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This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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OSPSANTG 10. Borges and Argentina

His work and readings of other key figures of Argentine literature during the period. Close reading technique. Readings in the context of the main developments in Argentine history, and in relationship to the major literary and philosophical trends of the 20th century. Topics include Borges' rejection of the novel, storytelling as a reaction against romanticism, philosophical concerns, paradoxical plot devices, humor, and influence in Latin America. Readings include short stories such as The Library of Babel and The Aleph, poems and essays, and texts by key Argentine writers of the period including Arlt, Bioy Casares, Silvina Ocampo, and Cortázar. GER:DB-Hum

4-5 units, Win (Missana, S)

OSPSANTG 12S. Accelerated Second-Year Spanish, Part I: Chilean Emphasis

Intensive sequence integrating language, culture, and sociopolitics of Chile. Emphasis is on achieving advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse including formal and informal situations, presentational language, and appropriate forms in academic and professional contexts. Prerequisite: one year of college Spanish, or 11 or 21B if taken more than two quarters prior to arriving in Santiago.

5 units, Aut (Abad, M), Win (Abad, M), Spr (Abad, M)

OSPSANTG 13S. Accelerated Second-Year Spanish, Part II: Chilean Emphasis

Intensive sequence integrating language, culture, and sociopolitics of Chile. Emphasis is on achieving advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse including formal and informal situations, presentational language, and appropriate forms in academic and professional contexts. Prerequisite: 11 or 21B within two quarters of arriving in Santiago, or 12 or 22B.

5 units, Aut (Abad, M), Win (Abad, M), Spr (Abad, M)

OSPSANTG 14. Women Writers of Latin America in the 20th Century

Key figures in poetry, narrative fiction, theater, and testimonio, such as Mistral, Garro, Lispector, Poniatowska, Valenzuela, Eltit and Menchú. Close reading technique. Issues raised in literary texts that reflect the evolution of the condition of women in Latin America during the period. Topics include gender differences and relationships, tradition versus transgression, relationship between changes in the status of women and other egalitarian transformations, and women writers and the configuration of literary canons. GER:DB-Hum, EC-Gender

4-5 units, Aut (Missana, S)

OSPSANTG 17. Chilean Fiction of the 20th Century

Novels and short stories. Chilean and Latin American political and economic history contexts. GER:DB-Hum

4-5 units, Spr (Missana, S)

OSPSANTG 33. Spanish Language Tutorial

Prerequisite: two years of college Spanish or equivalent placement.

2 units, Aut (Abad, M; Pons, H), Win (Abad, M; Pons, H), Spr (Abad, M; Pons, H)

OSPSANTG 43. Topics in Human Genetics

Independent projects in the following areas: genetic testing leading to identification of children of missing persons (Argentina); screening for inherited diseases; fragile X syndrome; ancestry determination; direct-to-consumer genetic testing.

3 units, Win (Francke, U)

OSPSANTG 44. Human Genetic Diversity in Individuals and Populations

Issues of human genetics and society from a global perspective, with examples specific to Latin America. Topics include: types of genetic variation leading to individual and ancestry identification; heritable and de novo disorders of development; adult-onset disease predisposition; differential susceptibility to infections and environmental agents; and different responses to drugs. Principles and types of genetic testing; access and utilization of genetic information; methods, results, and outcome interpretation of genomic analyses and implications for public policy.

4-5 units, Win (Francke, U)

OSPSANTG 45. The Cinema of the Chilean Transition (1990-2007)

Nature of the dialogue filmmakers sought to establish with the audience during time of democratic peace. Themes include: delinquency (Lubbert's Taxi para tres); presence or absence of indigenous people (Alicia Scherson's Play); family dynamics (Sebastián Lelio's La sagrada familia); social protagonism of women (Quercia's Geografía del deseo); relationship between art and commerce (Caiozzi's Cachimba); use of the thriller and noir genres (Hidalgo's El huesped; Olguin's Sangre eterna). GER:DB-Hum

3-5 units, Aut (Ruffinelli, J)

OSPSANTG 46. Topics in Chilean Cultural Expressions

Independent study in one of the following topics: 20th-century Chilean poetry such as Neruda and Nicanor Parra; Chilean novelists such as Donoso, Skarmeta, and Allende; trends in Chilean culture including theater, music, peñas, sports, and arts; cultural journalism or how daily newspapers reflect on Chilean popular interests.

3-5 units, Aut (Ruffinelli, J)

OSPSANTG 58. Living Chile: A Land of Extremes

Physical, ecological, and human geography of Chile. Perceptions of the Chilean territory and technologies of study. Flora, fauna, and human adaptations to regional environments. Guest lectures; field trips; workshops. GER:DB-EngrAppSci

5 units, Aut (Reid, S), Win (Reid, S)

OSPSANTG 62. Topics in Chilean History

Main themes of Chilean history: Spanish colonial background; independence in comparative perspective; construction of the republic in the 19th century; actors in the political process; the clash between authoritarian and democratic traditions in the 20th century. How Chileans have viewed their own history through conventional historical accounts, novels, and memoirs. GER:DB-Hum

4-5 units, Win (Jaksic, I)

OSPSANTG 68. The Emergence of Nations in Latin America

Major themes of 19th-century Latin American history, including independence from Spain, the emergence of nation states, and the development of a new social, political, and economic order. GER:DB-SocSci

4-5 units, Aut (Jaksic, I), Spr (Jaksic, I)

OSPSANTG 85. Marine Ecology of Chile and the South Pacific

Relationships among physical processes in the ocean, biological productivity, and the exploitation of resources by high-thropic-level predators including human beings. Characterization of ecological patterns; identification of processes operating on marine systems. Open ocean ecosystems, intertidal and benthic regions of the world's oceans, and ecological research developed along coastal regions, focusing on Chile's 4,000 km coastline. GER: DB-NatSci

5 units, Spr (Palma, A)

OSPSANTG 102S. Composition and Writing Workshop for Students in Santiago

Advanced. Writing as craft and process: brainstorming, planning, outlining, drafting, revising, style, diction, and editing. Non-Spanish majors or minors may choose topics related to their studies. Prerequisite: SPANLANG 13C, 13R, 13S, 23B, or equivalent.

3-5 units, Aut (Bobbert, A), Win (Staff, 1), Spr (Staff, 1)

OSPSANTG 104X. Modernization and Culture in Latin America

Intellectual and cultural expressions of Latin America against the background of modernization viewed as a constant tension between rationalization and subjectification, change and identity preservation, and the logic of development or economic expansion and the logic of the culture. Readings include Morande, Cultura y modernización en América Latina and Sarlo, Una modernidad periférica. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Aut (Subercaseaux, B)

OSPSANTG 116X. Modernization and its Discontents: Chilean Politics at the Turn of the Century

Chile's strides towards becoming a developed country have engendered high levels of alienation and disaffection among significant sectors of the population. The roots of this apparent paradox of modernization, focusing on newly emerging actors in the Chilean political scene: Mapuche organizations, women's groups, the environmental movement, and new features of the established ones like trade unions and human rights activists. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Spr (Correa, G)

OSPSANTG 118X. Artistic Expression in Latin America

Elite, mass-media, and popular cultural changes in Chile under conditions of economic and political liberalization. The reception of cultural meanings from the center of the world social system (U.S., EU, and Japan), reformulation to respond to local conditions, and export in the shape of cultural artifacts. Innovative elements rooted in the regional and local culture. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Win (Albornoz, C)

OSPSANTG 119X. The Chilean Economy: History, International Relations, and Development Strategies

The Chilean economy in five stages, taking into account: the international economic position of Chile; internal economic structures closely related to the inherited historical conditions and to the changing international economic position of the country; and the economic strategies prevalent during the period and the concrete development policies conducted by government authorities. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Spr (Munoz, O)

OSPSANTG 129X. Latin America in the International System

Latin America's role in world politics, with emphasis on the history of and models for explaining U.S.-Latin American relations. Latin America's evolving relationship in the international system. GER:DB-SocSci

4-5 units, Win (Fuentes, C)

OSPSANTG 130X. Latin American Economies in Transition

Introduction to the main debates and approaches developed to understand and analyze the economies of Latin America. Recent processes of transition to market economies. Common characteristics among countries of the region; the differences and special traits of individual countries. Historical, analytical, and empirical perspectives on topics at the center of controversies and specific policy problems over several decades. Recommended: ECON 1, 51, and 52. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Aut (Briones, I)

OSPSANTG 141X. Politics and Culture in Chile

The relationship between politics and culture in Chile during the 20th century, reflecting on the effects of such relationships on esthetics and identity. The possibility that, in Chile, culture has been pulled by politics and social praxis, a condition that has created a deficit in cultural thickness. The oligarchic regime around 1920, the welfare state around 1940, projects of social transformation around 1970, dictatorship around 1980, women writers and Mapuche poetry in contemporary Chile. GER:DB-Hum, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Spr (Subercaseaux, B)

OSPSANTG 160X. Latin America in the International Economy

The external economic relations of Latin American countries. Similarities and differences among countries, focusing on the last 15 years. Analytical and empirical elements for interpretation of policies, and the outcome. Trade, external debt, capital flows, and the inter-relationships between domestic economy and overall growth. Recommended: ECON 1, 51, and 52. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Win (Staff, 1)

OSPSANTG 199A. Directed Reading A

May be repeated for credit.

1-4 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff)

OSPSANTG 199B. Directed Reading B

May be repeated for credit.

1-4 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff)

OSPSANTG 221X. Political Transition and Democratic Consolidation: Chile in Comparative Perspective

The dynamics of the Chilean transition. Topics: challenges faced by democratic governments in the 90s framed by the legacy of military rule, 1973-90; political culture; institutional traditions of democracy; and the Chilean process within the broader context of Latin American political development. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Aut (Micco, S)

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