Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
OSPBER 1Z. Accelerated German: First and Second Quarters
A jump start to the German language, enabling students with no prior German to study at the Berlin Center. Covers GERLANG 1 and 2 in one quarter.
8 units, Aut (Splettstoesser, J; Wohlfeil, J), Win (Splettstoesser, J; Wohlfeil, J)
OSPBER 2Z. Accelerated German, Second and Third Quarters
Qualifies students for participation in an internship following the study quarter. Emphasis is on communicative patterns in everyday life and in the German work environment, including preparation for interviews.
8 units, Spr (Wohlfeil, J)
OSPBER 12. The Politics of Memory
Politics of memorializing WW II focusing on Berlin. How the memory of WW II and its representation became constitutive to the self-consciousness of democratic culture in Germany. What constitutes the nature of collective memory; who has the authority to represent the war; the function of the memorial in public consciousness; and limits of representation of terror or genocide. Theoretical literature on politics of memory. Field trips to memorials. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom
3 units, Win (Fonrobert, C)
OSPBER 13. Jewish and Muslim Berlin: The City and its Religious Minorities
History of Jewish life in Berlin leading up to WW II, focusing on moments of literary and cultural creativity: the Jewish Enlightenment in Berlin; forms of protest against bourgeois German-Jewish culture; and literary, artistic, and political productivity of the interwar period. Cultural relationship between Germans and Jews. These historical dynamics as background to current discussion about the place of Islam and Muslim culture in contemporary Germany and Berlin. Site visits in Berlin. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom
3 units, Win (Fonrobert, C)
OSPBER 15. Shifting Alliances? The European Union and the U.S.
The development of European integration, a model for global security and peace, and a possible replacement for the U.S. position as unilateral superpower. Competing arguments about the state of transatlantic relations. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom
4-5 units, Win (Brueckner, U)
OSPBER 17. Split Images: A Century of Cinema
20th-century German culture through film. The silent era, Weimar, and the instrumentalization of film in the Third Reich. The postwar era: ideological and aesthetic codes of DEFA, new German cinema, and post-Wende filmmaking including Run Lola Run and Goodbye Lenin. Aesthetic aspects of the films including image composition, camera and editing techniques, and relation between sound and image. GER:DB-Hum, EC-GlobalCom
4 units, Win (Kramer, K)
OSPBER 21B. Intermediate German
Grammar review, vocabulary building, writing, and discussion of German culture, literature, and film. Corequisite: OSPBER 100B.
5 units, Aut (Friesel, D), Win (Friesel, D), Spr (Friesel, D)
OSPBER 30. Berlin vor Ort: A Field Trip Module
The cultures of Berlin as preserved in museums, monuments, and architecture. Berlin's cityscape as a narrative of its history from baroque palaces to vestiges of E. German communism, from 19th-century industrialism to grim edifices of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.
1 unit, Aut (Ebeling, K), Win (Ebeling, K), Spr (Ebeling, K)
OSPBER 38. Research Module
For continuing students. Research under the guidance of a local specialist in libraries, archives, research institutes, and/or in the field. Prerequisite: GERGEN 177A. (Kramer)
3-4 units, Win (Staff), Spr (Staff)
OSPBER 40B. Introductory Electronics
5 units, Aut (Howe, R), Win (Howe, R), Spr (Wong, S)
OSPBER 47. Ethics in Medicine and Everyday Life
Ethical conflicts in relation to life situations. Moral questions in the conduct of science. Collaboration of physicians and academics with Nazi medical experiments; Milgram's experiments on obedience; Stanford's prison experiments; misleading marketing strategies used by the tobacco industry; ethics of placebo controlled clinical trials; decisions related to stem cell research and reproductive technologies. GER:EC-EthicReas
4 units, Aut (Casper, R)
OSPBER 48. Topics in Medicine and Ethics
Independent study with weekly meetings. Topics: comparative analysis of legislation of human fertilization and embryology in the U.S. and UK; history and structure of the health care systems in Germany, Canada, and the U.S.; lives of admirable precepts but dubious practice such as Seneca, the Stoics, and Rousseau; promise and pitfalls of genetically modified plant and animal food. Do ethnic, national, and professional stereotypes serve a function? Primarily in English, but some topics might require German.
2-4 units, Aut (Casper, R)
OSPBER 50B. Introductory Science of Materials
4 units, Aut (Staff, 1), Win (Staff, 1), Spr (Staff, 1)
OSPBER 52. European Modernism in Art
French and German modernist artists such as Cezanne, Van Gogh, Kirchner, and Kandinsky in the period of early modernist art. Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism, and the German period Neue Sachlichkeit. Why modernism took certain directions in these countries, how the social and political circumstances in these areas impacted the arts, and how artists acted and reacted in these sociopolitical environments. GER:DB-Hum
4 units, Spr (Barton, B)
OSPBER 53. The Brothers Grimm and their Fairy Tales
Cultural context for collection of these fairy tales. Questions related to sources of the tales; reception of tales in different cultures and at different times; values represented by the tales; service to interests of German states in the present and past. Theoretical perspectives such as feminist and psychoanalytic. In German. GER:DB-Hum
4 units, Spr (Robinson, O)
OSPBER 55. Filmed Experience: Berlin at Eye-Level
Screenings of films made in Berlin to develop awareness of the practical side of filmmaking: narration; camera angles; editing. Writing exercises (reviews, analysis of storyline, characters). Individual student projects: writing of film treatment or production of short video. GER:DB-Hum
5 units, Spr (Maerker, C)
OSPBER 56. A Laboratory of Modernity: Concert and Concerto in 19th-Century Germany
How the emerging institution of the concert and the musical genre of the concerto produced and mirrored identities of the rising bourgeoisie in 19th-century Germany: discourses about the value and idea of the concert; aspects of the performance; the music and its perception. The development of the genre of the concerto through live performances in Berlin concert halls. No musical reading skills required. GER:DB-Hum
4 units, Win (Bork, C)
OSPBER 60. Cityscape as History: Architecture and Urban Design in Berlin
Diversity of Berlin's architecture and urban design resulting from its historical background. Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and his artistic ancestors. Role of the cultural exchange between Germany and the U.S. Changing nature of the city from the 19th century to the present. GER:DB-Hum
4-5 units, Aut (Pabsch, M)
OSPBER 62. Shades of Green: Environmental Policy in Germany and the U.S. in Historical Perspective
How political institutions, political culture, and economic structure influence domestic and foreign environmental policies across countries in areas such as climate change, urbanization, and management of finite resources. Impact on cooperative solutions between countries with focus on Germany and the U.S. GER:DB-SocSci
5 units, Spr (Tempel, S)
OSPBER 66. Theory from the Bleachers: Reading German Sports and Culture
German culture past and present through the lens of sports. Intellectual, societal, and historical-political contexts. Comparisons to Britain, France, and the U.S. The concepts of K�rperkultur, Leistung, Show, Verein, and Haltung. Fair play, the relation of team and individual, production and deconstruction of sports heroes and heroines, and sports nationalism. Sources include sports narrations and images, attendance at sports events, and English and German texts.
3 units, Win (Junghanns, W)
OSPBER 70. The Long Way to the West: German History from the 18th Century to the Present
Battles still current within Germany's collective memory. Sources include the narrative resources of museums, and experts on the German history in Berlin and Potsdam. Field trips. GER:DB-Hum, EC-GlobalCom
5 units, Spr (Jander, M)
OSPBER 100B. Aktives Deutsch
Required for students enrolled in GERLANG 3B; open to students in other German language classes. Active use of German, including vocabulary from a variety of fields and disciplines, and discussion of current issues.
2 units, Aut (Friesel, D), Win (Friesel, D), Spr (Strube, F)
OSPBER 101A. Contemporary Theater
Texts of plays supplemented by theoretical texts or reviews. Weekly theater visits, a tour of backstage facilities, and discussions with actors, directors, or other theater professionals. In German. GER:DB-Hum
5 units, Spr (Kramer, K)
OSPBER 101B. Advanced German
For intermediate and advanced students. Focus is on Berlin through film, literature, music, live performance, news media, and field trips. Essay writing, vocabulary building, and in-class presentations. Reading literature and news stories, essay writing, vocabulary building, and in-class presentations.
5 units, Aut (Biege, M), Win (Biege, M), Spr (Biege, M)
OSPBER 115X. The German Economy: Past and Present
The history of the German economy in the Wilhelmine Empire, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, the postwar real socialism of the GDR, and the free market economy of the FRG. The processes of economic transition since unification and current challenges faced by united Germany. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom
4-5 units, Aut (Klein, I)
OSPBER 126X. A People's Union? Money, Markets, and Identity in the EU
The institutional architecture of the EU and its current agenda. Weaknesses, strengths, and relations with partners and neighbors. Discussions with European students. Field trips; guest speakers. GER:DB-SocSci, DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom
4-5 units, Aut (Brueckner, U)
OSPBER 161X. The German Economy in the Age of Globalization
Germany's role in the world economy: trade, international financial markets, position within the European Union; economic relations with Eastern Europe, Russia, the Third World, and the U.S. International aspects of German economic and environmental policies. The globalization of the world's economy and Germany's competitiveness as a location for production, services, and R&D, focusing on the German car industry. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom
4-5 units, Win (Klein, I)
OSPBER 174. Sports, Culture, and Gender in Comparative Perspective
Theory and history of mass spectator sports and their role in modern societies. Comparisons with U.S., Britain, and France; the peculiarities of sports in German culture. Body and competition cultures, with emphasis on the entry of women into sports, the modification of body ideals, and the formation and negotiation of gender identities in and through sports. The relationship between sports and politics, including the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-Gender
5 units, Spr (Junghanns, W)
OSPBER 177A. Culture and Politics in Modern Germany
Key paradigms of modern Germany: German romanticism, the belated state and national identity, National Socialism and the Holocaust, Germany divided and unified. Literary, analytical, and theoretical texts; newspaper articles; film and TV; oral history. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-Gender
4-5 units, Aut (Kramer, K)
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