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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Geological and Environmental Sciences Introductory Courses

GES 39N. Forensic Geoscience: Stanford CSI

(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. Geological principles, materials, and techniques indispensable to modern criminal investigations. Basic earth materials, their origin and variability, and how they can be used as evidence in criminal cases and investigations such as artifact provenance and environmental pollution. Sources include case-based, simulated forensic exercises and the local environments of the Stanford campus and greater Bay Area. Local field trips; research presentation and paper. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Spr (Maher, K)

GES 40N. Diamonds

(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. Topics include the historyof diamonds as gemstones, prospecting and mining, and their often tragic politics. How diamond samples provide clues for geologists to understand the Earth's deep interior and the origins of the solar system. Diamond's unique materials properties and efforts in synthesizing diamonds. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Spr (Mao, W)

GES 43Q. Environmental Problems

(S,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to sophomores. Components of multidisciplinary environmental problems and ethical questions associated with decision making in the regulatory arena. Students lead discussions on environmental issues such as groundwater contamination from point and nonpoint sources, cumulative watershed effects related to timber and mining practices, acid rain, and subsurface disposal of nuclear waste. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Win (Loague, K)

GES 55Q. The California Gold Rush: Geologic Background and Environmental Impact

(S,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to sophomores. Topics include: geologic processes that led to the concentration of gold in the river gravels and rocks of the Mother Lode region of California; and environmental impact of the Gold Rush due to population increase, mining operations, and high concentrations of arsenic and mercury in sediments from hard rock mining and milling operations. Recommended: introductory geology. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Win (Bird, D)

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