CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Subject Headings 31–32
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
31. Metabolism
a Animal metabolism * Anabolic agents * Calcification * * Coupling factors, biological * Lysosomal storage disease * Thermogenesis, biological (Carbon metabolism) * Acetylation * Aromatization * Carbon metabolic pathway * Cori cycle * Deacetylation * Deacylation * Dealkylation * Decarbonylation * Demethylation * Depolymerization * Drug biotransformation * Entner-Doudoroff pathway * Fermentation * * Crabtree effect b * * Pasteur effect * Gluconeogenesis * Glycolysis * Glycosidation * Glyoxylate cycle * Pentose phosphate pathway * Photosynthesis * * Calvin cycle * * Carbon metabolic pathway * * Glycolate pathway * * Photosynthetic systems * Tricarboxylic acid cycle Decorporation Deoxyribonucleic acid formation * Deoxyribonucleic acid repair * Reverse transcription * SignaI transduction, biological Detoxication Electrolytes, biologicaI (Halogen metabolism) * Debromination c * Dechlorination * Dehalogenation * Dehydrochlorination * Deiodination (Hydrogen metabolism) * Dehydrogenation Lysosomal storage disease Microorganism metabolism * (Microbial growth factors) * * Bios (Nitrogen metalbolism) * Ammonificetion * Deamination Nutrients anti- (Oxygen metabolism) * Animal respiration * Electron exchange and Charge transfer * Electron transportsystem, biological * Hydroxylation d * Microorganism respiration * Oxidation * * Coupling factors, biological * * Oxidative stress, biological * Phosphorylation, biological * * Coupling factors, biological * Photosynthesis * * Coupling factors, biological * * Emerson enhancement effect * * Hill reaction * * Oxidation, photochemical * * Photosynthates * * Photosynthetic systems * Plant respiration * * Climacteric (plant) * * Photorespiration * * Warburg effect (Phosphorus metabolism) * Dephosphorylation, biological * Phosphorylation, biological Plant metabolism e * Reduction, photochemical Plant organ (Sulfur metabolism) * Sulfation Transcription, genetic Translation, genetic
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32. Metallurgy
a Metallurgy extractive * Amalgamation * Atomization, dissociative * Atomization, spraying * Bacteria leaching by * Baths, compositions * Carbonization and Coking * Casting process * Coke * Controlled atmospheres * Crystal growth * Crystallization * * Zone crystallization * Crystal nucleation * Dialysis * Diffusion * Electrodeposition and Electroplating * Electrodialysis * Electrodiffusion * Electrolytes b * Energy balance * * Heat balance * Extraction * Firing of furnaces * Flocculation * Flocculating agents * Flotation * Flotation agents * Fluidization * Fluxes * Foundries * Grog * Handling of materials * Heat transfer * Heavy media and liquids * Ion exchange * * Anion exchange * * Cation exchange * Magnetohydrodynamics * Material balance c * Melting * * Zone melting * Molding sand * Ore briquets * Ore treatment * Pellets * Powder metallurgy * Pyrometry * Reduction * Solidification * Sorption * * Absorption * * Adsorption * * Chemisorption * * Desorption * Spheroidization * Sublimation * * Zone sublimation * Supercooling * Surfactants d * Thermite process * (Zone processes) * * Zone crystallization * * Zone freezing * * Zone melting * * Zone sublimation Metallurgy products * Abrasion-resistant materials * Acid-resistant materials * Alkali-resistant materials * Alloys * * Alkali metal alloys * * Alkaline earth alloys * * Group IIIA element alloys * * Group IVA element alloys * * Group VA element alloys * * Group VIA element alloys * * Refractory alloys * * Semimetal alloys * * Texture, metallographic * * Transition metal alloys e * * * Actinide alloys * * * Group IB element alloys * * * Group IIB element alloys * * * Group IIIB element alloys * * * Group IVB element alloys * * * Group VB element alloys * * * Group VIB element alloys * * * Group VIIB element alloys * * * Group VIII element alloys * * * * Platinum-group metal alloys * * * Rare earth alloys * * * Transuranium element alloys * Amorphous substances * Antifriction materials * Boiler plate * Brittle substances * Building materials * Carbides * Cast metals and alloys * Cermets f * Chemically resistant materials * Coating materials * * Cladding * Composites * Enameled ware * Ferroalloys * Ferroelectric substances * Friction materials * Hard materials * Heat-resistant materials * Impact-resistant materials * Intermetallic compounds * Linings * Magnetic substances * Metals * * Metallic fibers * * Metallic glasses * * Refractory metals * * Semimetals * Piezoelectric substances g * Pyrophoric substances * Railways * Red mud (bauxite processing residue) * Semiconductor materials * Sheet materials * Solids * Solid solutions * Steel wool * Superconductivity * Superconductors * Thermoelectric materials * Tinned ware * Tinplate * Trace elements * Type metals * Wire * Wire cloth Metals treatment * Abrasion * Abrasive blasting h * Aging * Annealing * Boiler scale removal of * Brightening * Cavitation * Cementation * * Alummizing * * Boronizing * * Carbonitridation and Cyanidation * * Carburization * * Chromizing * * Nitridation * * Sherardization * * Siliconization * * Sulfurization and Sulfidization * Cladding * Coating process * * Anodization * * Bronzing * * Enameling i * * Galvanization * * Silvering * * Vapor deposition processes * Coloring * Cooling * Corrosion * * Corrosion inhibitors * * Corrosion prevention * * Corrosive substances * * Tarnishing * Cutting * Decoration * Deformation * Degreasing * Drawing, forming * Electric activation * Electric discharge * Electric field * * Electric field gradient * Electric spark j * Electron beam * Erosion * Etching * Explosion * Extrusion * Forging * Fractrography * Fretting * Galvanized iron and steel * Lubrication * Machining * Magnetic field * Maser radiation * Metalworking * Microwave * Oxidation * * Red mud (bauxite processing residue) * Parting materials * Passivation * Pickling k * Plasma * Polishing * * Beilby layer * Quenching * Radiation * * Gamma ray * * Laser radiation * * Radiation hardening * * Sound and Ultrasound * * X-ray * Rust (iron oxide) * Scale (coating) * * Scale inhibitors * Shock wave * Size reduction * Soldering * Solders * Sputtering * Tarnish * Tempering l * Texture, metallographic * Vapor deposition processes * Vibration * Waterproofing * Welding * Welds