Preface of Textbook
About the Textbook
About the Authors
Book Website at McGraw-Hill
DVD Contents
Stanford 1e Book Website
McGraw-Hill 1e Book Website
Book Contents
Table of Contents
Venture Opportunity, Concept and Strategy
Venture Formation and Planning
Functional Planning of the Venture
Financing and Building the Venture
  Business Plans (App. A)
  Case Studies (App. B)
Online Sources (App. C)
Sample Syllabus
Course Overview
Calendar of Sessions
Entrepreneurial Perspective
Idea or Opportunity
Gathering Resources
Managing Ventures
Entrepreneurship and You
Additional Resources
Schools Using This Textbook
Authors Blog

The textbook provides the reader and the instructor with two full-length sample business plans to complement reading in Chapter 7. Both business plans - EZ Guard and IMOS - were written by student teams at Stanford University: one for a campus-wide business plan competition and the other for a course on technology venture formation.

This section of the website aims to provide the instructor with a synopsis of each plan and a set of accompanying questions to facilitate discussions and stimulate critical thinking. Click on each case below to view the supporting material.

Plan 1: EZ Guard Distal Protection System

EZ Guard is a new medical device for use in vascular operations to prevent loosened debris from blocking small distal blood vessels in the brain and the heart.

Plan 2: I-MOS Semiconductors

I-MOS is a seminconductor intellectual property startup, with disruptive transistor technology that allows for the increase in density of transistors on a chip without exponentially increasing the heat generated.


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