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RingElement [...] -- substitution of variables


  • Usage: r = f[a,b,c]
  • Operator: symbol " " -- blank operator for adjacent expressions
  • Input:
  • f, an instance of class RingElement.
  • [a,b,c], an instance of class Array: an array of ring elements
  • Output:
  • r, an instance of class Thing: the result of replacing the variables in f by the ring elements provided in brackets.
  • i1 : R = QQ[x,y];
    i2 : f = x^3 + 99*y;
    i3 : f[1000,3]

    o3 = 1000000297


         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/ringmap.m2:277
         RingElement Array := (r,v) -> substitute(r,matrix {toList v})

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