Numerical results

From a quantitative point of view, there are two things we are interested about :

Image : lena.tif

Entropy :

expressed in bits per pixel of the initial image for a three level pyramid
lena.tif Burt(0.4) haar Spline(1) Burt(0.6) Ideal Spline(3) Optimal linear(15) Optimal cubic(15) Approx Optimal NL Median filter(3) Previous sample as a predictor minimum entropy predictor
Entropy (bits/pel) 7.44 6.19 5.94 5.73 5.69 5.67 5.61 5.55 5.43 5.39 5.35 5.03 4.61

The entropies of the linear methods are all higher than the ones obtained with other standard lossless techniques (simple causal linear predictive schemes). So with our assumptions, the pyramidal algorithm is not a good compression algorithm, unless we are interested in the progressive transmission feature.

Reconstruction of the initial image :

                               without top level, without top two levels, without top three levels
Rate(bits/pel) Avg Cost of reconstruction (Mflops)
Approx optimal NL 35.70 1.55 30.07 0.43 25.88 0.11 18
Optimal cubic(15) 35.39 1.57 29.66 0.44 25.63 0.12 3.2
Optimal linear(15) 34.60 1.62 29.32 0.46 25.42 0.12 1.6
Ideal 34.41 1.60 28.76 0.44 25.09 0.11 66.8
Median filter(3) 33.15 1.43 27.99 0.40 24.27 0.11 1.14
Spline(3) 31.59 1.63 24.54 0.46 19.28 0.12 35.4
Spline(1) 30.78 1.69 24.50 0.47 19.62 0.12 4.9
Burt(0.6) 30.35 1.57 24.12 0.44 19.24 0.11 7.8
Burt(0.4) 28.75 1.62 23.07 0.45 18.69 0.11 7.8
haar 28.30 1.63 22.71 0.44 19.23 0.12 0.11

Figure : PSNR/Rate plot for the three levels of reconstruction of lena

As we remove error images in the process of reconstruction of the image, we get rate-PSNR pairs as shown in the table and in the curve above. The overall shape of the curve is similar with slopes around 12 dB/bit for low bit rates and 5 dB/bits for high bit rates. Modifying the Expand-Reduce kernels yielded a 5dB improvement over the algorithm first introduced by Burt and Adelson.

This rate-PSNR curve does not compare well to those of optimal bit allocation pyramid coders as shown in class. There are several reasons for this. First, our scheme was first intented to be a lossless coder. Removing the lowest error levels in the pyramid is a very sub-optimal bit allocation scheme. Furthermore, the different rate-PSNR pairs were obtained in a single compression process while the examples stated in class optimize the distortion separately for each rate.

The advantage of this method is that no further computation is necessary if the bit-rate is to be adaptated as required for network transmission for instance.

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