CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Subject Headings 1–4
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
1. Agriculture
(Agrochemical phenomena) a * Drying * Fumigation * Germination * Plant growth and development * * Abscission * * * Leaf abscission * * Etiolation * Litter * Sprays * Veterinary medicine * Weed control Agrochemicals * Agrochemical formulations * * Biocides * (Invertebrate agrochemicals) * * Integrated pest control * * Pesticides * * * Fouling control agents * * * Parasiticides * * * * Acaricides * * * * Allelochemicals * * * * Anthelmintics b * * * * Dipping fluids * * * * Entobacterins * * * * Insect attractants * * * * Insect feeding inhibitors * * * * Insect feeding stimulants * * * * Insect hormones and growth regulators * * * * * Juvenile hormones * * * * Insecticides * * * * * Insecticide resistance * * * * * Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids * * * * Insect repellents * * * * Insect sterilants * * * * Molluscicides * * * * Nematocides * * * * Pheromones * * * Wood preservatives * (Microbial agrochemicals) * * Integrated pest control * * Pesticides * * * Fouling control agents * * * Parasiticides c * * * * Algicides * * * * Amebicides * * * * Antibiotics * * * * * Antibiotic resistance * * * * * Photosensitizers * * * * * Phytoalexins * * * * Bactericides, Disinfectants, and Antiseptics * * * * * Bactericide resistance * * * * Fumigants * * * * Fungicides and Fungistats * * * * * Fungicide resistance * * * * Sporicides * * * * Storax (balsam) * * * * Virucides and Virustats * * * Wood preservatives * (Plant agrochemicals) * * Defoliants * * Integrated pest control * * Pesticides * * * Fouling control agents d * * * Herbicides * * * * Herbicide antidotes * * * * Herbicide extenders * * * * Herbicide resistance * * * Mutagens * * * * Mutation inhibitors * * * Parasiticides * * Phytoallactins * * Plant desiccants * * Plant hormones and regulators * * * Anthesins * * * Antheridiogens * * * Brassins * * * Gibberellins * * * Morphactins * Semiochemicals * (Vertebrate agrochemicals) * * Pesticides * * * Piscicides * * * Repellents * * * * Rodent repellents e * * * * Rotenticides Aquaculture Crop rotation Forestry Horticulture * Orchard Integrated pest control
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2. Analysis
a Analysis electrochem. * Coulometry * * Chronocoulometry * Electric conductivity and conduction * Electrodeposition and Electroplating * Oscillometry * Potentiometry * * Chronopotentiometry * Voltammetry * * Amperometry * * * Chronoamperometry * * Polarography Analytical numbers * Acid number * Bromine number * Carbon number * Hydration number * Hydroxyl number * Iodine number * Peroxide number b * Saponification number (Analytical reagents) * Bromine water * Buffer substances and systems * Chelating agents * * Complexons * * Sequestering agents * Chlorine water * Flotation agents * Indicators * * Isotope indicators * * Litmus * Named reagents and solutions * Sorbents * * Absorbents * * Adsorbents * Stains, biological * Standard substances, analytical * * Standard solutions, analytical Bioassay Bioautography c Calibration Chromatography * Chromatography, column and liquid * Chromatography, gas * Chromatography, gel * Chromatography, paper * Chromatography, supercritical fluid * Chromatography, thin-layer Densitometry Diffractometry Elastic recoil detection Electron beam spectroscopy Electron emission spectroscopy * Photoelectron spectroscopy Electrophoresis and Ionophoresis * Dielectrophoresis * Isoelectric focusing Immunoassay Interferometry Ion scattering spectroscopy d Legal chemistry and medicine Masking, analytical Mass spectrometry (Material analysis) * Blood analysis * * Flocculation reaction * Cytometry * Environmentsl analysis * Feed analysis * Fertilizer analysis * Food analysis * * Milk analysis * Gas analysis * * Air analysis * Pharmaceutical analysis * Plant analysis * Soil analysis * Urine analysis * Wine analysis Microscopy * Microscopy, electron e Nephelometry Polarimitry Radiochemical analysis Resolution * Apodization Samples * Ashing * Replication * Sampling Separation [See Hierarchy 52] Spectrochemical analysis * Photoelectron spectroscopy * X-ray analysis * * Electron microprobe analysis Staining, biological * Metachromasia Standardization Surface analysis Thermal analysis * Calorimetry f * Thermogravimetric analysis Titration Turbidimetry
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3. Animal Cell
a Animal cell line Blood corpuscle * Blood platelet * Erythrocyte * Hemocyte * Leukocyte * * Basophil * * Eosinophil * * Lymphocyte * * Monocyte * * Neutrophil * Reticulocyte Connective tissue cell * Chondroblast * Chondroclast * Chondrocyte * Fibroblast * Macrophage * * Histiocyte * Mast cell b * Osteoblast * Osteoclast * Osteocyte Epithelium cell * Chromatophore, animal cell * * Erythrophore * * Iridophore * * Xanthophore * Melanocyte * * Melanoblast Gamete and Germ cell * Egg * Egg, poultry * * Egg white * * Egg yolk * Sperm * * Milt Genome HeLa cell Hematopoietic precursor cell c * Erythroblast * Lymphoblast * Megakaryoblast * Megakaryocyte * Myeloblast * Myelocyte * Promegakaryocyte Immunological accessory cell Lophocyte Muscle cell * Myoblast Mycetocyte Neuroglia cell * Schwann cell Oenocyte Phagocyte Protoplast and Spheroplast Vanadocyte Virion structure
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4. Animal Processes and Phenomena
(Bodily processes) a * Acid-base equilibrium * Animal breathing * * Air, respiratory * Animal growth * Animal nutrition * Animal respiration * Autolysis * Biological transport * * Phagocytosis * * Pinocytosis * * Resorption * (Blood phenomena) * * Blood-brain barrier * * Blood coagulation * * * Blood-coagulation factors * * Blood pressure * * Bohr effect * * Circulation * * Fibrinolysis * * Haldane effect * * Hemolymph coagulation factors b * * Hemolysis * * Hematopoiesis * * * Erythropoiesis * * Phagocytosis * * Thrombosis * Body temperature * Body weight * Cell aging * Cell division * * Cell cycle * * Chalones * * Interphase, biological * * Meiosis * * Mitosis * * Mitogens * Cell differentiation * Cell morphology * Cell proliferation * Death * Defecation c * Development, mammalian * * Developmentsl stages * * * Embryo * * * Embryo preservation * * * Newborn * * * Puberty * * Longevity * * Senescence * Development, nonmammalian * * Cocoon * * Ecdysis * * Embryo * * Longevity * * Metamorphosis * * Molting * * Pupae * * Pupation * * Senescence * Digestion, biological * Diuresis d * Electric activity * Electrolytes, biological * Exercise * Fatigue, biological * Feeding * Feeding techniques * Fusion, biological * Homeostasis * Hydration, biological * Life * Luminescence, bio- * Neuromuscular transmission * Neurotransmission * Obesity * Organ preservation * Osmoregulation * Perspiration * Photodynamic action * Polyol pathway * Posture e * Regeneration, biological * Reproduction * * Climacteric (animal) * * Egg preservation * * Embryo preservation * * Fertility * * Fertilization * * Hermaphroditism * * Insemination, artificial * * Lactation * * Menopause * * Oogenesis * * Ovarian cycle * * * Estrus * * * Luteinization * * * Menstruation * * * Ovulation * * Parthenogenesis * * Parturition * * Pregnancy f * * Pseudopregnancy * * Puerperium * * Sex * * Spermatogenesis * * Sperm preservation * Rhythm, biological * Signal transduction, biological * Swelling, biological * Transplant and Transplantation (Interactive phenomena) * Adaptation * Anabiosis * * Resuscitation * Behavior * * Coprophagy * * Emotion * * Hibernation and Estivation * * Hyperkinesia * * Hypokinesia * * Rape (sexual assault) * * Sexual behavior g * * * Homosexuality * * Water drinking * Chemokinesis * Chemotaxis * * Chemotactic factors * Luminescence, bio- * Mental activity * * Anxiety * * Appetite * * Emotion * * Learning * * Memory, biological * * Perdonality * * Sleep * Photoperiodism * Reflex * (Sensory phenomena) * * Hearing * * Hunger * * Obfaction * * Sensory receptors h * * Taste * * * Bitterness * * * Saltiness * * * Sourness * * * Sweetness * * Thirst * * Vision * Stress, biological * * Anxiety * * Dehydration, biological * * Emotion * * Hypokinesia * * Hypothermia * * Immobilization * * Oxidative stress, biological * * Space travel * * Starvation * * Temperature effects, biological * * Weightlessness * Symbiosis i * Tropism * Voice