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Last Revised:
December 11, 2003
Copyright © 1998 - 2003
Joy P. Ku

Note: A pdf version of my cv is also available.

Research Publications
Class Projects


  • Stanford University
    • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, January 2004
      Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Blood Flow with Application to Vascular Bypass Surgery (pdf version)
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, April 1998
    • Received Predoctoral Fellowship from American Heart Association, Western States Affiliate, 2000-2002
    • Received Hewlett-Packard Resident Fellowship, 1996-1997
  • University of California at Berkeley
    • B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, May 1993
    • Graduated with high honors; GPA: 3.83/4.0
    • Dean's Honor List; EECS Honors Program; U.C. Berkeley Honorary Scholarship


  • Stanford University/Vascular Surgery Laboratory
    Postdoctoral Fellow, 1/04 to present
  • WNBC
    Medical Reporter Intern, 9/03 to 11/03
  • Stanford University/Vascular Surgery Laboratory
    Research Assistant, 9/96 to 8/03
    • Created software tools, designed and implemented in vivo and in vitro experiments which utilized phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging, and analyzed data to validate finite-element-based simulations of blood flow changes for vascular bypass surgeries.
    • Created the 3D visualization interface for an Internet-based computer-assisted surgical planning demonstration using VRML.
    • Designed and implemented a program to construct 3D volumes of data from 2D ultrasound slices using C and Tcl/Tk.
    • Developed and built a model of the carotid artery that is compatible with ultrasound and MR imaging.
  • Hewlett-Packard
    Manufacturing Development Engineer, 6/93 to 9/96
    • Supported the transducer manufacturing processes. Designed and taught course on failure analysis of returned transducers. Reduced process cycle time using PDCA methodology. Led quality team to investigate returned transducers with unverifiable failures.
    • Set test specifications and ensured yield requirements met for new products. Established disinfection process for new transducer application. Performed experiments and simulations to predict performance of new product.
    • Developed, implemented, and documented search algorithms, data storage conventions, and validation procedures for a new automated acoustic intensity measurements tank.
    • Programmed the motor control module for a new automated test system.

Research Publications

  • Articles accepted for journal publication:
    • Ku, J.P., Draney, M.T., Arko, F.R., Lee, W.A., Chan, F., Pelc, N.J., Zarins, C.K., Taylor, C.A., "In Vivo Validation of Numerical Predictions of Blood Flow in Arterial Bypass Grafts," Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2002), 30(6):743-752. Article
    • Taylor, C.A., Draney, M.T., Ku, J.P., Parker, D., Steele, B.N., Wang, K., Hughes, T.J.R., Zarins, C.K., "Computer-Aided Surgical Planning for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease," Computer-Aided Surgery (1999), 4:231-247. Article
  • Abstracts accepted for conferences:
    • Steele, B.N., Wan, J., Ku, J.P., Hughes, T.R., Taylor, C.A., "In Vivo Validation of a One-Dimensional Finite Element Method for Simulation-Based Medical Planning for Cardiovascular Bypass Surgery," IEEE EMBS International Conference, Oct 2001, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract
    • Ku, J.P., Draney, M.T., Lee, W.A., Arko, F.R., Zarins, C.K., Taylor, C.A., "Comparison of In Vivo MRI Flow Measurements and Predicted Flow Simulation Results," Proceedings of the 2001 Bioengineering Conference, (Jun 27 - Jul 1, 2001; Snowbird, Utah), 50:769-770. Abstract
    • Ku, J.P., Draney, M.T., Lee, W.A., Zarins, C.K., Taylor, C.A., "In Vivo Validation of a Cardiovascular Surgical Simulation System," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, (2000 Annual Fall Meeting; Oct 12-14, 2000; Seattle, Washington), 28, Supp. 1:S-62.
    • Ku, J.P., Chan, G.W., Draney, M., Arko, F.R., Zarins, C.K., Taylor, C.A., "In Vivo Validation of Cardiovascular Blood Flow Simulations," BCATS 2000 (Biomedical Computation @ Stanford 2000), p.50.
    • Ku, J.P., Taylor, C.A., "Construction of Geometric Models from Arbitrarily Oriented 2D Ultrasound Images", Proceedings of the 1999 Bioengineering Conference, (Jun 16-20, 1999; Big Sky, Montana), 42:203-204.
    • Steele, B.N., Ku, J.P., Draney, M.T., Taylor, C.A., "Internet Based User Interface for Computer Aided Surgical Planning," Proceedings of the 1999 Bioengineering Conference, (Jun 16-20, 1999; Big Sky, Montana), 42:21-22.

Class Projects


  • Stanford University Swing Kids Club, Board Member ('01 to present)
  • Stanford University Step Out program, Volunteer ('00 to '01)
  • IEEE, Member ('96 to present)
  • Society of Women Engineers ('89 to '00)
    • Regional Co-Coordinator ('93 to '96): Liaison to 27 student sections. Increased participation in regional competitions. Planned and presented an all-day Leadership Training Seminar.
    • National Convention Planning Committee ('93 to '95)
    • Vice-President of U.C. Berkeley section ('92 to '93)
  • Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital, Recreation Therapy Volunteer ('98 to '00)
  • Stanford University Committee for Minority Recruitment and Retention ('98 to '99)
  • Stanford Educational Studies Program, Volunteer Creator and Teacher for computer graphics workshop (4/97)
  • Rollins Math Tutoring Program, Volunteer Tutor (9/95 to 6/96)
  • Wakefield Literacy Program, Volunteer Tutor (9/93 to 7/95)
  • Berkeley Literacy Program, Volunteer Tutor ('91 to '93)

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