CA Index Guide (Appendix I) 1994
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Subject Headings 13–15
A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service published by the American Chemical Society, and reproduced here with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service.
13. Electricity and Electric Property
a Dielectric property * Dielectric constant and dispersion * * Dielectric loss * * Optical nonlinear property susceptibility * Dielectric polarization * * Clausius-Mosotti law * * Curie-Weiss law * * Dielectric depolarization * * Dielectric relaxation * * Electrets * * Ferroelectricity * * * Barkhausen effect * * * Ferroelectric domain * * Magnetoelectric effect * * Memory effect, chemical and physical * * Multipole moment * * * Dipole moment * * * Quadrupole moment * * Piezoelectricity * * * Flexoelectricity b * * * Piezomagnetoelectric effect * * Polarizability * * * Inductive effect * * * Polar effect * * * Polarity * * * * Polarity index * * Pyroelectricity * Dielectric strength Electric activation Electric activity * Galvanotaxis * Signal transduction, biological Electric charge * Electric capacitance * Electric double layer * Ionic potential * Multipole * * Dipole * * * Electric resonance absorption * * Quadrupole c * * * Quadrupole coupling * * * Quadrupole relaxation * * * * Nuclear quadrupole resonance * Nuclear charge * Screening, electronic and nuclear * * Debye screening * Space charge * Thermodielectric effect * Virtual cathode Electric energy * Power Electric field * Crystal field * Dielectric polarization * Electric discharge * * Debye screening * * Electric arc * * * Lightning * * Electric breakdown * * * Dielectric strength d * * * Zener breakdown * * Electric corona * * Electric spark * * Joshi effect * * Plasma * * * Nuclear fusion reactor fuels and plasmas * * * Pinch effect * * Sputtering * Electric field gradient * Electric inductance * Electric potential * * Chemical potential electro- * * Electric breakdown * * * Dielectric strength * * Electric ground * * Electric shock * * Electrocapillarity * * Electrokinetic potential * * Electromotive force series * * Hall effect e * * * Photomagnetoelectric effect * * Ionization potential and energy * * Overvoltage * * Photovoltaic effect * * * Photomagnetoelectric effect * * Potentiometry * * * Chronopotentiometry * * Thermoelectricity * * * Magnetothermoelectric effect * Electrocaloric effect * Electrodiffusion * Electrography * * Electrothermographic copying * Electromechanical effect * * Electrostriction * * Piezoelectricity * * Piezoresistance * Electron emission field * Electrooptical effect [See Heirarchy 36] * Electrophotography f * Electroporation * Energy level splitting * * Stark effect * Fluid mechanics electrohydraulics * * Flow electrohydrodynamic * * * Electrohydrodynamics * Ionization in gases field * Ionization in liquids field * Ionization in solids field * Luminescence, electro- * * Gudden-Pohl effect * Magnetoelectric effect * Memory effect, chemical and physical * Precipitation, electric Electric transport property * Acoustoelectric effect * * Acoustomagnetoelectric effect * Electric current * * Amperometry * * * Chronoamperometry g * * Coulometry * * * Chronocoulometry * * Electric admittance * * Electric amplification * * Electric conductivity and conduction * * * Electric conductivity transitions * * * Onsager equation * * * Photoconductivity and Photoconduction * * * * Joshi effect * * * * Magnetophotoconductivity * * * * Photomagnetoelectric effect * * * Size effect * * * Superconductivity * * * * Proximity effect * * * Transference number * * * Tunneling * * * Walden products * * * Wiedemann-Franz law * * Electric current carriers * * * (Carrier generation and decay) * * * * Electron acceptors h * * * * Electron donors * * * * Electron emission * * * * * Photoelectric emission * * * * * Work function * * * * Ionization, photo * * * * Ionization in gases * * * * Ionization in liquids * * * * Ionization in solids * * * * Recombination * * * * * Recombination of electron with hole * * * * * * Auger process * * * * * Recombination of electron with ion * * * * Trapping and Traps * * * Electron * * * * Electron, conduction * * * * * Electron, solvated * * * * * Electron bubble * * * * * Electron gas * * * * * Electron-hole plasma * * * * * * Magnetoplasma effect i * * * * * * * Helicon * * * * * Electron liquid * * * * * Electron-phonon interaction * * * * * * Charge-density wave * * * * * * Umklapp process * * * * Electron beam [See Hierarchy 341] * * * (Ions) * * * * Anions * * * * Cations * * * * Ion pairs * * * * Ions in gases * * * * * Ion beams * * * * * * Heavy-ion beams * * * * * * Ion scattering spectroscopy * * * * Ions in liquids * * * * * Ionic strength * * * * Ions in solids * * * * Radical ions * * * Quasiparticles and Excitations * * * * Exciton * * * * Hole j * * * * Plasmon * * * * Polaron * * Electric current-potential relationship * * * Gunn effect * * * Negative resistance * * * Poole-Frenkel effect * * * Voltammetry * * * * Polarography * * Electric impedance * * Electric noise * * Electric rectification * * Electric resistance * * * Kondo effect * * * Magnetoresistance * * * * De Haag-Shubnikov effect * * * Matthiessen's law * * * Negative resistance * * * Piezoresistance * * Electric skin effect * * Electric switches and switching k * Electrodialysis * Electrodiffusion * * Iontophoresis * Electrokinetic phenomena * * Electroosmosis * * Electrophoresis and Ionophoresis * * * Dielectrophoresis * * * Isoelectric focusing * Hall effect * Senftleben effect * Thermoelectricity * * Magnetothermoelectric effect Electrochemistry * Analysis electrochem. [See Hierarchy 2] * Corrosion * Electrolysis * * Electrodeposition and Electroplating * * Electrode reaction * * * Electromotive force series * * * Reaction electrochem. [See Hierarchy 50] l * * Transfer coefficient * Electrolytic polarization * * Electrolytic depolarization * * Electrode effect * * * Anode effect * * * Cathode effect Electromagnetic wave [See Hierarchy 141] Electronics * Electronic device packaging Engineering elec. Force Magnetic property and Magnetism electro- [See Hierarchy 27] Photoelectric property * Ionization, photo- * Photoconductivity and Photoconduction * * Joshi effect * * Magnetophotoconductivity * Photoelectric emission * * Photoelectron spectroscopy * Photomagnetoelectric effect m * Photovoltaic effect
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14. Electromagnetic Wave
a Absorptivity Beamstrahlung Blackbody * Emissivity Bremsstrahlung Channeling radiation Cherenkov radiation Cyclotron radiation Diffraction * Diffractometry Doppler effect Electromagnetic field Gamma ray * Annihilation radiation * Moessbauer effect * * Moessbauer spectrometry Helicon Holography Infrared radiation [See Hierarchy 36] Interference b * Interferometry Laser radiation [See Hierarchy 36] Light [See Hierarchy 36] Luminosity Microscopy * Metallography * Resinography Microwave * Communication * Cyclotron resonance * Electric resonance absorption * Electron spin resonance * * Electron nuclear double resonance * * Electron nuclear triple resonance * Gunn effect * Maser radiation * Microwave spectra * * Microwave spectrometry Photoelectric property [See Hierarchy 13] Photon c * Polariton Quantum electrodynamics Radio wave * Communication * Cyclotron resonance * Electric resonance absorption * Nuclear magnetic resonance * * Atomic beam magnetic resonance * * Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry * * Overhauser effect * * * Overhauser spectrometry * Nuclear quadrupole resonance * * Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometry * Radar * Radio-wave spectra * * Radio-wave spectrometry Scattering * Compton effect * Thomson scattering Spectra d * Fine structure constant * g-factor * Oscillator strength * Spectrometry * * Nuclear spectrometry * * Photoelectron spectroscopy * * Spectrochemical analysis * Stark effect * Zeeman effect Superradiance Synchrotron radiation Transition radiation Ultraviolet radiation [See Hierarchy 36] Vacuum polarization X-ray * Atomic scattering factor * Borrmann effect * Debye-Waller temperature factor * X-ray analysis * * Electron microprobe analysis e * X-ray spectra * * X-ray spectrometry
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15. Elements
a Antielements Isotopes Main-group elements Metals * Alkali metals * Alkaline earth metals * Group IIIA elements * Group IVA elements * Group VA elements * Metallic fibers * Metallic glasses * Transition metals * * Group IB elements * * Group IIB elements * * Group IIIB elements * * * Actinides * * * * Transuranium elements * * * * * Transfermium elements * * * * * * Superheavy elements * * * Rare earth metals b * * Group IVB elements * * Group VB elements * * Group VIB elements * * Group VIIB elements * * Group VIII elements * * * Platinum-group metsls Mineral elements Nonmetals * Group IVA elements * * Carbon fibers * Group VA elements * Group VIA elements * Halogens * Helium-group gases Radioelements Semimetals Trace elements