As experiential learning is
a pillar of this course, we emphasis teamwork. The goal of this
class is for you to candidly self-evaluate your team dynamics
and determine any systematic and individual causes of tension
so that your team performance can be even better than it already

Texbook Chapters
Plan lunch with your group. Each member brings a bag lunch
for another member of the group. When you meet, place all
the bag lunches in the center of the table and have each person
choose a bag lunch that they did not prepare. Try to figure
out what the other folks in your group will like. It's okay
to fail - you learn from that too! |
Group Dynamics In Class Exercise
Professor Tom Byers' slides for this class on group dynamics.
A pdf of the group exercise can be found here. |
Bartz: Trust and honesty at the workplace
Carol Bartz stresses the importance of honesty and trust in
the workplace and how to build that into the culture in the
company. |
Khosla: Strength of a team
People make a company, but most importantly, it's the team.
At Kleiner Perkins, we learn much from each other. Personalities
and approaches are diverse and combined, create greate strength.
Example of Sun starting, and the decision with Andy Bechtolsheim
to license the technology or not. Example two: Juniper, algorithms
and deciding to build an internet router. Building a great
team and tackling a problem. Compare building the team to
engineering the gene pool. |