CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Subject Headings 16–17
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
16. Food and Feed
(Animal origin) a * Alligator * Dairy products * * Colostrum * * Milk * * * Butter * * * * Butter substitutes * * * Buttermilk * * * Cheese * * * * Cheese substitutes * * * * Rennets * * * Cottage cheese * * * Cream * * * * Cream substitutes * * * Curd * * * * Rennets * * * Frozen desserts * * * Milk preparations * * * * Caseins * * * * Whey * * * Milk substitutes b * Egg * * Caviar * * Egg, poultry * * * Egg white * * * Egg yolk * Fats and Glyceridic oils * * Butter * * * Butter substitutes * * * Ghee * * * Maslee * * * Samna * * Lard * * Tallow * Fish * * Caviar * * Cod-liver oil * Frog * Honey * Meat * * Bone meal c * * Meat-and-bone meal * * Meat extracts * * Meat substitutes * * Sausage casings * Shellfish * * Crustacean * * * Crabmeat * * * Crayfish * * * Krill * * * Lobster * * * Prawn * * * Shrimp * * Mollusk * * * Abalone * * * Ark shell * * * Clam * * * Hen clam * * * Limpet * * * Mussel * * * Octopus d * * * Oyster * * * Quahog * * * Razor clam * * * Scallop * * * Short-necked clam * * * Snail * * * Squid * Snake * Turtle Fat substitutes Feed contamination Food contamination Food functional properties Maillard reaction properties (Plant origin) * Canola * * Canola oil * Cassava * Cereal * * Barley * * Bran e * * Buckwheat * * Corn * * * Corncob * * * Corn oil * * * Silage * * Oat * * Ragi * * Rice * * Rye * * Sorghum * * Straw * * Triticale * * Wheat * * * Bran * * * Chaff * * * Straw * * * Wheat flour * * * * Bakery products * * * * * Bread * * * * * Dough f * * * * Leavening agents * * * * Pasta * Cocoa products * * Chocolate * * Cocoa butter * * * Cocoa butter substitutes * Coconut * * Coconut oil * Coffee products * * Coffee substitutes * Cottonseed * * Cottonseed meal * * Cottonseed oil * Essential oils * Fat and Glyceridic oils * * Canola oil * * Cocoa butter * * Coconut oil * * Corn oil * * Cottonseed oil g * * Kokum * * Olive oil * * Palm kernel oil * * Palm oil * * Peanut oil * * Rape oil * * Safflower oil * * Soybean oil * * Sunflower oil * Fat substitutes * Flaxseed * Flours and Meals * * Canola meal * * Cottonseed meal * * Peanut meal * * Rape meal * * Soybean meal * * Sunflower meal * * Wheat flour * Fruit h * * Apple * * * Vinegar * * Apricot * * Avocado * * Banana * * Baobab * * Berry * * * Bilberry * * * Blackberry * * * Blueberry * * * Boysenberry * * * Cloudberry * * * Cowberry * * * Crowberry * * * Dewberry * * * Elder * * * Gooseberry * * * Huckleberry * * * Loganberry * * * Mulberry i * * * Raspberry * * * Strawberry * * * Whortleberry * * Chayote * * Cherry * * Citrus * * * Calamondin * * * Grapefruit * * * Kumquat * * * Lemon * * * Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) * * * Limequat * * * Mandarin orange * * * Orange * * * Tangelo * * * Tangor * * Cranberry * * Currant * * Fig * * Fruit and vegetable juices j * * * Apple juice * * * Grapefruit juice * * * Grape juice * * * Lemon juice * * * Lime juice * * * Orange juice * * * Pineapple juice * * * Tomato juice * * Genipap * * Grape * * * Raisin * * Guava * * Jams and Jellies * * Java plum * * Jujube * * Litchi * * Longan * * Loquat * * Mayapple * * Medlar k * * Melon (plant) * * * Watermelon * * Nectarine * * Papaw * * Papaya * * Passionflower * * Peach * * Pear * * Persimmon * * Pineapple * * Plantain * * Plum * * * Prune * * Pomegranite * * Quince * * Rambutan * * Sapodilla * * Sapote * * Shaddock * * Sloe l * * Soursop * * Sweetsop * * Tamarind * Grass * * Bamboo * * Bermuda grass * * Bluegrass * * Browntop * * Buffalo grass * * Centipedegrass * * Elephant grass * * Fescue * * Johnson grass * * Nut grass * * Orchard grass * * Panic * * Para grass * * Peppergrsss * * Pigweed * * Quinoa m * * Sorrel * * Sudan grass * * Timothy * * Water grass * Hay * Jaggery * Legume * * Alfalfa * * Bean * * Bird's-foot trefoil * * Broad bean * * Chickpea * * Clover * * Cowpea * * Gram * * Kudzu * * Lentil * * Lupine * * Melilot * * Mesquite n * * Milk vetch * * Pea * * Soybean * * * Soybean curd * * * Soybean meal * * * Soybean oil * * * Soy sauce * * Sweet clover * Maple-sap products * Miso * Molasses * Nut (seed) * * Almond * * Butternut * * Cashew * * Litchi * * Pecan * * Sapucaya * * Walnut * Olive o * * Olive oil * Peanut * * Peanut butter * * Peanut meal * * Peanut oil * Pepper (Piper) * Poppy * Rape (plant) * * Rape meal * * Rape oil * Rhubarb * Safflower * * Safflower oil * Salep * Seaweed * * Carrageen * * Laver * Sesame * Silage * Spices p * * Allspice * * Anise * * Basil * * Caraway * * Cardamom * * Cinnamon (spice) * * * Mace (spice) * * * Nutmeg (spice) * * Clove * * Coriander * * Cumin * * Dill * * Fennel * * Fenugreek * * Ginger * * Lovage * * Marjoram * * Mint * * Oregano * * Pepper (condiment) q * * Peppermint * * Rosemary * * Rue * * Saffron * * Sage * * Savory * * Spearmint * * Star anise * * Tarragon * * Thyme * Straw * Sugarcane * Sunflower * * Sunflower meal * * Sunflower oil * Tea products * Vegetable * * Arrowroot * * Artichoke * * Asparagus r * * Black salsify * * Bean * * Beet * * Broccoli * * Brussels sprout * * Cabbage * * * Sauerkraut * * Capsicum * * Cardoon * * Cassava * * Carrot * * Cauliflower * * Celeriac * * Celery * * Chicory * * Chinese cabbage * * Comfrey * * Cress * * Crucifer * * Cucumber s * * * Pickles * * Cucurbita * * Dandelion * * Eggplant * * Endive * * Fiddlehead * * Ginseng * * Horseradish * * Jerusalem artichoke * * Jicama * * Kale * * Kohlrabi * * Lamb's quarter * * Leek * * Lettuce * * Mushroom * * Mustard * * New Zealand spinach * * Okra * * Onion t * * Pakchoi * * Parsley * * Parsnip * * Pea * * Potato * * Radicchio * * Radish * * Rocambole * * Rocket (plant) * * Rutabaga * * Salsify * * Scallion * * Shallot * * Spinach * * Sweet potato * * Tendergreen * * Tomato * * * Catsup * * * Tomato paste, puree, and sauce * * Turnip u * * Turnip broccoli * * Watercress * * Yam (Processing) * Blanching * Brewing * Browning * Canning * * Cans * Cooking * * Cooking utensils * * * Cutlery * * * Dishes * * * Knives * * * Eating utensils * Dairy industry * * Milking machines * Packing industry * Pasteurization * Preservatives * Slaughterhouse v * Sterilization and Disinfection (Properties) * Flavor * * Odor and Odorous substances * * Pungent substances * * Rancidity * * Taste * * * Bitterness * * * Saltiness * * * Sourness * * * Sweetness * Food functional properties * Maillard reaction products (Substitutes) * Beer substitutes * Butter substitutes * Cheese substitutes * Cocoa butter substitutes * Coffee substitutes * Cream substitutes * Meat substitutes * Milk substitutes w * Sodium chloride substitutes (Miscellaneous) * Beverages * * Alcoholic beverages * * * Beer * * * Beer substitutes * * * Sake * * * Wine * Bitter principles * Canned foods * Caramel (color) * Coloring materials * Condiments * Confectionery * * Chewing gum * Flavoring materials * * Vanilla * Frozen desserts * Frozen foods * Gravy * Lecithins x * Margarine * Nutrients * Puddings * Salad dressings * * Mayonnaise * Shortening * Soups * Sweetening agents * Syrups
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17. Functional Groups
a Acyl groups * Acetyl group * Carboxyl group * Formyl group Alkyl groups * tert-Butyl group * Ethyl group * Methyl group * Trifluoromethyl group Amide group Amino group Aryl groups * Phenyl group * 2,4-Dinitrophenyl group * Picryl group Carbonyl group Cyano group Disulfide group Epoxy group Hydroperoxy group b Hydroxyl group Mercapto group Methoxy group Methylene group Nitro group Phosphate group Protective groups