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Day 1: Friday, 29 June 2012

Venue: SIEPR Center, 366 Galvez Street, Stanford


8:00 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:30

Opening Ceremony (SIEPR 130)

Welcoming Remarks:

Hyo-Sang Lee, President of AATK (Indiana University)

Elizabeth Bernhardt, Director of Language Center (Stanford University)

Gi-Wook Shin, Director of Korean Studies Program (Stanford University)

Sung-won Bae, Director of the Korea Foundation, Los Angeles Office (Korea Foundation)

KF-AATK Teaching Assistant Fellowship Awards:

Hae-Young Kim, Executive Secretary of AATK (Duke University)

9:30 - 10:45

Keynote Address (E) (SIEPR 130):

"Images of multilingualism in the South Korean Popular Media"

Adrienne Lo(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

10:45 - 11:00


11:00 - 12:30

Workshop Panel #1  (K) (SIEPR 130) 

Integrating Korean New Wave into curriculum design and materials development [presentation]
Bomi Oh & Hyunmo Koo (University of Oregon)

Chair: 신윤경 (고려대학교) 

Workshop Panel #2  (K) (SIEPR 120) 

Introducing Interactive Virtual Conversation Partners to KFL learners on the Web
Sangbok Kim (University of Colorado at Boulder ) & Hoky Min (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation) 

Chair: Jean S. Ryu (DLI) 

12:30 - 1:30


1:30 - 3:00

Invited Workshop (E) (SIEPR 130)

"Helping Students Advance through Oral Presentational Language Use" [presentation]

Ali Miano (Stanford University)

3:00 - 3:15


3:15 - 4:15

Teaching Material Demo #1 (SIEPR 130)

#1. Innovative Use of Computer Lab as a Part of Korean Language Curriculum (E) [presentation]
Mijeong Mimi Kim (Washington University in St. Louis)

#2. Classroom Activities and Homework Assignments Developed by Using Web 2.0 Tools (K) [presentation]
Youngju Hong (DLI)

#3. Online Learning Materials for Non-Heritage Students (K) [presentation]
Carol Schulz, Beom Lee, Hyunkyu Yi & Sunhee Song (Columbia University)

Chair: Mina Lee (DLI)

Teaching Material Demo #2 (SIEPR 120)

#4.Grammar Instruction through Schematic Images (K)
Mee-Jeong Park (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

#5. Teaching Korean complex syntax in context using an online tool (GLOSS) (K) [presentation]
Dohee Koo (DLI)

#6. Korean high frequency media vocabulary list development project (K) [presentation]
Jungho Yoon (DLI)

Chair: Ihnhee Kim (University of Pennsylvania)

Teaching Material Demo #3 (SIEPR 320)  

#7."Guided Story Construction" based on the expressions that appear in Korean movies and dramas (K)
JungHee Kim (University of Virginia ) & Eunkyoung Jeong (Boston University )  

#8. Useful Activities for Vocabulary Teaching and Learning (K) [presentation]
Byung-Joon Lim (DLI)

#9. Effective Teaching Method for Advance Level Korean with Korean Movies (K) [presentation]
Loraine Kang (DLI/GLC)

Chair: Kyungrok Ko (University of Toronto)

4:15 - 4:30


4:30 - 6:00

Panel #1 (SIEPR 130)

1. Framework of Curriculum Development in K-16 (E)
Sungdai Cho (SUNY at Binghamton ), Susan Strauss (Pennsylvania State University), Lucien Brown (University of Oregon ), Yongjin Kang (Heidelberg University), Jounghye Rhi (East-West School of International), Eunice Lee (Rowland High School) & Lia Kim (LA Center for Enriched Studies)

2. 국제 통용 한국어 교육 표준 교수요목 개발 (K) [presentation]
Jung Sup Kim (Kyung Hee University )

Chair: Sun Choe (La Canada High School, CA)


Day 2: Saturday, 30 June 2012

Venue: SIEPR Center, 366 Galvez Street, Stanford


9:00 - 10:30

Workshop Panel #3 (E) (SIEPR 130)

Goal-Orientation, Creativity, and Linguistic Sensitivity: Designing Materials to Target ACTFL's 5 Cs in Korean
Susan Strauss & Jhu Hyoung Youn (Penn State/CALPER )

Chair: Julie Damron (Brigham Young University)

Workshop Panel #4 (K) (SIEPR 120)

From Curriculum to Syllabus Design [presentation]
Sahie Kang (Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center)

Chair: Ok-Sook Park (Michigan State University)

10:30 - 10:45


10:45 - 11:45

Teaching Material Demo #4 (SIEPR 130)

#10. iPad kit를 활용한 중급 한국어 수업 (K)
Ae Ree Nam (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

#11. 영상 매체를 통해 배우는 고급 한국어와 한국 역사 통합 교육 (K) [presentation]
Sunyoung Kim (University of Oregon )

#12. Designing Effective Case-Based Instruction for Business Korean Course (K) [presentation]
Haewon Cho (University of Pennsylvania )

Chair: Ji-Young Jung (Rutgers University)

Teaching Material Demo #5 (SIEPR 120)

#13. Form-Focused Audio Portfolios for L2 Korean in Elementary Level (K) [presentation]
Angela Lee-Smith (Yale University ) 

#14.Voice Board 프로그램을 활용한 라디오 쇼 클립 만들기 수업 -중급 교실에서- (K) [presentation]
Eunyoung Kim (Duke University) 

#15. 한국어 고급 듣기 수업에서의 라디오 '간추린 뉴스' 활용 방안 (K) [presentation]
김지혜, 송금숙 (고려대학교 ) 

Chair: Myoyoung Kim (DLI) 

Teaching Material Demo #6 (SIEPR 320)

#16. Web-Based Language Proficiency Exam (LPE) for Korean: Listening, Writing and Reading Featuring Authentic Audio and Video (K)
Hangtae Cho (University of Minnesota )

#17. 고급 학습자들을 위한 미디어 수업 자료 개발 (K) [presentation]
강현주 (고려대학교 )

#18. Effective ways of incorporating cultural elements into language lessons for lower proficiency level students (K) [presentation]
Chunghee Oh (DLI )

Chair: Jong Oh Eun (DLI) 

12:00 - 1:00




1:00 - 1:15

Opening Ceremony (SIEPR 130)

Welcoming Remarks:

Hyo-Sang Lee, President of AATK (Indiana University)

Chao Fen Sun, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (Stanford University)

Gordon Chang, Director of Center for East Asian Studies (Stanford University)

1:15 - 1:45

Special Presentation (K) (SIEPR 130)

"내용 지식 구성을 위한 한국어 읽기, 쓰기 교육 방안"   

Jeong Sook Kim, President of IAKLE (Korea University)

1:45 - 2:00


2:00 - 4:00

Session 1A: Sociolinguistic awareness – speech style and speech acts (SIEPR 130)

Chair: Katie Lee Moon (Temple Unversity)

#1. Social functions of the intimate speech style, -e/a: The case of the Korean as a foreign language classroom (E) [presentation]
Mi Yung Park (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

#2. Honorifics Use and Identity Negotiation in Korean Study Abroad (E) [presentation]
Lucien Brown (University of Oregon.)

#3. Using drama/movie clips to notice on speech style shift and enhancing development of pragmatic competence (K)
Ihnhee Kim (University of Pennsylvania)

#4. Can speech acts be taught?: Research on requests in Korean shown in Role Plays and its pedagogical implications
Mina Lee & Jeongsun Kim (DLI)

Session 1B: Teacher education and reference material development (SIEPR 120)

Chair: Hyekyung Sung-Frear (DLI)

#5. Korean Language Teachers in America: Profile, Status, and More (E)  
Hye-Sook Wang (Brown University)

#6. 한국어 교사의 한국문화 이해 방법과 한국어 교실에서의 문화 숙달도와 언어 숙달도의 통합 수준의 상관성에 관한 연구 (K)
Young A Jung (George Mason University )

#7. 주제별 한국어 교육학 사전의 교육적 활용방법 연구 (K) [presentation]
윤여탁, 이수미 (서울대학교)

#8. 한국어 학습자 어절 사전의 미시구조 체계와 내용 (K) [presentation]
홍종선 (고려대학교)

Session 1C: Articulation, phrasing, decoding and communicating (SIEPR 320)

Chair: Mee-Jeong Park (Univ. of Hawaii)

#9. The effects of the first language in the second language pronunciation of Korean coronal stops (K)
Insung Ko (Washington University in St. Louis)

#10. Reactive Tokens and the Prosodic Features of Turn Unit Boundaries in Korean Conversation (K) [presentation]
Ok-sim Kim (University of Hawaii)

#11. Teaching Hangul effectively to Korean-English bilingual children (K) [presentation]
Myoyoung Kim (Defense Language Institute)

#12. “Ask Me”: Designing and Assessing Speaking Tasks in First Year Korean (K) [presentation]
Jaemin Roh & Eunkyoung Jeong (Boston University)

4:00 - 4:15


4:15 - 5:45

Panel #2 (SIEPR 130)  

Standards-based curriculum development for college Korean program [Standard-based Curricular Framework for College Level Korean: Kang & Kim]  [Presentation: Kang & Kim]
Panel on College Korean Curriculum Development: Young-mee Yu Cho (Rutgers University), Hyo Sang Lee (Indiana University), Hye-Sook Wang (Brown University), Sahie Kang (DLI), Hee-Sun Kim (Stanford University), and others


Day 3: Sunday, July 1 2012

Venue: SIEPR Center, 366 Galvez Street, Stanford


9:00 - 10:15

Keynote Address (K) (SIEPR 130)

"한류 작품들의 한국대중예술사에서의 위상" [presentation]

이영미 (성공회 대학교)

10:15 - 10:30


10:30 - 12:30

Session 2A: Acquisition of grammatical morphemes (SIEPR 130)

Chair: Chanyoung Park (Arizona State Univ.)

#13. The Acquisition of the -ess/ass- Tense-Aspect Marker by Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) Learners (K) [presentation]
Sang-Seok Yoon & Yunseong Cheon (University of Minnesota)

#14. Acquisition of Three Korean Conjecture Modal Patterns by American Learners (K)
Sang-suk Oh & Mi-Hyun Kim (Harvard University)

#15. Study on the L2 Acquisition of Korean Serial Verb Construction (K) [presentation]
박선희 (이화여자대학교)

#16. The Development of Subject/Object Particle Use in L2 Korean: A Curriculum-based Longitudinal Case Study (E)
Ebru Turker (University of Pittsburgh ) & Katie Kim (Georgetown University )

Session 2B: Developing speaking and listening proficiency (SIEPR 120)

Chair: Soohee Kim (Univ. of Washington)

#17. 한국어 교재 대화문의 전형성 연구 - 중급 교재를 대상으로 (K) [presentation]
장향실 (상지대학교 ) & 김서형 (경기대학교)

#18.한국어 구어 듣기 교육에 관한 연구 (K)
정선화 (중앙대학교 )

#19. Pedagogical Scenarios for Teaching Topic/Nominative Marking in Discourse (E) [presentation]
Young-mee Yu Cho, Ji-Young Jung (Rutgers University ) & Minyoung Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)

#20. Appropriate uses of referents and verbs in narratives in Korean and pedagogical implications (K) [presentation]
Jong Oh Eun & Mina Lee (DLIFLC)

Session 2C: Vocabulary and reading (SIEPR 320)

Chair: Sang Yee Cheon (Univ. of Hawaii)

#21. Does knowledge of Chinese Characters make L2 learners improve their knowledge of sino-Korean words? (E) [presentation]
Dongmin Kim (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

#22. 한국어 문법 항목 표제어의 문제와 해결 방안 (K) [presentation]
InJung Cho ( Monash Unversity, Australia)

#23. Effects of text modification on L2 Korean reading comprehension (K)
Dong-Kwan Kong (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

#24. 문화 스키마가 읽기 텍스트 이해에 미치는 영향 연구: 영어권 중∙고급 학습자를 대상으로 (K) [presentation]
Mikyung Chang (Korea University ) & Sang-Seok Yoon (University of Minnesota)

12:30 - 1:30


1:30 - 2:30

AATK Business Meeting (SIEPR 130)

2:45 - 4:45

Session 3A: Film and culture (SIEPR 130)

Chair: Kyoung-Eun Yoon (Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore County)

#25. 상호 문화적 능력 향상을 위한 한국인의 ‘흥’ 이해 교육 연구- <흥부가>를 중심으로 -(K) [presentation]
김종철, 김혜진 (서울대학교)

#26. The role of media in culture learning: CBI curriculum development (K) [presentation]
Sang Yee Cheon (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

#27. Incorporating Korean Wave into the Learning of Korean History and Culture: How to teach Korean Cinema and Culture Course (K)
Minju Kim (Claremont McKenna College)

#28. Teaching Korean Politics through Cinema in an American Public University: Students’ changing perception about South Korea and North Korea (E) [presentation]
Yoonkyung Lee (State University of New York at Binghamton )

Session 3B: Assessment and evaluation (SIEPR 120)

Chair: 장미경 (고려대학교)

#29. An approach to teaching Korean irregular verbs based on Korean informatics (K) [presentation]
JinHong Kim (Manhattan School )

#30. Assessing Oral Proficiency and Grammatical Errors (K) [presentation]
Sun-Kwang Bae & David Moon (DLIFLC )

#31. Development of online Korean proficiency test (E)
Namhee Lee & Hyojoung Kim (California State University at Los Angeles)

#32. The Effects of the Study Abroad Program (K) [presentation]
Jean S. Ryu (Defense Language Institute)

Session 3C: Learner motivation and attitude (SIEPR 320)

Chair: Kyoung-Ah Nam (American University)

#33. Korean Language Studies: Motivation and Attrition (E) [presentation]
Julie Damron (Brigham Young University) & Justin Forsyth (University of British Columbia)

#34. Foreign Language Anxiety and Its Relation to Korean Language Learning (E) [presentation]
Hyekyung Sung-Frear (Defense Language institute Foreign Language Center)

#35. Korean Language Maintenance in Canada: Societal, Contact, and Attitudinal Factors (E) [presentation]
Mihyon Jeon (York University)

#36. Globalization and Process of Transformation in Language of Korean students in America (E) [presentation]
Hi-Sun Kim (University of Chicago )

6:30 - 8:30

Banquet Dinner (Sheraton Palo Alto)