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"Experiments in the Coordinated Control of an Underwater Arm/Vehicle System",
Journal of Autonomous Robots, vol. 3, no. 2 and 3, 1996.
"Experiments in the coordination of Underwater Manipulator and Vehicle Control",
Proceedings of Oceans '95, San Diego, CA, MTS/IEEE, pp. 1208-1215, October, 1995.
"OTTER: A Testbed Submersible for Robotics Research",
Proceedings of the ANS 6th Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, Monterey, CA, American Nuclear Society, pp. 587-594, February, 1995.
"Experimental Measurement of ROV Tether Tension",
Proceedings of Intervention/ROV '92, San Diego, CA, IEEE, pp. 291-296, June, 1992.