EE 276: Reading

Stanford University, Tsachy Weissman, Winter Quarter 2024-25


  • Soni, Jimmy, and Rob Goodman. A mind at play: How Claude Shannon invented the information age. Simon and Schuster, 2017. [Amazon] (Biography of Claude Shannon)

  • MacKay, David JC. Information theory, inference and learning algorithms. Cambridge university press, 2003. [online] (Really cool book on information theory and learning with lots of illustrations and applications)

  • Abbas El Gamal, Cover and Thomas’s Elements of Information Theory, third edition, work in progress.


  • Shannon, Claude E. “Prediction and entropy of printed English.” Bell system technical journal 30.1 (1951): 50-64. [pdf] (Shannon's attempt at estimating the entropy of English by experimenting with human compressors).

  • Shannon, Claude E. “A mathematical theory of communication.” Bell system technical journal, 27.3 (1948), 379-423. [pdf] (Shannon's original paper that gave birth to information theory).


  • Compressor head Youtube playlist with fun videos on compression by Google Developers

  • The Information Age Youtube playlist by ITSOC and Art of the Problem on concepts in information theory
