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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning (SCIL)

Director: Roy Pea

Center Offices: Wallenberg Hall (Building 160)

Web Site:

The Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning (SCIL) conducts scholarly research to advance the science, technology, and practice of learning and teaching from early childhood through postsecondary education. The center brings together teachers, scholars, and students from around the world to study how to improve formal and informal learning across cultural boundaries.

SCIL is housed in Wallenberg Hall, a state-of-the-art testing ground for technology applications in the classroom. With the support of SCIL technical and advisory staff, more than 70 professors and instructors have taught courses in Wallenberg Hall.

SCIL programs are multidisciplinary and collaborative in nature and include the LIFE Center (Learning in Informal and Formal Environments), a research endeavor funded by the National Science Foundation whose researchers are working toward the development of an integrated multidisciplinary science of learning. Engaging more than 40 faculty members and researchers from the learning sciences, psychology, education, communications, computer science, and developmental, cognitive, and social neuroscience, LIFE is a collaboration with the University of Washington and SRI International.

In addition to its research work, SCIL provides year-round technical and advisory support to University instructors.

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