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"Experimental Validation of a Real-Time Vision Sensor and Navigation System for Intelligent Underwater Vehicles",
1998 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Vehicles, Stuttgart, Germany, IEEE, pp. 201-206, October, 1998.
"Global Position Determination and Vehicle Path Estimation from a Vision Sensor for Real-Time Video Mosaicking and Navigation",
Proceedings of the OCEANS 97 Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, MTS/IEEE, October, 1997.
"Station Keeping of an ROV Using Vision Technology",
Proceedings of the OCEANS 97 Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, MTS/IEEE, October, 1997.
"Video Mosaicking Along Arbitrary Vehicle Paths",
Proceedings of the Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, Monterey, CA, OES/IEEE, pp. 293-299, June, 1996.
"Improved Real-Time Video Mosaicking of the Ocean Floor",
Proceedings of the OCEANS 95 Conference, San Diego, CA, MTS/IEEE, pp. 1935-1944, October, 1995.
"OTTER: A Testbed Submersible for Robotics Research",
Proceedings of the ANS 6th Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, Monterey, CA, American Nuclear Society, pp. 587-594, February, 1995.
"Underwater Vehicle Control from a Virtual Environment Interface",
Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, CA, SIGGRAPH, April, 1995.