Zhiyu Zhang

I am a Szegő Assistant Professor at Stanford University. I did my PHD (2018-2022, MIT) with Wei Zhang , and proved more arithmetic fundamental lemmas and modularity of arithmetic theta series with levels.

I work in number theory, representation theory and arithmetic geometry / topology. I study examples and theories about

  • any interesting integers, power series, operators and invariants, e.g. solving equations, eigenvalues, heights, integrals, enumerative geometry and L-functions.
  • Langlands program: transfers, dualities, matching invariants and applications.
  • new moduli spaces: cohomological study, shapes, symmetry, more cycles / sheaves, geometric representation theory, non-algebraic and sympletic geometry.
  • I am on job market for positions starting at Fall 2026.

    Descriptive text for the image

    I enjoy teaching, working with people and services to math community.

    Office: Room 382-C, Sloan Mathematical Center.

    Emails : zyuzhang[at]stanford.edu / zhiyuzhangmath[at]gmail.com .

    I am fascinated by concrete examples (e.g. GL_n), heights, quasi-coherent sheaves, and analogs over finite fields, reals, p-adics, rational numbers, manifolds (with metrics / differentials), combinatorics (e.g. polytopes), topology, and physics (e.g. TQFT and quantization).

    News (See Talks / Travels ):

  • (2024/10) Participate in Oberwolfach Seminar: Reduction of Arithmetic Varieties .
  • (2024/9) Teaching a topic course on Langlands duality (focusing on type A) , and algebraic geometry course focusing quasi-coherent sheaves (as linearizations / spaces of states).
  • (2024/8) A new paper with X. Griffin Wang on spherical relative Fundamental Lemmas .
  • (2024/6) A new paper on Non-reductive special cycles and twisted arithmetic fudamental lemmas (inspired by relative Langlands program).
  • (2024/6) Conference Talk at Simons Symposium: Periods and L-values of Motives (2024), Krün, Germany.
  • (2024/4) Seminar talk at Stanford Number Theory seminar.
  • (2024/3) Senior participant of Arizona Winter School 2024: Abelian Varieties.
  • (2024/1) I maintain the problem list for the AIM workshop arithmetic intersection theory on Shimura varieties.