Notes from Previous Quarter
These notes should be considered auxiliary material rather than the primary course notes for this quarter. They may not cover all the content discussed in lectures.
Lecture 2: Information measures: entropy (joint, relative and condition)
Lecture 3: Asymptotic Equipartition Property (AEP) and typicality
Lecture 4: Variable length lossless compression: prefix and Shannon codes
Lecture 5: The Kraft-McMillan inequality and Huffman coding
Lecture 6: Entropy rates and universal compression
Lecture 7: Reliable communication and channel capacity
Lecture 8: Information measures for continuous random variables
Lecture 9: AWGN channel
Lecture 10: Channel coding theorem converse
Lecture 11: Joint AEP and channel coding theorem
Lecture 12: Polar codes
Lecture 13: Lossy Compression and Rate Distortion
Lecture 14: Lossy Compression and Rate Distortion Continued
Lecture 15: Method of Types
Lecture 16: Strong, conditional and joint typicality
Lecture 17: Joint source-channel coding and the separation theorem
Lecture 18: Joint source-channel coding and the separation theorem 2