Zhiyu Zhang

Papers by topics

Automorphic forms, L-functions, periods and relative Langlands duality

1. On general twisted Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures and twisted Asai L-functions (with Weixiao Lu and Danielle Wang). In preparation.

Cycles on moduli spaces and arithmetic Langlands duality

2. Mixed cycles on Rapoport--Zink space with special maximal parahoric level structure. (with Qiao He and Baiqing Zhu). In preparation.

3. Non-reductive special cycles and twisted arithmetic fudamental lemmas . Arxiv:2406.00986. Submitted.

4. Kudla-Rapoport conjecture at unramified primes with maximal parahoric level (with Sungyoon Cho and Qiao He). Arxiv:2312.16906. Submitted.

5. Arithmetic transfers, modularity of arithmetic theta series and geometry of local--global Shimura varieties at parahoric levels. PHD thesis at MIT, 2022.

6. Maximal parahoric arithmetic transfers, resolutions and modularity. Arxiv:2112.11994 . Duke Mathematical Journal , to appear.

Taylor expansion, Shtukas, Hitchin moduli and higher Langlands duality

7. Relative Fundamental Lemmas for Spherical Hecke Algebras and Multiplicative Hitchin Fibrations: the Jacquet--Rallis Case (with X. Griffin Wang). Arxiv:2408.15155. Submitted.

Geometry, decomposition and invariants of moduli spaces and cycles

8. On unitary Shimura varieties at ramified primes. (With Yu Luo and Andreas Mihatsch). In preparation.

Research Statement

I am interested in many topics from absolute, relative and local-global perspectives. They are all related to my central research topic: to discover and study invariants with interesting meanings and arithmetic applications.

Examples: solving Diophantine equations, volumes, eigenvalues, L-functions, counting points, generating series, orbital integrals, intersection numbers, and shapes of geometric spaces with symmetry....

I study moduli spaces (e.g. moduli of motives and G-bundles), tautological classes / correspondences and special functions / cycles / sheaves on them, which give better understandings of moduli spaces.

I study modular forms, automorphic forms and relative duality in the Langlands program, where fundamental lemmas are keys to establish Langlands functoriality, e.g. endoscopic classifications, character relations, base change, local Jacquet-Langlands transfer and Langlands for classical groups.

In my PHD thesis, I extended a global method to prove (almost) modularity of arithmetic theta series and establish arithmetic fundamental lemmas with ramifications (necessary for applications: no level 1 weight 2 modular form exists), and further in my work on non-reductive cycles and twisted AFL, in an framework for arithmetic relative Langlands program (including certain non-algebraic cycles). I have been studying related applications to Kudla program, intersection numbers, Gross-Zagier formulas, explicit mod p geometry and function field analogs.

Currently I enjoy thinking about

  • discovering more moduli spaces, q-series and cycles e.g. mirabolic cycles. Applications: Kudla program, volumes, Euler systems, Tate and Bloch-Kato conjecture.
  • exploring cycles and moduli spaces beyond classical geometry, via topology, quantization, p-adic and archimedean analytic geometry.
  • automorphic forms: L-functions, Fourier coefficients, unramified computations, explicit constructions and transfers, and how to think geometrically.
  • period integrals, relative trace formulas, orbital integrals: fundamental lemmas, p-adic / motivic variants, germs, spectral analogs, spherical / ramified countings.
  • global method: Hitchin fibrations, good and singular base, finiteness / smallness, related Hecke symmetry and representation theory.
  • arithmetic analogs and applications of local and global Langlands duality [BZSV] beyond de Rham settings; tame / wild ramifications; non-split groups (effects of inner and outer forms);
  • prove examples via global rigidity methods.
  • I hope to formulate new conjectures and geometric objects (with examples) and prove new theorems. There are still many exciting things to be further explored.

    Conjectures on L-functions (generalizing zeta functions): Hasse-Weil conjecture, Riemann hypothesis, Deligne conjecture, relative Langlands duality, Braverman-Kazhdan-Ngo program, Zagier's conjecture, construction of p-adic L-functions, relations to Mahler measures, Stark's conjecture (and Kronecker limit formula), Beilinson conjecture, and Bloch-Kato conjecture.

    Related Topics: arithmetic of quadratic lattices, enumerative geometry, invariant theory, spectral theory, sheaf theory, Lie groups and Lie algebras, group actions on manifolds, moduli spaces, equidistribution and dynamics, analytic geometry, analytic methods, algebraic topology, Hodge theory, combinatorics, Hamiltonian geometry, mirror symmetry and mathematical physics.

    Friends and Collaborators

    I learnt a lot from other people on math and other things.

    John R. L. Anderson , Sebastian Bartling , Chenjing Bu , Evan Chen , Lin Chen , Sungyoon Cho , Tony Feng , Andrew Graham , Linus Hamann , Qiao He , Pol van Hoften , Yuanyang Jiang , Rahul Krishna , Spencer Leslie , Qirui Li , Siyan Daniel Li-Huerta , Weixiao Lu , Joey Yu LUO , Lucas Mason-Brown , Andreas Mihatsch , Gyujin Oh , Congling Qiu , Yousheng Shi , Naomi Sweeting , Matteo Tamiozzo , Longke Tang , David Urbanik , Danielle Wang , Griffin Wang , Boya Wen , Zhixiang Wu , Jianqiao Xia, Kai Xu , Liyang Yang , Ziquan Yang , Fan Ye , Murilo Corato Zanarella , Mingjia Zhang , Roy Zhao , Baiqing Zhu , Jialiang Zou .