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This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Graduate courses in Engineering

Primarily for graduate students; undergraduates may enroll with consent of instructor.

ENGR 202S. Writing: Special Projects

Structured writing instruction for students working on non-course related materials including theses, dissertations, and journal articles. Weekly individual conferences.

1-5 units, Aut (Reichard, C), Win (Reichard, C), Spr (Reichard, C)

ENGR 202W. Technical Writing

How to self-edit for clarity, cohesion, focus, and conciseness. Emphasis is on improving the readability of technical and scientific material.

3 units, Aut (Reichard, C), Win (Reichard, C), Spr (Reichard, C)

ENGR 205. Introduction to Control Design Techniques

Review of root-locus and frequency response techniques for control system analysis and synthesis. State-space techniques for modeling, full-state feedback regulator design, pole placement, and observer design. Combined observer and regulator design. Lab experiments on computers connected to mechanical systems. Prerequisites: 105, MATH 103, 113. Recommended: Matlab.

3 units, Aut (Rock, S)

ENGR 206. Control System Design

Design and construction of a control system and working plant. Topics include: linearity, actuator saturation, sensor placement, controller and model order; linearization by differential actuation and sensing; analog op-amp circuit implementation. Emphasis is on qualitative aspects of analysis and synthesis, generation of candidate design, and engineering tradeoffs in system selection. Large team-based project. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 105.

3-4 units, not given this year

ENGR 207A. Linear Control Systems I

Introduction to control of discrete-time linear systems. State-space models. Controllability and observability. The linear quadratic regulator. Prerequisite: 105 or 205.

3 units, not given this year

ENGR 207B. Linear Control Systems II

Probabilistic methods for control and estimation. Statistical inference for discrete and continuous random variables. Linear estimation with Gaussian noise. The Kalman filter. Prerequisite: 207A or EE 263.

3 units, Win (Lall, S)

ENGR 207C. Linear Control Systems III

Continuation of 207B. Introduction to stochastic control. Markov decision processes and stochastic dynamic programming. Separation of control and estimator design. Stochastic optimal control. Prerequisite: 207B.

3 units, Aut (Lall, S)

ENGR 209A. Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems

Introduction to nonlinear phenomena: multiple equilibria, limit cycles, bifurcations, complex dynamical behavior. Planar dynamical systems, analysis using phase plane techniques. Describing functions. Lyapunov stability theory. SISO feedback linearization, sliding mode control. Design examples. Prerequisite: 205.

3 units, Win (Rock, S)

ENGR 210. Perspectives in Assistive Technology

(Same as ENGR 110.) Seminar and student team project. Medical, social, psychological, and technical challenges surrounding the design, development, and use of assistive technologies to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Guest speakers include professionals, clinicians, and device users. 1 unit for seminar attendance only. Additional units for students who prepare a background and preliminary design report for an assistive technology project that can be further designed and fabricated by team members in ME 113 or CS 194 or as independent study in Spring Quarter. See

1-2 units, Win (Jaffe, D; Nelson, D)

ENGR 210A. Robust Control

Analysis and design techniques for multivariable feedback systems. Stability and robustness of feedback loops, passivity, and the small-gain theorem. Prerequisite: 207A or EE 263.

3 units, not given this year

ENGR 210B. Advanced Topics in Computation for Control

Recent developments in computational techniques for feedback control systems. The use of convex optimization to solve problems in control. Prerequisites: Background in convex optimization, such as EE 364, and background in control, such as ENGR 207B.

3 units, not given this year

ENGR 215. Design the Tech Challenge

(Same as ENGR 115.) Students work with Tech Museum of San Jose staff to design the Tech Challenge, a yearly engineering competition for 6-12th grade students. Brainstorming, field trips to the museum, prototyping, coaching, and presentations to the Tech Challenge advisory board. See at May be repeated for credit.

2 units, Win (Sheppard, S)

ENGR 231. Transformative Design

Project-based. How interactive technologies can be designed to encourage behavioral transformation. Topics such as self-efficacy, social support, and mechanism of cultural change in domains such as weight-loss, energy conservation, or safe driving. Lab familiarizes students with hardware and software tools for interaction prototyping. Students teams create functional prototypes for self-selected problem domains.

3-5 units, Win (Jain, S; Roth, B; Moggridge, W; Ju, W)

ENGR 240. Introduction to Micro and Nano Electromechanical Systems (M/NEMS)

For first-year graduate students and seniors. The role of miniaturization technologies in materials, mechanical, biomedical engineering, and information technology. M/NEMS facbrication techniques, device applications, and the design tradeoffs in developing systems.

3 units, Aut (Pruitt, B)

ENGR 250. Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

(Same as ENGR 150.) (Graduate students register for 250.) The art of innovation and entrepreneurship for social benefit. Project team develops, tests, and iteratively improves technology-based social innovation and business plan to deploy it. Feedback and coaching from domain experts, product designers, and successful social entrepreneurs. Limited enrollment; application required. See

1-6 units, Aut (Behrman, W), Win (Behrman, W), Spr (Behrman, W)

ENGR 251. Work Seminar

Students participate in the Creating Research Examples Across the Teaching Enterprise (CREATE) writing program. Goal is for students to produce, through a peer reviewed process, 1,000 word statements describing their research in ways that are understandable and compelling to undergraduates and other novices in the field. Unit credit when the final approved statements appear on the CREATE web site.

1 unit, not given this year

ENGR 280. From Play to Innovation

Project-based and team-centered. Enhancing the innovation process with playfulness. The human state of play and its principal attributes and importance to creative thinking. Play behavior, and its development and biological basis. Students apply those principles through design thinking to promote innovation in the corporate world with real-world partners on design projects with widepread application.

2-4 units, Spr (Boyle, B; Crandall, R; Brown, S; Thompson, S)

ENGR 281. Design and Media

Students team with WNYC, the BBC, PRI, WGBH, and the New York Times to launch a new national radio show. User participation in media and application of the design thinking process to new media applications. Experimental design projects, prototyped on the air. How to engage a million listeners and help them make an impact on their world? Prerequisite: application.

3 units, Spr (Doorley, S)

ENGR 290. Graduate Environment of Support

For course assistants (CAs) and tutors in the School of Engineering tutorial and learning program. Interactive training for effective academic assistance. Pedagogy, developing course material, tutoring, and advising. Sources include video, readings, projects, and role playing.

1 unit, Aut (Osgood, B; Lozano, N)

ENGR 298. Seminar in Fluid Mechanics

Interdepartmental. Problems in all branches of fluid mechanics, with talks by visitors, faculty, and students. Graduate students may register for 1 unit, without letter grade; a letter grade is given for talks. May be repeated for credit.

1 unit, Aut (Cantwell, B), Win (Eaton, J), Spr (Iaccarino, G)

ENGR 299. Special Studies in Engineering

Special studies, lab work, or reading under the direction of a faculty member. Often research experience opportunities exist in ongoing research projects. Students make arrangements with individual faculty and enroll in the corresponding section. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

1-15 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

ENGR 310B. Project-Based Engineering Design, Innovation, and Development

(Same as ME 310B.) Three quarter sequence; for engineering graduate students intending to lead projects related to sustainability, automotive, biomedical devices, communication, and user interaction. Student teams collaborate with academic partners in Europe, Asia, and Latin America on product innovation challenges presented by global corporations to design requirements and construct functional prototypes for consumer testing and technical evaluation. Design loft format such as found in Silicon Valley consultancies. Typically requires international travel. Prerequisites: undergraduate engineering design project; consent of instructor.

5 units, Win (Leifer, L; Cutkosky, M)

ENGR 311A. Women's Perspective: Choose Your Own Adventure

Master's and Ph.D. seminar series driven by student interests. Possible topics: time management, career choices, health and family, diversity, professional development, and personal values. Guest speakers from academia and industry, student presentations with an emphasis on group discussion. Graduate students share experiences and examine scientific research in these areas. May be repeated for credit.

1 unit, Aut (Sheppard, S)

ENGR 311B. Designing the Engineer

Continuation of ENGR 311A. Recommended: ENGR 311A.

1 unit, Spr (Sheppard, S; Roth, B)

ENGR 312. Science and Engineering Course Design

(Same as CTL 312, GES 201.) For students interested in an academic career and who anticipate designing science courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. Goal is to apply research on science learning to the design of effective course materials. Topics include syllabus design, course content and format decisions, assessment planning and grading, and strategies for teaching improvement.

2-3 units, Win (Wright-Dunbar, R; Sheppard, S)

ENGR 341. Micro/Nano Systems Design and Fabrication Laboratory

Theory and fundamentals. Hands-on training in the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility. Prerequisite: ENGR 240 or equivalent.

3-5 units, Spr (Solgaard, O)

ENGR 342. MEMS Laboratory II

Emphasis is on tools and methodologies for designing and fabricating N/MEMS-based solutions. Student interdisciplinary teams collaborate to invent, develop, and integrate N/MEMS solutions. Design alternatives fabricated and tested with emphasis on manufacturability, assembly, test, and design. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: ENGR 341.

3-4 units, Aut (Staff)

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