Syllabus PDF
Thursday, 09/25/03:
Lecture 1
Crito Expansion Pack
Tuesday, 09/30/03:
Lecture 2;Crito:
HS: Philosophy in the shadow of death (pdf | ppt)
TL: The Disembodied Soul (pdf | ppt)
Thursday, 10/02/03:
Lecture 3; Crito:
MS: The Citizen Body (pdf | ppt)
TL: Aristotle versus Plato: Embodied versus Disembodied Knowledge (pdf | ppt)

First paper topic announced (1200-1500 words; 15% of final grade) assigned on October 3; due October 15

Facilitation Signups and Guidelines (section)

Crito & Sims Expansion Pack
Tuesday, 10/07/03:
Lecture 4; Crito:
HS: Dialogues conclusive and inconclusive (pdf | ppt)
MS: The Discoursing Body (pdf | ppt)
Thursday, 10/09/03:
Lecture 5; The Sims:
TL: Plato, the Sims, and Virtuality (pdf | ppt)
MS: Located Bodies and the Concept of Culture (pdf | ppt)
Pillow Book  
Lecture 6: Pillow Book 1-125,
HS: Behind a screen (pdf | ppt)
MS: Courtly performance (pdf | ppt)
first paper due 11am 10/14/03 (before lecture)
Thursday, 10/16/03
Lecture 7: Pillow Book 126-185
MS: The Aesthetic Body; Culture and Things (ppt | clips 1 2 3 4 5 | pdf)
HS: Life as art (pdf | ppt)
Final project (pdf) (30%) assigned on October 16; due December 8
Pillow Book & King Richard II

Expansion Pack

Tuesday, 10/21/03
Lecture 8: Pillow Book
TL: Pillow Blog (pdf | ppt)
HS: ‘The feeling of things’ (pdf | ppt)

Thursday, 10/23/03
Lecture 9: Richard II

Guest Lecturers Katherine Ibister and Rainey Stuart:The Sims Online Gallery (video | pdf | ppt)
TL: The Tudor Myth (pdf | ppt)

screenings of The Madness of King George--bring a notebook; Sun, Mon, Tues (10/26-28), 6:30-9:30 in 420-041 ; also on reserve in Green Library (MKG clips)
King Richard II

Lecture10: Richard II
MS: The Sovereign Body (pdf | ppt)
HS: “The breath of kings” (pdf | ppt)
Thursday, 10/30/03
Lecture 11: Richard II
MS: Located bodies and identity (pdf | ppt | Gomez-Peña clip)
HS: “Arm, arm, my name!” (pdf | ppt)
Second paper topic(25%) assigned on October 30;
due November 18;
Tristes Tropiques Expansion Pack
Tuesday, 11/04/03
Lecture 12: Tristes Tropiques
HS: “I hate travel” (pdf | ppt)
TL: Authoritative Gazes, Disruptive Bodies (pdf | ppt)
Thursday, 11/06/03
Lecture 13: Tristes Tropiques
MS: Located Travel: the ethnographic encounter (pdf | ppt)
TL: From Plato to Levi-Strauss: Embodied Epistemology (pdf | ppt)
Final project proposals due November 8 via email
Tristes Tropiques  
Tuesday, 11/11/03
Lecture 14:Tristes Tropiques
HS: Recognizing patterns; talking to strangers (pdf | ppt)
MS: The encrypted body; the primitive body (pdf | ppt)
Thursday, 11/13/03
Lecture 15:

MS: The encrypted body; the primitive body (pdf | ppt)
All: Panel discussion about observership

From Sims to Networked Persistent Worlds special panfora submission of questions prior to lecture on 11/18/03
Tuesday, 11/18/03
Lecture 16:
All: Opening the second pass
TL: Alternatives to narrative
second paper due at 11am 11/18/03 (before lecture) in boxes outside lecture hall
Thursday, 11/20/03
Lecture 17:
All: Panel discussion about the intersection of body + place  
Spaces, Places, Teleported Selves  
Tuesday, 11/25/03
Lecture 18:
TL: Distributed Minds; the fusion of virtual and real bodies (pdf | ppt | Bjork video | Surgery video)
HS: Mental geographies (pdf | ppt)
Final project proposal revisions due November 25 via email
Thursday, 11/27/03
Ecologies of the Body  
Lecture 19:
HS: “The Humanities” and “the human sciences” (pdf | ppt)
TL: Embodied information: the universe as a hologram (pdf | ppt)
Thursday, 12/04/03
Lecture 20:

MS: Media and Representation (pdf | ppt)
TL, HS, MS: Panel Discussion

final paper or project due 12/08/03 at 3:30pm--location: Wallenberg Hall (160)