Other Projects
Google Scholar PageI believe that computers are able to help humans with proofs, computations and finding mathematical patterns. See also the talk by Michael R. Douglas at Western Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics.
I am interested in increasing accessibility and descreasing language barriers in mathematics. I helped with Chinese translation in Visual Mathematical Dictionary project. I could also help translate math papers in Japanese and French.
The Banana Space is an online mathematics wiki in Chinese, similar to the nLab .
I am interested in connections between mathematics and arts. See works of Maurits Escher and Journal of Mathematics and the Arts . I did some mathematical paintings.
I am interested in serious recreational mathematics. I enjoy logic puzzles and puzzle games. With some people I made a free translation of the puzzle game Bean and Nothingness , designed by math PHDs from University of Michigan. I also enjoy math jokes, see for instance My Favorite Math Jokes by Tanya Khovanova.
I was the main editor of the student journal He Si during 2017-2018.
I won the gold medal in the overall part of Yau College Student Mathematics Contest in 2017.
I was a volunteer for Strings 2016 Conference in Beijing.
For me, doing math is a life-long Odyssey (see also A Mathematical Odyssey ). I also enjoy traveling (thinking and doing math along the way). I have been to more than 20 countries.
Some Math pictures
Other Useful Links
Mathscinet (AMS remote access available)
Simons Foundation
Stacks Project
The Automorphic Project
Kerodon, an online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics
Mathematics Genealogy Project
Mathoverflow (see e.g. helpful answers of P. Scholze, W. Sawin, D. Loeffler and other people)
Conferences in arithmetic geometry
quiver: a modern commutative diagram editor
LMFDB - The L-functions and modular forms database
Numdam, the French digital mathematics library
American Mathematical Society
European Mathematical Society
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute
Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas
International Mathematical Olympiad
The University of Chicago Mathematics REU
Essential Number Theory
ICM 2026 in Philadelphia, USA
Virtual ICM 2022
Equipe Formes Automorphes, IMJ-PRG
PU/IAS Number Theory Seminar
Harvard Number Theory Seminar
Number Theory Web Seminar
UCSD Number Theory Seminar
Johns Hopkins Number Theory Seminar
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland Algebra and Number Theory Day
MIT Juvitop Seminar
Boston College NT/RT Seminar
Boston University Number Theory Seminar
Weekly seminars at Columbia University
Events and Activities | Institute for Advanced Study
M2 "Mathématiques fondamentales"
Caltech Number Theory Seminar
UCLA Number Theory Seminar
Number Theory / Representation Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Mathematical Events in Bonn
Arithmetic Geometry and Representation Theory in Münster
Seminar "Algebra and Number Theory" at University of Vienna
Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive (PIRSA)
International Seminar on Automorphic Forms, TU Darmstadt
Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry by Ravi Vakil
Conferences in arithmetic geometry by Kiran Kedlaya
George Lusztig Archive Geometric Langlands page by David Ben-Zvi
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Suggestions for mathematical writing and speaking by Bjorn Poonen
Finding your path by Rahul Pandharipande
Selected Articles on mathematicians by Allyn Jackson
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On the Shafarevich and Tate conjectures for hyperkähler varieties by Yves André
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Lecture notes on Hodge theory by Phillip Griffiths
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Lecture notes on modularity lifting theorems by Toby Gee
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RAMpAGe Seminar
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Tannaka Reconstruction and Quasi-Coherent Stacks, Representability Theorems in Spectral Algebraic Geometry by Jacob Lurie
Model Theory and Differential Equations by Joel Nagloo
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Selected talks by A. Okounkov
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Survey on Derived Symplectic Geometry by Damien Calaque
Survey on Algebraic Dilatations by Adrien Dubouloz, Arnaud Mayeux and João Pedro dos Santos
Survey on Affine Hecke Algebras and their representations by Maarten Solleveld
Survey on p-adic L-functions by Joaquín Rodrigues Jacinto and Chris Williams
ICM address On the Brumer-Stark Conjecture and Refinements by Samit Dasgupta and Mahesh Kakde
ICM address Topological Field Theory, Higher Categories, and Their Applications by Anton Kapustin
ICM address Symplectic resolutions, symplectic duality, and Coulomb branches by Joel Kamnitzer
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ICM address Hecke algebras and harmonic analysis by Eric Opdam
Interview with Henri Cartan
Lectures The Theta Correspondence Origins, Results, and Ramifications by Roger Howe
Youtube Math Channel Richard E Borcherds
Youtube Math Channel Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Youtube Math Channel 3Blue1Brown for everyone
A TED talk on procrastination
A page on list of incomplete proofs
A page on Most cited mathematicians