnetic moment * * Nuclear potential * * Nuclear spectrometry * * Nuclear temperature b * * Screening, electronic and nuclear * * Spin, nuclear * * * Nuclear polarization * * * * Electron nuclear double resonance * * * * Electron nuclear triple resonance * * * * Magnetic relaxation * * * * Nuclear acoustic resonance * * * * Nuclear magnetic resonance * * * * * Atomic beam magnetic resonance * * * * * Knight shift * * * * * Molecular beam magnetic resonance * * * * * Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy * * * * * Overhauser effect * * * * * * Overhauser spectroscopy * * * * Nuclear quadrupole resonance * * * * * Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometry * * * Spin, nuclear coupling * Nuclear energy * * Power * Nuclear reaction c * * Fission * * * Fission fragments and products * * * * Nuclear dispersion in fission * * Nuclear explosion * * Nuclear fusion * * Nuclear reaction energy * * Nuclear reaction fragments * * * Nuclear dispersion in reactions * * Nucleosynthesis * * Radioactive decay * * * Beta decay * * * Electron-capture decay Elementary particles * Antiparticles * Dipole moment * Electron * * Delta particles * * Electron beam * * * Electron beam spectroscopy * * * Electron microprobe analysis d * * * Electron optics * * * Microscopy, electron * * * * Replication * * Electron bubble * * Electron configuration and Electron density * * Electron crystal * * Electron emission * * * Electron emission spectroscopy * * * Photoelectric emission * * * * Photoelectron spectroscopy * * Electron gas * * Electron liquid * * Electron pair production * * * Vacuum polarization * * Electron temperature * * Spin, electronic * * * Electron angular momentum * Elementary-particle force * Elementary-particle magnetic moment * Elementary-particle potential e * Field theory * * Quark model * Helicity * Monopole * * Magnetic monopole * Muon spin rotation * Photon * Strange particles (Exotic particles) * Exotic atoms * Exotic molecules * Exotic nuclei * Exotic particle exchange * Exotic particle internal conversion Ion beams * Elastic recoil detection * Heavy-ion beams * Ion scattering spectroscopy Isotopes * Isotope effect * Isotope indicators f * Isotope separation * Radioactive decay series * Radioelements * * Actinides * * * Transuranium elements * * * * Transfermium elements * * * * Superheavy elements * * Radioactive decay series Nuclear materials and Fissile materials * Nuclear fusion reactor fuels and plasmas * Nuclear reactor fuels and fuel elements * * Nuclear reactor fuel reprocessing Nuclear matter * Antimatter * * Antielements * * Antiparticles * * Dark matter Nuclear photographic emulsions Quantum mechanics [See Hierarchy 49] Radiation g * Cosmic ray * Dosimetry * Electromagnetic wave [See Hierarchies 14 and 36] * Health physics * * Radiation sickness * * Radioprotectant * Radiation chemistry * * Radiochemical analysis * * Reaction radiochem. [See Hierarchy 50] * Radiation hardening * Radiography * Radiology * Radiomimetics * Radiosensitizers, biological * Radiotherapy Radioactivity * Radioactive decay * * Beta decay * * Electron-capture decay * * Radioactive decay series h * Radioactive substances * * Decorporation * * Radioactive fallout * * Radioactive wastes * * Radioelements * * * Actinides * * * * Transuranium elements * * * * * Transfermium elements * * * * * Superheavy elements Scattering * Compton effect * Thomson scattering
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35. Oils and Fats
a Essential oils Fats and Glyceridic oils * Butter * * Butter substitutes * * Ghee * * Maslee * * Samna * Canola oil * Castor oil * Cocoa butter * * Cocoa butter substitutes * Coconut oil * Cod-liver oil * Corn oil * Cottonseed oil * Grease * Kokum * Lard * Linseed oil * * Stand oils b * Margarine * Olive oil * Palm kernel oil * Palm oil * Peanut oil * Rape oil * Rosin oil * Safflower oil * Soybean oil * Sperm oil * Sunflower oil * Tall oil * Tallow * Tung oil Fat substitutes * Butter substitutes * Cocoa butter substitutes
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36. Optical Radiation and Properties
a Copying process [See Hierarchy 19] Ellipsometry Infrared radiation * Heating IR * Infrared spectra * * Infrared spectrometry Laser radiation * Lidar * Spectral hole burning Light * Albedo (reflection phenomenon) * Analysis * * Nephelometry * * Polarimetry * * Spectrochemical analysis * * Turbidimetry * Brillouin effect * Color * * Colorimetry * * Coloring b * * * Cathodochromism * * * Discoloration * * * * Browning * * * * * Maillard reaction products * * * Electrochromism * * * Halochromism * * * Metachromatism * * * Photochromism * * * Piezochromism * * * Solvatochromism * * * Staining * * * * Staining, biological * * * * * Metachromasia * * * Thermochromism * * Color reactions * * Decolorization * * * Bleaching * * * * Kappa number * * * Decoloration number * * * Fading c * * Whiteness * Erythema * Illumination * Optical double resonance * * Hanle effect * Optical pumping * Photochromism * Photodynamic action * Photomagnetic effect * Photomechanical effect * Photoperiodism * * Nyctinasty * Photophoresis * Photoprotectants * * Sunscreens * Photorespiration * Photosensitizers * Photosynthesis * * Calvin cycle * * Emerson enhancement effect d * * Photosynthetic systems * * Warburg effect * Phototaxis * Phototropism * * Heliotropism * Raman spectra * * Raman spectrometry * Sunburn and Suntan * * Sunscreens * Tyndall effect * Ultraviolet and visible Spectra * * Spectral hole burning * * Ultraviolet and visible spectrometry * Vision Luminescence * Airglow * Aurora * Fluorescence * * Fluorometry * * Fluorescence quenching e * Luminescence, bio- * Luminescence, cathodo- * Luminescence, chemi- * Luminescence, electro- * Luminescence, radio- * Luminescence, thermo- * Luminescence quenching * Luminescence spectrometry * Phosphorescence * * Phosphorescence quenching * * Phosphorimetry * Scintillation Optical property * Birefringence * * Birefringence, flow * * Electric birefringence * * Magnetic birefringence * * Photoelasticity * Dichroism * * Circular dichroism f * * * Cotton effect * * * Magnetic circular dichroism * * Magnetic dichroism * Dielectric constant and dispersion optical * Electrooptical effect * * Electric birefringence * * Electrochromism * * Electrooptical absorption * * * Franz-Keldysh effect * * Electrooptical reflection * * Electrothermooptic effect * Iridescence * Magnetooptical effect * * Magnetic birefringence * * Magnetic dichroism * * * Magnetic circular dichroism * * Magnetoopticnal absorption * * Magnetooptical reflection * * * Kerr effect, magnetooptical * * Magnetooptical rotation g * * * Magnetooptical diffraction * * Verdet constant * Opacity * * Opacification * Opalescence * Optical absorption * * Absorptivity * * Beer's law and Beer-Lambert law * * Electrooptical absorption * * MagnetoopticaI absorption * * Urbach's rule * Optical anisotropy * Optical conductivity * Optical diffraction * Optical dispersion * Optical modulation * Optical nonlinear property * Optical reflection * * Electrooptical reflection * * Luster h * * Magnetooptical reflection * * * Kerr effect, magnetooptical * Optical rotation * * Magnetooptical rotation * * Optical rotatory dispersion * * Polarimetry * Piezooptical property * * Photoelasticity * * Piezochromism * Pleochroism * Refractive index and Optical refraction * * Photorefractive effect * * Schlieren * Thermooptical effect * * Thermochromism * Translucency * Transparency * Turbidity * * Turbidimetry Photoacoustic effect i Photochemistry * Reaction photochem. [See Hierarchy 50] Photoelectric property [See Hierarchy 13] Photography [See Hierarchy 19] Photometry Photon * Planck's constent * Polariton Recording optical Ultraviolet radiation * Ultraviolet and visible spectra * * Ultraviolet and visible spectrometry * * Bathochromic effect * * Hypsochromic effect * * Photoprotectants * * * Sunscreens * * Photosensitizers * * Renner effect * * Spectral hole burning
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37. Organelle
a Brush border * Microvillus Carboxysome Cell envelope * Cell membrane * * Membron * Cell wall Cell junction * Synapse Cell nucleus * Cell nucleolus * Chromosome * * Chromatid * Informosome * Nucleoid * Nucleoidosome * Nucleosome Chlorosome Chromatophore, bacterial Chylomicrons b Cilia Coccolith Cyst, microbial Cytometry Cytoplasm * Chromatoid body * Cytoskeleton * Endoplasmic reticulum * Genetic vectors * Glycogenosome * Golgi apparatus * Inclusion bodies * Labosome * Liposome * Lysosome * Melanosome * Microbody, biological * * Glyoxysome * * Peroxisome * Microfilament c * Microsome * Microtubule * Mitochondria * * Kinetoplast * Oogenins * Plasmid and Episome * Plastid * * Chloroplast * * Thylakoid membrane * Ribosome Extracellular matrix Flagella Genome Glycocalyx Ion channel Membrane phases, biological Membrane phase transition, biological Microbial capsule Phycobilisome Pili d Plant organ Spasmoneme Spinae Spirosome Virion structure