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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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OSPBEIJ 3C. First-Year Modern Chinese

5 units, Spr (Staff, 1)

OSPBEIJ 9. Chinese Language Tutorial

2 units, Aut (Staff, 1), Spr (Staff, 1)

OSPBEIJ 11. Chinese Society in the Post-Mao Era

The rapid changes that have transformed urban and rural China since the early 80s. Topics: agricultural reform, migration and unemployment, poverty and wealth, inequality, the new middle class and business elite, and social conflict. Research paper on one of these topics. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Aut (Walder, A)

OSPBEIJ 19. Population and Society in East Asia

Current demographic situation, and country differences. Emphasis is on China; attention to Japan and S. Korea. Relationship between social change and demographic change in the past. Factors influencing and influenced by fertility, mortality, and migration. Fertility control, the aging process, old age care, and migration. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

4 units, Spr (Zhou, Y)

OSPBEIJ 21C. Second-Year Modern Chinese

5 units, Aut (Staff, 1)

OSPBEIJ 23C. Second-Year Modern Chinese

5 units, Spr (Staff, 1)

OSPBEIJ 24. China's Economic Development

Historical stages, economic and political rationale, and effectiveness of the economic policies and institutional changes that have shaped China's economic emergence. China as case study for understanding how institutions and institutional change affect economic and social development. Guest speakers; field study; trip to rural areas. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Spr (Rozelle, S)

OSPBEIJ 27. Topics in China's Development

Independent study in one of: finding balance between growth and the environment; finding balance between urban and rural; finding balance between incentives in work and social welfare; China's elections at the grassroots; China's education system; or China's health system.

2-4 units, Spr (Rozelle, S)

OSPBEIJ 41. Chinese Society and Business Culture

Key features of Chinese society and their applications to Chinese business culture from a sociological perspective. Structural differences between Chinese and U.S. societies and their social, economic, and cultural implications. Emerging patterns in areas such as retailing and consumer behaviors, work relations and management, and business negotiation and collaboration. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

4 units, Spr (Li, B)

OSPBEIJ 42. Chinese Media Studies

Fundamental changes in Chinese media. Issues such as: how Chinese media emerge and evolve against the background of modern Chinese history; how they interact with government, sponsors, receivers, and other social institutions; and implications for Chinese social development. GER:DB-SocSci

4 units, Aut (Li, K)

OSPBEIJ 43. Constitutional and Legal Reforms in Contemporary China

Key issues of legal reform toward civil society and the rule of law in China. Basic framework of China's society, political structure, individual rights, and regulatory process. Case studies. Comparison to corresponding systems in U.S. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Spr (Wang, X)

OSPBEIJ 46. Introduction to Chinese Economy

Major aspects of Chinese economy and challenges it faces. Topics: historical background; transition to market economy; issues associated with the transition process. Cultural, political, and institutional environment from a historical perspective. Economic theory and empirical analysis applied to explain economic phenomena in China. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Aut (Chen, D)

OSPBEIJ 47. Institutional Change in Reform China

Process and content of institutional change and its consequences in China since 1978. Key variables that explain the course of China's reforms. Isues: key political actors; role of the central state and its agents; incentives motivating responses to reforms; winners and losers in the different reforms; new problems emerging as a consequence of piecemeal reform. Recommended: basic knowledge of government and politics of post-1949 China. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Aut (Oi, J)

OSPBEIJ 66. Essentials of China's Criminal Justice System

Criminal laws and cases. Topics include criminal legal thinking, liability, prosecution and defense in criminal litigation, death penalty debates, evidence and compulsory measures, and the Chinese prison system. Comparisons with other systems. Human rights protection. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Aut (Wang, S)

OSPBEIJ 101C. Third-Year Modern Chinese

5 units, Aut (Staff, 1)

OSPBEIJ 103C. Third-Year Modern Chinese

5 units, Spr (Staff, 1)

OSPBEIJ 211C. Fourth-Year Modern Chinese

5 units, Aut (Staff, 1)

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