Combining business with breakthrough advancements in science and engineering, Technology Ventures was the first to examine the global phenomenon coined “technology entrepreneurship.” Dorf and Byers use an action-oriented approach by way of examples, exercises, and lists to integrate the most valuable entrepreneurship and technology management theories from some of the world’s leading scholars, educators, and authors.
Now in its second edition, Technology Ventures includes the latest in compelling academic theories and practitioner insights in entrepreneurship. Upgraded examples and exercises, together with a new “venture challenge” business plan exercise found at the end of each chapter, and two new full-length cases added to the appendix, place even more emphasis on technology ventures worldwide. |
Second Edition Features and Improvements:
The book is organized in a modular format to allow for both systematic learning and random access of the material to suit the needs of any reader seeking to learn how to grow successful technology ventures. Readers focused on business plan development should consider placing a higher priority on Chapter 7 and others such as Chapter 18. Regardless of the immediate learning goals, the book is a handy reference and companion tool for future use. We deploy the following wide variety of methods and features to achieve this goal, and we welcome feedback and comments.
- Preview—Each chapter opens with a key question and outlines its content and objectives.
- Principles—A set of twenty fundamental principles are developed and defined throughout the book. They are listed in the inside front cover for as well.
- Examples—Cutting-edge technology examples of the concepts are provided in a shaded box format. Information technology is chosen for many examples because students are familiar with its products and services.
- Exercises—Exercises are offered at the end of each chapter to test comprehension of the concepts. Sequential Exercise—A special exercise called the “venture challenge” guides readers through a chapter-by-chapter formation of a new enterprise.
- Sequential Case—A case about an actual biotechnology firm, AgraQuest, runs from one chapter to the next.
- Business Plans—Methods and tools for the development of a business plan are gathered into one special chapter, which includes a thoroughly annotated table of contents. Two complete business plans are also provided as samples in Appendix A.
- Cases—Seven comprehensive cases are included in Appendix B. A mapping of how these cases relate to specific chapters in the book is provided in Table P1. Additional cases from Harvard and ECCH are recommended on the textbook’s websites.
- References—References are indicated in a box format [Smith, 2001] and are listed as a complete set in the back of the book. This is followed by a list of entrepreneurship-related websites in Appendix C and a comprehensive glossary.
- Chapter Sequence—The chapter sequence represents our best effort to organize the material in a format that can be used in various types of entrepreneurship courses. The chapters follow the four-part layout shown in Figure P1. Courses focused on creating business plans can reorder the chapters with emphasis on Chapter 7 among others.
- DVD Media Package—A DVD of video segments is bundled with the book. Special icons throughout the chapters denote when to view comments from world-class entrepreneurs, investors, and teachers. More free videos clips and podcasts are available at Stanford’s Educators Corner website (see http://edcorner.stanford.edu). The contents of the DVD are listed on the edcorner web site.
- Websites and Blog—Please visit websites for this book at both McGraw-Hill Higher Education and Stanford Technology Venture Program for supplemental information applicable to educators, students, and professionals. For example, a complete syllabus for an introductory course on technology entrepreneurship and a PowerPoint presentation for each chapter are provided for instructors. Visitors to either website can link to the book’s blog in order to interact with the authors and other readers.