EE 276: Previous Notes

Stanford University, Tsachy Weissman, Winter Quarter 2024-25

Notes from Previous Quarter

These notes should be considered auxiliary material rather than the primary course notes for this quarter. They may not cover all the content discussed in lectures.

  • Lecture 2: Information measures: entropy (joint, relative and condition)

  • Lecture 3: Asymptotic Equipartition Property (AEP) and typicality

  • Lecture 4: Variable length lossless compression: prefix and Shannon codes

  • Lecture 5: The Kraft-McMillan inequality and Huffman coding

  • Lecture 6: Entropy rates and universal compression

    • Lecture video: 1/23 of Winter 2020 EE 276 on Canvas.

  • Lecture 7: Reliable communication and channel capacity

  • Lecture 8: Information measures for continuous random variables

  • Lecture 9: AWGN channel

  • Lecture 10: Channel coding theorem converse

  • Lecture 11: Joint AEP and channel coding theorem

  • Lecture 12: Polar codes

  • Lecture 13: Lossy Compression and Rate Distortion

  • Lecture 14: Lossy Compression and Rate Distortion Continued

  • Lecture 15: Method of Types

  • Lecture 16: Strong, conditional and joint typicality

  • Lecture 17: Joint source-channel coding and the separation theorem

  • Lecture 18: Joint source-channel coding and the separation theorem 2