Array -- the class of all arrays -- [...]
The type Array is a member of the class Type.
Each object of class Array is called an array.
Each array is also a member of class VisibleList.
More general types (whose methods may also apply) :
An array is like a list, except that brackets are used instead of
braces when entering or displaying an array, and arrays can't be used
as vectors. Their main use is notational: for example, they appear
in the construction of polynomial rings.
i1 : v = [a,b,c]
o1 = [a, b, c]
o1 : Array |
i2 : v#2
o2 = c
o2 : Symbol |
i3 : ZZ[a,b,c]
o3 = ZZ [a, b, c]
o3 : PolynomialRing |
See also:
Methods for using an array :