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Undergraduate Studies IN Madrid

OSPMADRD 12M. Accelerated Second-Year Spanish I

Intensive sequence integrating language, culture, and geo/sociopolitics of Spain. Emphasis is on achieving advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse, including formal and informal situations, presentational language, and appropriate forms in academic and professional contexts. Prerequisite: one year of college Spanish or 11 or 21B more than two quarters (six months) prior to arriving in Madrid.

5 units, Aut (Camblor Portilla, M), Win (Camblor Portilla, M), Spr (Camblor Portilla, M)

OSPMADRD 13M. Accelerated Second-Year Spanish II

Intensive sequence integrating language, culture, and geo/sociopolitics of Spain. Emphasis is on achieving advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse, including formal and informal situations, presentational language, and appropriate forms in academic and professional contexts. Prerequisite: Spanish 11 or 21B within two quarters (six months) of arriving in Madrid or 12 or 22B.

5 units, Aut (Camblor Portilla, M), Win (Camblor Portilla, M), Spr (Camblor Portilla, M)

OSPMADRD 14. Introduction to Spanish Culture

Required for Madrid students. Spain's historical, physical, and socioculutural diversity. Includes a weekend study trip and other cultural encounters. Linguistic skills and cultural knowledge through museum visits, readings, and writing a paper in Spanish. Study trips: Autumn Quarter to Cantabria-Léon and Basque country; Winter Quarter to Andalusia and Extremadura; Spring Quarter to Catalonia and Galacia.

1 unit, Aut (Tejerina-Canal, S), Win (Tejerina-Canal, S), Spr (Tejerina-Canal, S)

OSPMADRD 15. Flamenco Dance

Practical instruction. The rhythms and styles of flamenco and the expression of feelings proper to this art form which synthesizes song, music, and dance. Zapateado (footwork), braceo (arm positions and movement technique), and choreographies, including Rumba flamenca and Sevillanas. May be repeated for credit.

2 units, Aut (Murcia Cánovas, L), Win (Murcia Cánovas, L), Spr (Murcia Cánovas, L)

OSPMADRD 22. Spain on Stage: Theater and Performance in 2009

Students attend theater and analyze works currently in performance in Madrid, including canonical plays, and performances at smaller historical and alternative theaters. History of Spanish theater; background on the plays. Skills and strategies for reading dramatic works as literature and analyzing scenic languages of performance. GER:DB-Hum

5 units, Spr (Surwillo, L)

OSPMADRD 24. Spain and Africa through the Ages

Relationship between Spain and Africa from 711 to today, including Islamic culture perceived as an African phenomenon. Texts and topics include: Christian and Muslim chronicles of the invasion of 711; studies of Hispano-Islamic culture; chronicles of the Iberian exploration of Africa; Cartas marruecas; Carolina Coronado's poetry on the trans-Atlantic slave trade in the 19th century; Iván Larra's contemporary visual representations of Spain and blackness; and the film Saïd aout recent African immigration. GER:DB-Hum, EC-GlobalCom

3 units, Spr (Surwillo, L)

OSPMADRD 25. European Legal History

European law from the fall of the Roman Empire (5th century) to the establishment of the European Community (20th century). Organized chronologically, engaging with the sources and nature of law, the organization of legal systems and the relationship between law and society, law and lawmaker, law and the legal professions. Continental and English law. Sources include primary documents available in English. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Aut (Herzog, T)

OSPMADRD 26. Issues in European Law

Focus is on a period, an institution, or a doctrine in European law between the Middle Ages and the end of the 20th century. Topics chosen in consultation with the instructor.

4 units, Aut (Herzog, T)

OSPMADRD 33. Spanish Language Tutorial

May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: three years of Spanish at Stanford or placement.

2 units, Aut (Camblor Portilla, M), Win (Camblor Portilla, M), Spr (Camblor Portilla, M)

OSPMADRD 34. Modern Spain

History of 19th- and 20th-century Spain including the Napoleonic wars, the liberal revolution, the birth and growth of workers parties, the emergence of nationalism, the Spanish Civil War, Franco's Spain, and the return of democracy. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Win (Herzog, T)

OSPMADRD 35. Issues in Spanish History

Focus is on a period, an institution, or a movement in Spanish history. Topics chosen in consultation with the instructor.

4 units, Win (Herzog, T)

OSPMADRD 40. Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis in the Spanish World

Technical and cultural vocabulary and methods to examine literary criticism in the literary genres, movements, and history of literature written in Spanish. Skills to consider Spanish texts critically. GER:DB-Hum

4 units, Aut (Tejerina-Canal, S)

OSPMADRD 41. Dissidence and Continuity: Spanish Theater, 1907 to the Present

Tradition, transformation, experimentation, rupture, renovation, and innovation in the theater in Spain as a reflection of the artistic, social and historical commotion that led to the Spanish Civil War, Franco, and the present democratic monarchy. Ortega y Gasset, Benavente, Grau, Valle-Inclán, García Lorca, Buero Vallejo, Sastre, Arrabal, Fernán Gómez, Paloma Pedrero, Yolanda Pallín or other playwrights who may be staged in Madrid theaters. GER:DB-Hum

4 units, Win (Tejerina-Canal, S)

OSPMADRD 42. A European Model of Democracy: The Case of Spain

Current Spanish political system, its main judicial and political institutions, outstanding actors' and the political process of the last decade. Historic antecedents; immediate precedents; and the current political system and life. Relation between the elements that constitute a political system; results of the process of democratization; integration to the EU. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Win (Bobillo de la Peña, F)

OSPMADRD 43. The Jacobean Star Way and Europe: Society, Politics and Culture

The Saint James' Way as a tool to understand historic dynamics from a global perspective. Its effect on the structures that form a political and institutional system, and its society, economy, and ideology. GER:DB-Hum

5 units, Spr (Larrañaga Zulueta, M)

OSPMADRD 45. Women in Art: Case Study in the Madrid Museums

Viewing the collections at the Prado Museum through study and analysis of the representations of women. Contemporary literary texts and images that situate paintings in the historical, social, and political conditions that produced the works. GER:DB-Hum, EC-Gender

4 units, Win (Doménech López, J)

OSPMADRD 46. Drawing with Four Spanish Masters: Goya, Velázquez, Picasso and Dalí

Approaches, techniques, and processes in drawing. Visits to Madrid museums to study paintings and drawings by Goya, Velázquez, Picasso, and Dalí and to explore the experience of drawing. Subject matter: the figure, still life, interiors, landscape, and non-representational drawing. No previous experience required.

4 units, Aut (Sartarelli, S)

OSPMADRD 50. Flirting with Spanish Metafiction: Cervantes, Velázquez, Fuentes, Amodóvar

Literary theory and critical analysis of peninsular and Latin American texts. Emphasis is on the origins and development of self-conscious fiction (metafiction). Works by Cervantes, Velázquez, Unamuno, Borges, Fuentes, Torrente Ballester, and Almodóvar. Attendance at music, art, cinema, and Spanish novelist events. In Spanish. GER:DB-Hum

4 units, Spr (Tejerina-Canal, S)

OSPMADRD 56. Environmental Politics: Theory, Political Praxis, and the Spanish Case

Developments in environmental political theory and political practice in Spain. Philosophical and theoretical debates that resulted in the contemporary environmentalist political consciousness; history of the environmental political movement and the rise of environmentalist NGOs and green political parties; environmental politics in Spain with focus on policies in energy, water, and forest. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Aut (Seijo Macieras, F)

OSPMADRD 57. Health Care: A Contrastive Analysis between Spain and the U.S.

History of health care and evolution of the concept of universal health care based on need not wealth. Contrast with system in U.S. Is there a right to health care and if so, what does it encompass? The Spanish health care system; its major successes and shortcomings. Issues and challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective combining scientific facts with moral, political, and legal philosophy. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Spr (de Lora del Toro, P)

OSPMADRD 58. Economics of Immigration, Integration, and Cultural Diversity

5 units, Aut (Staff, 1)

OSPMADRD 60. Integration into Spanish Society: Service Learning and Professional Opportunities

Engagement with the real world of Madrid through public service work with NGOs and public service professions such as teaching. Topics relevant to present-day Spain, including the national health plan, educational system, immigration, prostitution, refugees, youth, and fair trade.Fieldwork, lectures, and research paper. Limited enrollment. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: two years of college level Spanish or equivalent.

5 units, Aut (Klaiber, S), Win (Klaiber, S), Spr (Klaiber, S)

OSPMADRD 67. Women in Spain: From Tradition to Postmodernity

Cultural discourses and practices on gender difference in Spain from medieval times to the present. Muslim, Jewish, and Christian women in Spanish medieval society. The ideal woman in early modern Spanish Empire; her spaces for freedom within her subjection. Enlightenment's shadows. Spanish feminism, the gender limits of liberalism, and the tyranny of national Catholicism. Postmodern democratic women: social reality and the media. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-Gender

5 units, Spr (Botella Ordinas, E)

OSPMADRD 72. Issues in Bioethics Across Cultures

Ethical dilemmas concerning the autonomy and dignity of human beings and other living creatures; principles of justice that rule different realms of private and public life. Interdisciplinary approach to assessing these challenges, combining scientific facts, health care issues, and moral philosophy. Sources include landmark bioethics papers.

5 units, Win (de Lora del Toro, P)

OSPMADRD 102M. Composition and Writing Workshop for Student in Madrid

Advanced. Writing as craft and process, emphasizing brainstorming, planning, outlining, drafting, revising, style, diction, and editing. Students choose topics related to their studies. Prerequisite: 13, 23B, or equivalent placement.

3-5 units, Aut (Camblor Portilla, M), Win (Camblor Portilla, M), Spr (Camblor Portilla, M)

OSPMADRD 199A. Directed Reading

1-4 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff)

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